All 4 Are showing sex, maybe 1 HERMIE!

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
I'm not quite sure if those are balls, tho! If ya have a hermie, and ya have room, ya can keep herm separate from the rest, and have some seedy bud. Or ya can make butter, oil, wateva!


Active Member
what do I do to it? should I cut off the balls? Does it still have THC if it's a hermie? What if they're all already pollinated?


Active Member
ok. I pulled the few things that looked like balls off with the edges of my fingernails. one may have been the beginning of a fan leaf and one other may have been the beginning of a female flower. 2 were def balls that kinda looked like seeds... That's all okay right? If I continue to do this it will stop herming, and won't pollinate the others... right?


Active Member
sorry youre last reply didn't come in until I already took her/him out and clipped the few things that looked like balls. Question: If I don't have another room/light what should I do? If I keep the hemie in there is everything ruined or is the bud the same, just seedier? If I clip the balls, does it at least prevent the other plants from being pollinated?


Active Member
ok. other than this all american a** hole, can someone please let me know whether or not a hermie has THC, and whether the presence of seeds is the only downfall?


Active Member
If only sections of the plant were showing male flowers is that normal, because most of the branches and new growth are only showing female flowers...?bongsmilie

or could I have been mistaken? I only found those ball-looking things in the picture above and all other spots seem to have female flowers...

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
If you don't cut down the plant, you'll pollinate the rest of your crop, producing much less potent bud, not to mention seeds! The hermi does have THC; you need to harvest what bud you can from it and get rid of it! Make sure to spray the male flowers with water to deactivate any loose pollen.