All Done!!! First Grow 2X3 Closet 8.07 oz. Thanks For The Help RIU!!!


Thanks man. Lets see if I can answer a couple questions...

Huge question for me...What was your RH during veg? What did you do for RH?

40-45% entire grow. Didn't do much here. I'm in Texas, rare to have high humidity. I took readings right from the canopy level and temps were always between 69-79 degrees with exhaust fan running 24-7.

How long did you veg?

I vegged for 4 weeks. I was really looking at height more so than time. They hit 20"-24" and I flipped. I used a 400W MH for veg cycle placed up tight only 10-12 inches from canopy. I had additional stretch at flower of about 5"-9" for a total height of up to 29". I used a 400w HPS up close again through flower.

What cycle..24/7 18/6?

Veg was 18/6 to fourth set of leaves then 24/0.

Good luck on your grow and I hope you hit your harvest goal.
I love this grow, so inspiring :grin: How long from 12/12 flip to harvest? How far off the breeders recommended days.......?


Well-Known Member
Great job and good harvest in weight. Very nice.
Thanks. I was just reading your headband harvest thread. Nice job.

I love this grow, so inspiring :grin: How long from 12/12 flip to harvest? How far off the breeders recommended days.......?
I kept a calendar in my grow room for just these type of questions. Day 52 I had mostly milky trichs and a few clear. Day 57 I had 5-10% amber trichs and harvested. I was 3 days early to breeder photo-period. Thanks for the feedback!



Well-Known Member

I'm burping the jars twice a day and the humidity is down to 62% and still dropping. I couldn't resist trying one of the AK47 buds last night, they smelled so good.

Vaporized: AK's reputation did not let me down... spins you into a relaxed stress-free high with smooth draw and flavor. It had me smiling ear to ear for the rest of the night.

Hard to describe the satisfaction of knowing I grew this bud from seed and she was the best I ever smoked. Well, you growers out there know what I'm talking about.

I'm hooked and ready to grow some more really soon. Rrog in Organics is helping put together a super soil and soil recycling program for my next grow. I can't wait!


New Member
Growing weed is one of the most self rewarding things I've ever done....I like ur art on the wall....tell me more abt this guy helping u pot a super soil together... I don't mean him but what u all are doing...have u watched sub cools video where he makes super soil yet....


Well-Known Member
Rrog has offered to help me with a no-till soil recycling method he's come up with that will make my soil better with every generation. The soil is a living micro-organism world and it's a shame to have to throw out your dirt every grow and start over.

I was organic on my first grow but stuggled to keep the plants fed with the organic bottled nutes added to bagged organic soil. The super soil and one or two tea amendments is all the feeding I will need for a grow season. That's pretty cool if you think about it.

We are going to use a super soil recipe built from all organic ingredients similar to sub cools. I will probably spend the summer getting the soil web going in 50 gallon containers and add a vermicomposter in the garage for worm castings. My goal was to be 100% organic in my garden. Rrog and the organic RIU members are going to help me get there!


New Member
Sounds awesome....I'm working with a few things myself...I just wanna b able to add water..and nothing else...maybe some sugars/molasses as it feeds the soil and the plants actually converts the sugars into resin...true story...ima try an all organic potting soil from local nursery I've been using that's awesome...I've never had such healthy plants... its not on theire shelves yet but they carry a mushroom compost also that they get fresh from another nursery...once its in I'll start mixing that in along w a compost/manure/humus mix I have already....I'm not as educated as most on these subjects but I have a feelings this will b a good mix.....ima give that a run before I go all out n make super soil....if I'm not pleased I will just go w super soil as it seems it works for everyone....sorry for miss spellings and typos my keypads messed up.


New Member
Have u checked out "sub cools old school organics" section of the site....u should see some of the plants over there....go chk "budologists outdoor grow 2012"....also on his thread page 103 "keepin it coastals outdoor grow"....they're videos...woah!!


Well-Known Member
Rrog has offered to help me with a no-till soil recycling method he's come up with that will make my soil better with every generation. The soil is a living micro-organism world and it's a shame to have to throw out your dirt every grow and start over.

I was organic on my first grow but stuggled to keep the plants fed with the organic bottled nutes added to bagged organic soil. The super soil and one or two tea amendments is all the feeding I will need for a grow season. That's pretty cool if you think about it.

We are going to use a super soil recipe built from all organic ingredients similar to sub cools. I will probably spend the summer getting the soil web going in 50 gallon containers and add a vermicomposter in the garage for worm castings. My goal was to be 100% organic in my garden. Rrog and the organic RIU members are going to help me get there!
Wow your grow is spectacular man! I screwed a lot of things up in my first/recent indoor run because I wasn't in a right frame of mind at the time. I missed feeding schedules and my ventilation was crap. The point is, my plants got pretty stressed. However, only the yield suffered, the taste and smell of my end result is better than anything I've had from local dispensaries in a long time. I do not attribute this to being a skillful grower, I attribute this to the fact that I used supersoil and compost tea. I've had plenty of success outdoors, but this indoor was worse than my last outdoor grow but the end result just blows me away. The only thing I can think of is that the Supersoil and the compost teas must have done the trick.

