
This is an interesting sight I found a link to in the site you posted Nat:
Antichrist UFOs & Mars - Aliens & Antichrist - Mars Cydonia and Antichrist - Bible Prophecy Antichrist & Mars

Our studies of scripture have lead us to the controversial view that civilizations of pre-rebellion angels lived on the planets of our solar system before the creation of Adam. Further, these civilizations used the riches of their culture to give glory to God the Creator, as evidenced in the ruins of monumental structures of Cydonia. Scripture tells us that the leader of the angelic civilizations was the most favored of the cherubim, who later led the rebellion against God, for which the angelic civilizations were punished. These rebel angels were judged by a planetary cataclysm -- God destroyed planet Rahab, the heart of the angelic civilization. This Rahab was the fifth planet out, where the asteroid belt is now located. Mars shows evidence of a great catastrophe on the scale of a planetary neighbor exploding.

That is fairly interesting... if you take religion out of the equation. God is the Sun, so the sun would have needed to be responsible, yet this is unlikely as the planets nearer the sun would also have been fucked.

Maybe a comet destroyed it... yet if this civilisation were so advanced then they should have had knowledge of and defenses against such events. Unless of course they were less than perfect, and a 'Judas' amongst their midst devised a plan formed from greed, and it backfired into the destruction of the whole planet. maybe there were a few survivors, just enough to inbreed their genetic codes to create the first homo-sapien ancestor.

I like the sound of this story...
As long as I have been researching this subject, the things I come across never cease to amaze me. You have a point there Skunk....if these ancient civilizations were so advanced, did they not see the threat coming? Maybe they were in the same position we would be if there was an asteroid on a direct course for Earth........what could we do about it?:neutral:
As long as I have been researching this subject, the things I come across never cease to amaze me. You have a point there Skunk....if these ancient civilizations were so advanced, did they not see the threat coming? Maybe they were in the same position we would be if there was an asteroid on a direct course for Earth........what could we do about it?:neutral:

right now we could probably do very little (unless that star wars thing is up and running). Theres been a couple of movies where we've sent nukes up etc...

but, if we were so advanced that we could traverse the stars at will, then we'd just move. I assume. Even now we have the capability to track asteroids and comets from millions of miles away.

So there'd be plenty of time for a complete evacuation. The nearest planet for them would be Earth... but for it to be true, the race would have needed to forget all technology etc etc
Apparantly the british MOD is about to make all of its ufo files available to the public very soon now.
They should make for an interesting read.
They have been promising this now for nearly a year though but it was broadcast again on our breakfast news today so maybe its finally happening soon:blsmoke:

MoD to open British UFO X-files - Telegraph

The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) plans to release its classified files regarding UFO sightings to the public.
According to an article in yesterday's Guardian, the MoD will publish its files dating back to 1967 "within weeks", following the French government's decision to do so in March.
David Clarke, a lecturer in journalism at Sheffield Hallam University and author of Flying Saucerers: A Social History of UFOlogy, reckoned that opening the MoD's files could calm down the conspiracy theorists. "The more of this stuff that they put on their website or put in the national archives, the less it will cost the taxpayer, because at the moment people are writing in about individual incidents and they are having to respond," he told the Guardian.
In fact, it seems unlikely that any true conspiracy theorist worth his tinfoil hat would be pacified by anything short of spaceships and dead aliens on display in the Science Museum - and even then there would surely be some asserting that the real good stuff was being kept hidden.
In particular, a lot of people believe that the UK's version of Area 51/Roswell took place at Rendlesham Forest in 1980. The MoD has already made available reams of old bumf covering the incident, much of which is splendid conspiracy fodder: mysterious glowing objects, farm animals going into a frenzy, curious depressions left in the ground. And - aha! - cameras recording the air-defence radar picture were switched off at the time. If that's not evidence of a secret government conspiracy, we don't know what is. Even better, there is talk of heightened radiation levels in the forest.
It's hard to imagine any new documentation convincing people that nothing happened there. If the MoD is lucky it might see a slight drop in Freedom of Information Act requests and general time wasting, but quite likely not. As the Air Staff officer who handles such requests revealed last year, the level of public interest in UFOs is much more affected by the film industry than it is by anything that the MoD or (presumably) even the aliens may get up to. ®
Apparantly the british MOD is about to make all of its ufo files available to the public very soon now.
They should make for an interesting read.
They have been promising this now for nearly a year though but it was broadcast again on our breakfast news today so maybe its finally happening soon:blsmoke:

MoD to open British UFO X-files - Telegraph

That will probably be just like the US government's (they are both connected anyway) explanation of Roswell (Project Mogul: Project Mogul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and their whole Project Blue Book fiasco(Project Blue Book - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

On a side note I found this while looking for the name of "Project Mogul":
Roswell Explanation - Funny Roswell Alien Joke
Nope even the ufo enthusiasts are saying that it will be cool.
The MOD are releasing all the original documents and 3 million+ was spent on removing asbestos poisioning from some official documents so that they could be viewed and not destroyed or edited.

