All I want are some "Fucking Incredible" seeds...

kush fario

Well-Known Member
i never spray with solution because im always afraid on my leaves getting burnt from the light but the heat humidity and air flow should be good i suppose all you can do is wait and hope all you little clones make it! keep and eye on them just to make sure you dident reduce the ammount of light too much but i cant help you with any of that silver stuff to be honest i dont even know what your doing with it and i never understood that ppm shit. i understand thant it means part per million but thats about all. Fot the nutes you could spray them but i would make a very light mix of water and your veg nutes and water them with that or use a cap oh 3% h202 in 1 liter of water and moisen the medium when it gets a touch dry the extra oxygen molicule does fucking wonders man WONDERS! I lovve it the same way i love neem oil.


Active Member
Well, 3 of the 4 clones are no longer with us. 1 is still standing, even after a transplant into 100% perlite... Tonight will be 72 hours since a desperate second attempt at cloning took place. I have adjusted this method and used it for my second attempt,
I also took 1 more cutting from the FI plant, aswell as 3 cuttings from the Unknown plant (which happens to look quite similiar to the FI in my novice opinion). So, at this moment, I have 5 cuttings that I am trying to root. If 1 cutting from each plant would root so I could sex them, I will be happy. However, these cuttings I have taken until now have been from the very bottom of the plant and are rather small compared to what I see in most tutorials and videos, and the main reason they have been removed was for clearence from the soil to the new "first" node. Trying to root them to sex them was just a fun/beneficial side quest so to speak. The new first nodes tops are about 2 inches tall. It will be atleast 2 weeks before I want to take anymore cuttings, but hopefully a couple of the cuttings I already have will root
Also, I have come to a serious realization. I assumed that the failures to my sprouting and cloning thus far have been related to a lighting or moisture/humidity issues. However, after actually using my pH meter on my plants water... it is insanly high. Like 8.1.
I am leaning more towards that being the main issue with my setup here. I also use well water for my plants here which has a very high TDS of about 600-700. What would be the best and easiest way to lower the pH in my water? I have pool supplies, but would that be appropriate for this application? Or is there something in the cupboard I could use?
I have completed construction on my new "Mother/Clone" box and am no longer using my first larger box. I have plans for that box as a scrogger, but not until I get a more powerful lighting setup. Probably will get that going next spring, but for the winter I need to keep things smaller to help deal with low temps and low humidity.
The new box has 6-4 ft fluorescent tubes lining the top and is painted all white. There is also 2 pc fans exhausting air and several holes drilled in the bottom for incoming air.
Also, I added 2-900 lumen 6500K cfl's to my flower box which already had 1-2000 lumen 2700K and 3-1950 lumen 2700K (ran out of identical ones at the tiny hardware store near here lol).
I think this will be perfect to flower a handful of clones with very little to no veg time. I think during the winter, that's about what I am limited to.
Stupid Question... If I top my plant, will the two resulting tops branch out like the original shoot would have done?

Edit. Vinegar to lower the pH. I flushed the plants with a 6.8 pH solution of water and white vinegar. I also changed the water that the "rooter" is sitting in. Lets see how they react to that. Fingers crossed. Could have never done that without my little pH meter. About $5 or so off ebay. Also, my TDS after pH'd sits at about 525-550ppm. Also $5 off ebay... Very useful products for about $10 if you ask me.

I will take and upload some pics when I get home... Gotta take the kids out trick or treating... lol (3 and 4 yr old girls).

kush fario

Well-Known Member
lol did you have fun tricker treatin only 14 little buggers stopeedd by this year last year had a whoping 43! but in regards to the plants i hope things get betting now that your ph is fixed make sure you keep an eye on it i keep mine around 6.5 to 7 sorry its been so long since i stopped by i have been busy with house things rearanging and cleaning mostly im also starting a poppy grow know where to get the best seeds? any way im off topic sorry to hear about some clones dieing and im lookin forward to seing them pics lol!:bigjoint:


Active Member
Ok. First I will show you a few shots of the new little Flowering Box sitting under the Mother Box. I hope to SOG in here until
next spring when I set up a SCROG in my old box with a new 150-600 watt proper lighting system. It is about 3 foot
wide, a little less than 2 foot deep, and about 2 foot tall. There is a little less than 10000 Lumens being pumped in there with
the 4 large bulbs at 2700K and the 2 small ones at 6500K.

