

Well-Known Member
So the universe is crazy big, so big that i think its statistically inevitable that there's aliens.

Just watched this and there was interesting footage of objects that change course and some interesting audio that supposedly was said but US astronauts.

However if there were aliens why dont we have better spaceships?? I mean hell were reverting back to rockets and we havent exactly had a perfect saftey record so far. Nothing like the technology that we should be able to acquire if we had contact with them.



Well-Known Member
So the universe is crazy big, so big that i think its statistically inevitable that there's aliens.

Just watched this and there was interesting footage of objects that change course and some interesting audio that supposedly was said but US astronauts.

However if there were aliens why dont we have better spaceships?? I mean hell were reverting back to rockets and we havent exactly had a perfect saftey record so far. Nothing like the technology that we should be able to acquire if we had contact with them.

Aliens are in control
Do you think you know about the tech "we" have?
Aliens don't want there slaves traveling through space so we are not.


Well-Known Member
whatever helps you sleep at night
aliens created us, we are a slave planet, or a farm if you will, we are being cultivated as a resource
What is our end purpose? I dont see mass amounts of people being rounded up by alien overlords. We just seem to fiddle around and kill each other.


Well-Known Member
whatever helps you sleep at night
aliens created us, we are a slave planet, or a farm if you will, we are being cultivated as a resource
What if there is more then one race of aliens? Would another race allow our creators to keep enslaving us?

I think it's because some of us still believe their imaginary friend created the universe. We're basically neanderthals to them.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Me and my buddy seen that amazing speed first hand, it was insane. It looked like a really bright star flying across the sky then it just looked like a golf ball being struck, out of site in seconds... I also seen what they call a "space serpent", its a bunch of evenly spaced lights that fly across the sky and wiggle around like a worm. I dont know what to think of it, the people that call it a "space serpent" say its a living space animal.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
whatever helps you sleep at night
aliens created us, we are a slave planet, or a farm if you will, we are being cultivated as a resource
Aliens dont run this shit man, sure theres some evil aliens but most are spiritual beings. The ones making massive, perfectly geometrical crop circle designs are an example of their spirituality and good intent.


Well-Known Member
Me and my buddy seen that amazing speed first hand, it was insane. It looked like a really bright star flying across the sky then it just looked like a golf ball being struck, out of site in seconds... I also seen what they call a "space serpent", its a bunch of evenly spaced lights that fly across the sky and wiggle around like a worm. I dont know what to think of it, the people that call it a "space serpent" say its a living space animal.
Space whale?


Pickle Queen
Life must exist elsewhere, this universe is so big, it would be naive to think it's just earth and all it's wonders, well minus the Galapagos giant tortoise , rip Lonesome George :( YA WE DID THAT !!!
The whole concept of space travel and "time" still confuses me but i'm sure it's the reason only very advanced "beings" have been here :)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I don't doubt there is life out there. This planet being the only one to contain life is impossible. I seriously doubt that an advanced species built space faring vehicles just to visit this little mudball on the edge of a galaxy. The nearest star (besides our sun) is 4.24 light years away. There has to be powerful motivating factor to travel in space for generations. I won't even go into the energy needs that are required to make such a trip. What about all the obstacles they have to surmount? Wandering planets and asteroids. Rogue black holes. Dark matter. Radiation. Powerful gamma ray bursts. Supernovae, etc., etc.. Space is full of junk.

I really don't think it's possible to travel between stars and live to tell the tale. Unmanned? Possibly.


Pickle Queen
I don't doubt there is life out there. This planet being the only one to contain life is impossible. I seriously doubt that an advanced species built space faring vehicles just to visit this little mudball on the edge of a galaxy. The nearest star (besides our sun) is 4.24 light years away. There has to be powerful motivating factor to travel in space for generations. I won't even go into the energy needs that are required to make such a trip. What about all the obstacles they have to surmount? Wandering planets and asteroids. Rogue black holes. Dark matter. Radiation. Powerful gamma ray bursts. Supernovae, etc., etc.. Space is full of junk.

I really don't think it's possible to travel between stars and live to tell the tale. Unmanned? Possibly.
Screw ur logic, they have magic space ships :)

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Spirit infused technology! Zero point technology! (unlimited energy) I think its more than possible. A few scientists demonstrated unlimited energy to the government and the government destroyed their labs and their careers, one was even "Mysteriously beaten to death". Theres no way in hell that the government would want people to have free, unlimited energy.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that supports the theory that they exist.
There is also "an overwhelming amount of evidence" that most of the sightings are misidentified or hoaxes. Very few are actual mysteries and I chalk those up to secret government programs. We were seeing the stealth planes around here long before they were made public. Just a couple of years ago we spotted a very strange Airforce balloon. It was HUGE and looked just like one of those cigar shaped UFO's people are claiming they have seen. A good pair of binoculars cleared up the mystery. Several people in our community started a UFO rumor.


Well-Known Member
the people that call it a "space serpent" say its a living space animal.
Hahaha, that gave me a good chuckle.

I don't doubt there is life out there. This planet being the only one to contain life is impossible. I seriously doubt that an advanced species built space faring vehicles just to visit this little mudball on the edge of a galaxy. The nearest star (besides our sun) is 4.24 light years away. There has to be powerful motivating factor to travel in space for generations. I won't even go into the energy needs that are required to make such a trip. What about all the obstacles they have to surmount? Wandering planets and asteroids. Rogue black holes. Dark matter. Radiation. Powerful gamma ray bursts. Supernovae, etc., etc.. Space is full of junk.

I really don't think it's possible to travel between stars and live to tell the tale. Unmanned? Possibly.
Well said.

Aliens exist. But we're not being harvested by aliens or anything like that. Most likely we'll never even come into contact with them before our race is wiped out by natural (or unnatural) events.


Well-Known Member
There is also "an overwhelming amount of evidence" that most of the sightings are misidentified or hoaxes. Very few are actual mysteries and I chalk those up to secret government programs. We were seeing the stealth planes around here long before they were made public. Just a couple of years ago we spotted a very strange Airforce balloon. It was HUGE and looked just like one of those cigar shaped UFO's people are claiming they have seen. A good pair of binoculars cleared up the mystery. Several people in our community started a UFO rumor.
Oh trust me im well aware that most of the sightings are mistaken or hoaxes. But for every 100 sightings, im sure at least 10 are legit.


Pickle Queen
We stupid humains don't utilize all the natural powers given forth like our alien brothers and sisters do, we're far 2 busy getting laid ;) Self gratification seems to trump environmental conservation. Damn u all pay some respect to lonesome George, he was an alien of sorts, well maybe alientaned :( Carne i'm an alien, behold my cyber powers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait i need a bong first, gimmy a min...........

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
We stupid humains don't utilize all the natural powers given forth like our alien brothers and sisters do, we're far 2 busy getting laid ;) Self gratification seems to trump environmental conservation. Damn u all pay some respect to lonesome George, he was an alien of sorts, well maybe alientaned :( Carne i'm an alien, behold my cyber powers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait i need a bong first, gimmy a min...........
Use those damned cyber powers and send me some KUSH or some DANK DRO. :p