all in one tub?


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

so i'm just in the seedling stage now, but I'm thinking ahead to when they get bigger. I was thinking about either 3 or 5 gallon pots (i'm told 1 gallon per foot is a good rule). But then I thought, what if I just get a big 25 gallon rubbermaid and put all 6 plants in there? It would save a lot of space, make watering easier, etc. Would they be happy together?


Well-Known Member
You could do that but you run the chance of them crowding each other. Also you would have to have good drainage and it would get pretty heavy if you had to move it far.


Active Member
u mean like planting the plants together in there?? if so a big no no!! u never want any roots to tangle up could hurt the plant and kill them....


Well-Known Member
alright, in that case......i have two seedlings in one pot now. i must have accidentally put two seeds in. how do i go about separating them? to make it harder, the stems had stretched a bit and so a couple of days ago I repotted them and burried the stems. One is growing a bit quicker than the other, should I just kill the smaller one? I still have 6 other seedlings starting, which is all I need....


Well-Known Member
You could put them in a rubbermaid tub with out hurting or killing them (I currently have 2 eight week old plants in one tub). I did it before I knew anybetter and I wouldn't recommend it, biggflint is right about the crowding and weight, its heavier than shit after watering


Active Member
u have to do it carefully and dont rip any roots u could cause to much stress if you do...Some do get lucky look it up root strangelation can kill your plants.if i were you i wouldnt do it