If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to hear about the recycling method that Rrog says will make soil better and better. I'm a cheap ass and that's why I love organics so much. Nutes are WAY cheaper and you can re-use soil, that's how I make my super soil ;) But I didn't know it was possible to make soil better with each passing generation as I thought most of the nutes in the soil got taken up by the plants? I'm very interested in hearing this because after my last results organic is the ONLY way to go as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, congrats again on the grow man. Really awesome haul and I'm sure it'll last you for a while!


Well-Known Member
I'm going to ask Rrog if it's ok to post a thread with my next grow start to finish using his method.

He's getting a spreadsheet together for me right now to follow. Not sure when I'm going to start but I think I have a 60 day period to get the soil up to speed. And might take awhile before I gather all the ingredients.

I would like to record all the steps leading up to soil preparation through recycling of soil for next grow.

Thanks kratos and dr skunk for the feedback. Thatboy thanks for sharing. I be looking for your feedback as I start posting my next grow and soil prep.

I thought I might go hydro route because i see a real technical challege there and lots of new things to try.

But everything I eat and cook for me and the family is healthy and when possible locally grown organic. No reason my bud should not be the same.


Well-Known Member
If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to hear about the recycling method that Rrog says will make soil better and better. I'm a cheap ass and that's why I love organics so much. Nutes are WAY cheaper and you can re-use soil, that's how I make my super soil ;) But I didn't know it was possible to make soil better with each passing generation as I thought most of the nutes in the soil got taken up by the plants? I'm very interested in hearing this because after my last results organic is the ONLY way to go as far as I'm concerned. Anyway, congrats again on the grow man. Really awesome haul and I'm sure it'll last you for a while!
Hey, thanks for the rep bump the other day. I want to launch a thread on super soil recycling over the Spring or Summer. I will send you out a friend invite to get on my list. So are you going to grow outside again or moving indoors permanently?

I didn't start looking for an mj forum until I was 3-4 weeks into veg. I might have done things differently after reading all the info on super soils and having the members over there to help me. But hey, it's never too late to start. I just don't want to rush into my next grow. I would like to spend some time outside in my backyard garden and working on other landscaping projects.

I would also like to get setup for cloning with a separate grow room modification to my office cabinets. I'm thinking about using the cabinet next to the current grow closet as a veg cabinet. It already has ventilation and temp control. I can move the vaporizer, no big deal there. But I will have to get some veg lighting for the clones and seedlings.



Well-Known Member
Yeah man I really like how creative you got with the ventilation for the closet. I can't wait to see what you do when you get yourself a nice grow box or tent going, I bet you could get some nice yields out of 2 600 watters! And had you topped those bad boys, oh man! :D

But I like to do both indoor and outdoor. I just harvested my first indoor grow a few weeks ago and as I said, due to ventilation mistakes and other factors my yield suffered but thankfully not the quality. Now I've got myself a bigger indoor grow since my landlord told me the room I'm in is specifically wired for growing so I'm waiting on some funds to get another fan so I can hook up my 2nd 1000 watter and have some fun! I've already got some seeds growing outside waiting for them to sex out before I throw them in pots and get them going. I'm also waiting until about May 20th when it's 14/10 outdoors where I live. Maybe I'll start some grow journals for them like I should have last year lol

I'd very much appreciate an invite to that thread when it does get posted though. I love doing this so much but never get to talk to anyone about it for obvious reasons haha. So learning and talking about it with others, especially organics would be awesome!


Well-Known Member
I love that setup, it's so creative. I've probably said that before haha.
Thanks man. I wanted to keep it stealth and close by. It was like a personal challege to see if I could operate a grow without anyone raising an eyebrow. Turns out I did a good job.

Wife commented today that my filter "wasn't working" cause she could smell a skunk in my office. Told her the grow is over baby. I forgot to turn on the exhaust in the closet when I was burping the jars this morning for the cure.

No better place to spend your money than on a great exhaust and carbon scrubber for your setup.

Now I just have to figure out where I can put my whiskey still and all my vices will be contained in one room. I guy can dream, right? :p



Well-Known Member
Thanks buddy. My temps and RH in your range, as well as some other RIU members advice I respect. I run my exhaust 24 7 as well.

I need to gets my lights closer! They're about 24 inches right now, but the heat at the canopy is only at a high 78 usually, I think I can get a little closer without adding a degree of heat. Thanks for all the help. Keep the grow journals coming man!


Well-Known Member
Anytime dude. Move the light in but watch the plant tips for couple hours closely. You don't want to scorch them! I also use a fan blowing across the canopy to keep the temps down. Just keep playing with it until you will find the perfect spot.