All leave tips burned?


Active Member
This is my first grow, And I have a ~1 month old plant, Anyway all the leaf tips seem to be burning. :sad:

I have not added any nutes, only water, light and love, i am using 4 26 watt CFL's to grow it.


New Member
Its no big deal, it must be from the soil, just keep giving a little water when they are nice and dry, (not to dry) they will come out it, a very slight bit of tip burn is a sign the plant is at the limit, but dont worry they are fine, less fuss keep in mind they are weeds enjoy your grow, best of luck ok.


Active Member
Just relax and watch them grow. They look good. The natural soil should supply them with food for sometime. Your pot looks to be at least 1 gallon if not more? Some of the roots prolly got bruised or knocked around transplanting. Give is another week and the thing should be right at home.


Well-Known Member
About a week.
There r just adjusting. Proli not too use to the amount of nitrogen in there new home. As they get older they will learn to love it. Bout a week or two n itl clear up, shouldn't get any worse though.
Hope This Helps - XxNinjaxX :joint: