ALL leafs wilted!


Well-Known Member
Oh no! I'm about 3-4 weeks into flowering now. Last night I had an emergency situation and couldn't get home to turn my lights off. They were on my flowering plant for ~14 hours. When I got home to shut them off, every single leaf was wilted and the plant just looked so bad.

It was still bad this morning so I gave it a really good watering.

Is there anything I should do? I fucked up bad I think :(


I'd like to see but a pic, but just curious. Since no one else popped in... most likely they needed watering, which you did. The only time I have a massive wilting is when the medium goes bone dry. This will likely have a pH effect along with a spike in ec (this is all in the medium itself). I would suggest to do a heavy flush with appx 75% of your normal nute solution. Check you run-off as you go... the initial bit will give you an indicator of how bad it is. A fine mist on the plants will help rehydrate. The 14hrs only happening once usually isn't a problem unless the genetics are hypersensitive. However, the combo of extra hours with a complete drying of the medium may toss a few... though this is not for sure. Only time will tell. They should be okay overall. Best. BTW, this depends on how badly & for how long they were wilted. When I catch it early, there isn't too much of a problem, though some cell wall collapse has occurred. So, they may not be perfect, but will usually recover quite well. But this depends on how much cellular damage was caused. Again, best.


Well-Known Member
my plant is doin the same thing..its only 3-4 weeks old tho...all the leaves are begining to droop...but mine is not from watering the medium is very moist..i think mine cud be from not even room in the container..i think i need a transplant..any ideas..i jus moved mine outdoors recently
Hi everybody
This is my second grow and my plants are 2 weeks old tomorrow and they're really good except for the fact that my leaves are curling, or wilting. Not to sure what to do but I've flushed my medium with just pure water and no changes. Could it be my roots are not getting oxygen. I'm using foxfarm planting mix and potting mix combined in peat pots. I'm really nevous cause I ordered these seeds and didn't experince this before so I hope they don't all die. All my nutrients are foxfarm. Should I transplant them to loosen the soil. Someone please help