Next is the Mother Box. It is about 4 foot wide, a little over 1 foot deep and about 2 foot tall.
It has 6 Flourescent tubes pumping 192 watts and somewhere near 15000 Lumens. The exhaust fans suck the door closed when they come on.

Here are some plant shots.

And here are some pics of my pathetic attempts at cloning.

A "Cloning for complete fucking idiot stoners" guide would be very much appreciated...

Edit: T & T was a hoot! I drove the car slightly behind the wife and kids as they went door to door ;)
Also watched the cops respond to a fight at a house that my kids left 5 mins prior. Bunch of dumb drunk fucks. Entertaining none the less...
No kids come where I am, had to take my kids into the small town. They had a great time.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
man real easy way to clone is just take a cutting and put in in a dark cup pokwe the stem through some plastic wrap adn just put in in your window (make sure water is touching the bottom of the stem... then just wait and plant


Active Member
Ya, I don't think any of them are taking. I will leave them in another week or so, but I think they are too small. I am considering building myself a cloner. Considering the number of clones that I would like to flower in my box, it would be best if I would have room for at least 10 in my cloner. If I could get 6 clones in and 6 clones out every 4 weeks, I think that would be perfect. That would also give the mother plant about 4 weeks in between taking cuttings which should be sufficient for the new growth to be large enough for cloning.


Active Member
Cloner complete. Very simple, yet, hopefully effective cloner made from a small plastic tub, some small rubber tube and the motor and spindle from an air revitalizer I got for free with the purchase of my RO system a year ago or so that has not really been used (I don't think the wife will miss it...).
A few questions I have though. Should I use anything in my water in the cloner? What temp should the water be in the cloner? Should I still use rooting gel? I am thinking scarification with gel (even though it will be rinsed off almost immediately into the water (which would be like a little rooting nute mix?)). Or should I just cut and scar them and put them in with no rooting hormone?

I got the idea from an image I saw of one made by "Wallbanger". There was no information on it or its performance, but I instantly knew I had the parts on hand and so I threw it together. It does vibrate a little. Wish I could turn the speed of the fan down slightly. However with a larger container, I think both those issues will be taken care of. And I saw the perfect one at the dollar store this weekend, so I will probably pick it up and start again. But for kicks, I threw the clones that were trying to root in perlite into the new cloner. 1 of them was showing tiny roots, the others I thought I saw small white heads, but not too sure... I will update on that all in a few days. *Update* The next Morning. The one with the tiny roots, the roots are growing. I'd say about 3-4 mm long from 1mm overnight. Nothing new on the other 2. I think with this method, and slightly larger cuttings and scarification, this will work very well. Will update again.
The mother plants are doing well. The FI is strong, healthy and growing nicely. The Unknown strain is healthy, but is growing at a much slower rate than the FI. Neither plants were given the best conditions upon being brought into this world, but both showed to be survivors. I hope the FI doesn't turn out to be a faster growing male... Should get some new cuttings off of it in another 2 weeks or so. I would have some ready now, but I have been training the mother a bit. I am almost in my preferred position for the first real donor tops.


