All 3 plants are sick - see **PICS**


Active Member
Thank you for taking the time to hear about my problems

4 days ago I transplanted my 3 starter plugs into my Waterfarm bucket systems.

About 3 days later i started to notice yellowing of the tips and outer edges of the lower leaves. The tips look a little curled and burnt slightly. I'll leave the rest to the Pics.

Yesterday, I flushed the 3 systems and changed out the nutrient solution in the res. This time increasing the dosage of nutrients.

My setup:
- 3 Waterfarm systems
- Using tap water (PH of tap is approx~ 7.3, PPM of 70)
- 2 gallon reservoir nutrient solution
- Using GH FloraSeries nutrients and Drip Clean
-Current ratio of nutrients per gallon: 7.5ml FloraGro, 5ml FloraMicro, 2.5ml FloraBloom. Using GH Feeding schedule - Flora Series - Growth stage
- I add Drip-Clean finally - .4ml per Gallon

I adjust PH of water down to 5.3-5.8
PPM of nutrient solution was approx 450.

Last night when I checked on the 3 Waterfarm systems since changing out the reservoirs: I noticed that PH had risen to 6.5 approx. and PPM of nutrient solution risen to 550 approx~ I adjusted PH levels down to around 5.3-5.7

When checking them this morning: PH had increased, PPM was stable. I adjusted PH down again to roughly 5.4 per bucket.

**Note** previously, I was using about half the above nutrient ratio. Plants have been using new nutrient solution for about 24 hours now.. I know it'll take some time to hopefully see improvement. Whats your thoughts?

Here is a link to my Grow Journal if you want further details:



Active Member
PPM's need to come down a lot, I'd say around 50-100 would be a good range to start building from until the plants have a stable base to build from.


Well-Known Member
wait, u flushed and than upped the nutes? these gals dont even need nutes, or very very light strength. u should have flushed and refilled with zero nutes, which is what i suggest you do for 4-5 days and than maybe, myabe 1/4 strength tops.


Active Member
Yeah, I flushed and Upped the nutes... thinking I was having a nutrient deficiency of some kind... should of made a post here first instead :/

will flush out with reg. tap water and let it run in my Waterfarms for several days. How do you tell between nute burn and a deficiency? U guys think my plants still have a chance? What kind of recovery time am I looking at?

Thank you all for your feedback!!!


Well-Known Member
very very uncommon to have a deficiency at this age. not alot of nute uptake so chances slim to none. they will recover just fine. when you go back to feeding make sure it is very low


Active Member
Thanks for all the feedback!

I flushed the growing chamber that contains the Hydroton and plug w/ plant with 5.8 PH water. Emptied and filled up the reservoir with tap water that has been adjusted to 5.8 PH. I will let the waterfarms circulate the plain water for 4-5 days. I will adjust PH as needed.

If your curious to see how things progress, check out my grow journal:

Thanks again community! :)

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Listen to smokey and the gang! Over feeding is what causes deficencys. Its best not to feed till 4-5 week old except for a little B1 and or rooting solution, both at very low doses. If you use tap water do your plants a favor and add chlorine remover from the pet store. It removes a lot more then the chlorine and will help stabilize the ph in most cases. Plus you can use your water right after insted of waiting 24hrs for the chlorine to disapate. Good Luck!


Active Member
Day 17: recovery?

Plants have been running just on PH Tap water for almost 2 days now. Plants are showing signs of new growth since discovering the Nute Burn. I noticed the tips of the new growth look yellow. This might be due to having a N def. I'm cautious now about adding nutrients. Should I wait a few more days for plants to cycle using just water and no nutrients? Or should I start by adding 1/4 strength of nutrients?

I just don't want the new growth to get sick. What should I do about the damage leafs from the Nute Burn? The leafs are crimpled, with ends pointing up and down. Should i just let them be, and they'll fall off on their own? Should I trim them? See Pics****


Active Member
Day 17: recovery?

Plants have been running just on PH Tap water for almost 2 days now. Plants are showing signs of new growth since discovering the Nute Burn. I noticed the tips of the new growth look yellow. This might be due to having a N def. I'm cautious now about adding nutrients. Should I wait a few more days for plants to cycle using just water and no nutrients? Or should I start by adding 1/4 strength of nutrients?

I just don't want the new growth to get sick. What should I do about the damage leafs from the Nute Burn? The leafs are crimpled, with ends pointing up and down. Should i just let them be, and they'll fall off on their own? Should I trim them? See Pics****
Looks like to me your room is too hot. What is your temperature. Neut burn is brown spots on the leaves, starting usually at the bottom and moving up. yellow spots on top leaves like that is usually due to heat. Lower your temp a little bit and see what happens as you have tried the neut thing.



Active Member
temperatures range between 73*F an 82*F during the day. I try an keep the temperature around 78*F as close as possible. Currently temp. is 82*F (its a hot day an plus we had the heat on earlier...gotta love the weather)

Light is about 20inches from tops of leafs (400 watt MH Conv. bulb). When I do the hand test (placing my hand over the tops of the leafs to check for warmness) - hand is comfortable. Not too hot.


Well-Known Member
if it has only been a few days, than they need more time to use their reserves stored up. that yellowing looks like the same over fert-besides n def starts with lower leaves. leave em be, hang in there and dont clip leaves until they are 50-75% dead