Dave Clark has said that he has already had the exclusive rights to view some of the documents and that they were astounding and that a huge amount of them are from military personal and in high detail.

Should be good i am thinking.
These are the official secret documents not explanations.
All witness accounts and all info and pics from the past 80 years or so:blsmoke::peace::joint:
If that is TRULY the case, then it should indeed be interesting.:blsmoke:

Sooooooo what does "MOD" stand for anyway?:confused:
Alright everyone blaze up a fatty spliff and click this link, it's an interview with one of the last two South African Medicine Men explaining some ancient knowledge about the history of Africa and the 'reptilian agenda'. WARNING: Your mind could be blown.

Credo Mutwa presents: The True History of Africa

David Icke.....I should have known.:blsmoke:

He is one of very few that speaks publicly about the "Reptilians". He has some interesting theories. Ever heard of Alex Colliers? There is an interview with him that I posted some time back in this should check it out.:peace:
Exopolitics Comment 65

Source at U.N. tells of secret UFO meeting February 12, 2008

I received the following email from two trusted colleagues (Clay and Shawn Pickering) regarding a reliable source informing them that a secret meeting occurred yesterday morning (Feb 12) at the New York office of the United Nations concerning the recent spate of UFO sightings. It appears that a number of nation states are concerned about the impact of increased UFO sightings and wish to be briefed about what is happening. Their source, who currently works in the diplomatic corps, had to travel for an early morning off the record meeting at the UN. Their source revealed that a secret UFO working group exists that is authorizing the release of such information to the public, in an effort to acclimate others to what is about to unfold. A date of 2013 was given as the time for official disclosure and/or when extraterrestrials show up in an unambiguous way. In the interim there will be acclimation related releases of information. Importantly, the source revealed that the events leading up to official disclosure will involve more ethically oriented extraterrestrials, and they will not pose a military threat to the world.
The information below may be related to the recent debate in the Japanese parliament and statements by the Defense Minister over how Japan would respond to extraterrestrials appearing over Japanese airspace that display peaceful intent. It appears nation states are moving forward in developing public policy on how to respond to extraterrestrials showing up. So if the information below is accurate, then it is likely that we will see more examples of governments making official statements concerning how they would respond to extraterrestrials that show up over their airspace. It is likely that parliamentarians around the world will start receiving briefings to help them develop public policy concerning extraterrestrial life. Such briefings will probably extend to prominent media sources who will give more coverage to UFO sightings in popular media outlets such as Larry King Live. Increased media reports will first likely lead to disclosures of secret antigravity technologies that have been withheld for over 50 years, as a prelude to official disclsoure of extraterresrial life. The source's reference to suicides is probably related to those who will learn that much of what they have learned and believed over a lifetime was a lie. The 1961 Brookings Report referred to scientists as being most vulnerable to the disclosure of extraterrestrial life since it will make redundant many of the cherished scientific theories and models held by this community.
Overall, it appears that a countdown is underway to official disclosure around 2013, and that nation states and the UN are being briefed. The acclimation process will accelerate over the next five years as UFO sightings increase around the globe forcing governments to make public policy statements on UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
Kona, Hawaii

----- Original Message ----
From: Clayton Pickering <[email protected]>
To: Michael Salla <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 9:47:00 AM
Subject: Source at U.N. tells of secret UFO meeting February 12, 2008

Dear Mike,

Shawn and I met with our source who currently works ... [in the Diplomatic Corps]. We had discussed various topics when the Stephenville and O'Hare UFO's cases were brought up. Shawn, actually, brought up the cases--"what's the deal with these incidents? Why is Stephenville getting so much press? "...etc...etc. Our source did not answer the questions immediately and other topics were discussed. About 5 minutes later, our source said to us, "Notice I did not answer your UFO questions." Shawn stated to him that we felt he wasn't interested in answering. Our source stated, "not at all." He took a breath and responded, "Unfortunately I can't go into it, but getting up tomorrow (February 12) at 6 AM to attend a briefing at the UN at 8AM is highly unusual. I (Clay) asked, "Does the briefing tomorrow have anything to do with these UFO incidents?" Our source said he could neither confirm nor deny, hint, hint. He stated that an 8AM briefing simply did not happen, unless these was a pressing need. Shawn and I probed him as best we could without forcing him to compromise his security issues. Our source stated:

1) UN is an international organization. Clay stated, "Therefore the briefing has do with other
nation-states in context to sightings?" Our source affirmed.