Active Member
Ok. Those cuttings that I put in the new "cloner" had been in potting mix for about a week and a half and were showing nothing except yellowing dying leafs. Then they went into a wicking perlite rooting medium for about another week. One of the clones had 2 tiny roots emerging when they were removed from the perlite. Two days after placing them in my new cloner, the roots on that one were pushing an inch long. That cutting went into seeding mix in a cup. The other 2 still were showing nothing. Now, three days later, one of the cuttings still in the cloner has began to develop roots! And I don't think the other one is far from showing also! It works! Super simple, super easy, room for ten, OMFG! I am so excited! The cutting with two one-inch long roots that was planted is showing good signs. The leafs that were curled, brown, and laying on the dirt, are now picking up and showing some strength! Hopefully I will be able to test my colloidal silver on the Unknown strain (if it turns out to be female) within the next 3 weeks or so.
The cloner does leak a little water. The lid is not water tight, and there were some small holes in the "finger" sections of the "handles". I had some plastic drawers that are almost clear. One slightly shorter then the other. I have the cloner sitting in the deep one which makes adding water very easy after I drilled two small holes in the sides of my cloner at the preferred water level. And I use the shorter one as a dome. It keeps in the humidity, and it lowers the density of the lights significantly.
I can't believe how well it works. Hopefully I will have a good update when the rooting cuttings go into flower. And hopefully by then, I will have some very nice FI cuttings in the cloner to show!
Wish you all the best, happy holidays ect ect.


Active Member
Change of plans.
Right now, I have a plant of an unknown strain which is several weeks into it's veg cycle, and a small clone of that plant which is a few days into veg and growing. And I also have the FI plant.
The FI plant is great, growing very well, and I really want to get seeds from it. The structure of the plant is perfect for an indoor grower using a confined space. Not too tall, good secondary growth, easily happy. It has several tops that I could cut and root right now. But those tops are not quite large enough to get enough light to recover and regrow if I were to cut them the size that I want to.
Also I have to re-consider the temp issues I will experience in the dead cold of winter.
I would like to try to keep some plants alive this winter, but what I want more is the seeds this whole thing is about...
I have decided that I will flower the Unknown plant, and the FI plant themselves to get the seeds. But not before I get a few clones from them first.
This will cut any rooting/veg time out of the seed production, and if I am lucky, I can still try to keep the clones alive during the winter, and get my seeds as soon as possible.
The two plants are of perfect size to flower and I will use CS on each one independently (on the very tops) and do my best to keep them cross pollinating by removing the pollen sacks and hand pollinating the hairs. Which will also allow me to also cross breed the plants on specific tops which I can tag giving me something a little different to play with in the spring.
Tonight I will be setting up the cloner again (took it apart and cleaned it all after the last clone was removed) and preping tops for cutting. Hopefully, the next update will show a cloner full of cuttings and the two plants in the flower box getting used to the light color change for a night or two before beginning the CS for a couple days before flipping the lights to 12/12. The CS will continue once a day for the remainder of a 14 day cycle. Shortly after that, I will get to find out whether the plants are male or female.
Any comments or advise is much appreciated.


Active Member
Just made a vaporizer from a glass jar, a small soldiering iron and the bowl from a small pipe. The iron and bowl are encased within the glass jar, there is a air inlit hole and a tube to suck out the vapor. I think it works very well but I had a question for anyone reading that may own a vaporizer.
When I am done vaping, my hash/weed is burnt and crumbly, however, there is very little to no smoke in the jar (compared to what one would expect from smoking it). There is no dimmer yet on the iron so i cant adjust the temp yet. But I was wondering, is it even really necessary to turn down the heat? I mean, there is no combustion (fire) happening, and I do not mind the tiny amount of smoke that is given off, and fuck I am defiantly stoned.
Any opinions?
Updates soon on clones and I'll take a pic of the vaporizer.


Active Member
Vaporizer complete with dimmer and all. Works very well.
Mother plants are in the flower box getting used to the color temp change. They also received their first dose of CS on the very tops which are marked. So for the next 14 days, anything "above" those marks will receive CS once a day.
I have 1 full blown clone (which I topped), and 1 more in soil almost rooted of the unknown strain. And I also have 3 more cuttings of the unknown strain in the cloner, as well as 5 of the FI strain in the cloner. The flower box was not designed for plants the size of the mothers, so some heavy lst will be required, but I am excited now to know the sex's of these plants.
If they are females I will fight to keep them alive, but if they are males, I will see you all in the spring.
I am still going to throw up some pics of it all shortly.


Active Member

I will update again when the clones are showing roots and when the flowering plants are showing sex's and with results of the CS.


Active Member
Flowering plants are both showing pre-flowers. They are both female. However, the only pre-flowers I could find were on the very tops of the plants. Which happens to be the part of the plants that I am using the CS on. But, plants are female! 8 days and no roots on cuttings yet, but I am confident after the last few, that they will root in the next week or so. Will update on CS and roots.
They are female! Yay!
Also to note. I will be disassembling all 5 of my fluorescent tube fixtures and I will be squeezing 10 of my 4 foot tube bulbs into my new veg box. This will give me almost 30000 lumens for an area slightly larger than 4 sq. feet. This should make any clones that are vegging very happy indeed.
I will take some pics of that when it is complete.


Active Member
Great news! The CS works like a charm.
I have 10 clones vegging at the moment, and the two flowering plants.
I put 10 4-foot 32 watt bulbs in my veg box, almost what I had in my first flower box lol.
So somewhere around 28500-31000 lumens in my 4ft long x 1.3ft deep x 1.8ft high veg box. (approx size).
Once the flowering plants are done, I will also be adding the cfl's from the flower box to the veg box and will be flowering the rest in the veg box with drastic LST.
Although I got clones from the plants, they were slow to take off and they stunted the plants I took them from for a good two weeks. I would be happy if i never needed to top a plant I intend on flowering ever again.
There has been no activity in here, so I have basically stopped posting every little thing. I will defiantly post about the pollen and seeds when I am ready though.
Thanks again for everyone's help.
Especially you again Kitty, and Research... ;)
Best Wishes.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
hey man ive been away from thise site for a while as i harvested my girl and have now moved on to shrooms so i was researching on shroomery but anyway looks like things have definatly picked up since last time i cheaked in! Also I have a vape its just a cheap one but it works great anyhow if you weed isent being burnt then theres no problem if your hoots seem small blow them into a light it willmake them look fatter but if they still look small id make some ajustments. things look good your plants look a tad stressed or something well the top pic any way :bongsmilie: good luck and congratz that there girls!


Active Member
I vividly remember the last time I did shrooms. I used to love them, prolly cause I hate drinking...
We had just had our daughter maybe a year or so before the last time I had them. All was well until I began to trip thinking my daughter was having a seizure.
I paniced knowing that I was in no condition to take care of such a situation. Luckily, my wife was straight, and my daughter was fine. It was just me trippin. None the less, I haven't touched them since. I miss them though. Maybe in a few years when my girls are a little older, I will reunite with them ;)
Best wishes ;)

kush fario

Well-Known Member
lol dece lil story man, one time i was trippin way harder than my friend but i thought he was too fucked up and i wanted to take him to the hospital haha i was just freakin out but im glad ur girls were ok and ur wife was straight my jars are close to fully colonized. the sister plant of my pk i grew went to a buddy and while he was at work his timer malfunctioned left the light on for more than 24hrs on a 10 on 14 off and she looked like she was dead forsure but came back strong! and is the home made vape workin nice?


Active Member
Vaporizer works amazing. Still doesn't cure the itch for a joint, but it is the best way I have ever smoked hash, that is for sure.
All the remaining clones (10 in total) have joined their "parents" in a 11 on 12 off light cycle. The 2 "parent" plants (which are almost identical) are ready to self/cross pollinate. The CS worked like a charm. Sometime in the next 4 to 6 weeks, they should be shedding seeds. Hopefully they will still be shedding pollen in a 2 or 3 weeks when the other 10 clones are receptive.
I will have 3 batches I hope. 1 likely to be FI batch, 1 likely to be the other unknown strain batch, and 1 more batch from the clones that could be either or a mix of both.
I don't know how many of the clones will survive and flower, but if I get any seeds from the two plants that are 4 weeks in flower ready to shed and receive pollen, I will have accomplished the goal of this grow, and be ready to germinate some seeds in the spring.
Best Wishes.