2) Shawn stated, "Then there have been other incidents around the world, like
Stephenville case?"

At that point, our source got up and made a phone call and returned within 2 minutes. Our source stated, "Out of professional courtesy, I made a phone call to my source and stated, 'mission accomplished.' " He stated to Shawn and I:

1) There is a group he is affiliated with whose task is to release information to certain
sectors of society--i.e., your community (UFO).

2) The briefing had to do with calming the nerves of certain nation-states regarding

3) The Russians seem really anxious.

4) The Bush boys (Neo-cons) are anxious about being left out of the loop, when Bush
steps down.

5) Although incidents are occurring around the world, these are NOT "Independence Day"
types. In fact, our source stated that the ships are not as big as the ones portrayed
in the film.

6) When contact is made (officially to the world) there will be no ambiguity.

7) You'll know things are heating up when suicides dramatically increase. A date of 2013
was given. Shawn stated, "Perhaps a meltdown factor." Source nodded yes.

8) Our source was to dress in civilian clothing to put the Russians at ease. They hate
military dress.

9) The civilian dress was to facilitate deniability so as not to implicate the military.

At this point, our source apologized for using us to get this information out. He was doing so at the behest of his superior, an admiral. The admiral stated, "What about these conspiracy guys": Using Shawn and I as a conduit. Our source feels that globalization is an effort to reduced the 200 plus nation-states down to a single entity; at which point, a one
world representative body can present itself to a "galactic federation" type council. ...
Our source said, "get this out there and let me know what your peers feel about this.

By Clay and Shawn Pickering
So I have been studying this alien phenomena for quite a while. However I have always been the skeptic when it comes to the "Reptilian" race. Through my recent research on the "Illuminati" I was lead here:

A study of Replians

Here is an excerpt:


When I reached the point some years ago where I had put together the structure through which a few people control the direction of the world (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free), it was clear that this network of secret societies and covert groups manipulating global politics, business, banking, military, media, and so on, could not have been put together in a few years or decades. It had to go back a very long time.

So I began to trace it back into what we call history. I did this in the knowledge that, for some reason, bloodline and genetics were vitally important to these manipulators, the Illuminati or Illuminated ones - illuminated into knowledge that the public never see.

I followed the trail back comfortably to the time of the Crusades in the Middle East, the 12th and 13th centuries, that kind of period, and on it went far back into the ancient world and pre-history.

There, all over the planet, you find the ancient legends and accounts of "gods" from another world who interbred with humanity to create a hybrid network of bloodlines. The Old Testament, for example, talks about the "Sons of God" who interbred with the daughters of men to create the hybrid race, the Nefilim. Before it was translated into English, that passage read "the sons of the gods", plural. But the Bible accounts are only one of so many that describe the same theme.

The Sumerian clay tablets, found in what we now call Iraq in the middle of the 19th century, tell a similar story. It is estimated they were buried around 2,000 BC, but the stories they tell go back long before that. The tablets talk of a race of "gods" from another world who brought advanced knowledge to the planet and interbred with humans to create hybrid bloodlines. These "gods" are called in the tablets, the "Anunnaki", which apparently translates as "those who from heaven to earth came."

The ancient accounts tell us that these hybrid bloodlines, the fusion of the genes of selected humans with those of the "gods", were put into the positions of ruling royal power, especially in the ancient Near and Middle East, in advanced cultures like Sumer, Babylon, and Egypt. But it happened elsewhere, also, as you will find, for example, in the amazing information provided on this site by the African Zulu shaman, Credo Mutwa, and in the incredible Credo videos, Reptilian Agenda, parts one and two. He tells the same story from the black African tradition that I have uncovered elsewhere in the world.

The accounts of the "serpent race" in ancient cultures are simply endless wherever you look and the serpent, reptilian, symbolism in relation to the Anunnaki and other versions of these "gods" is equally widespread. We see this in the Bible, for instance, with the serpent in the "Garden of Eden"- a story which clearly comes from the Sumerian accounts, as does the story of Moses in the bulrushes, a story told about a Sumerian king long before the Bible. This is why I found it so astounding when I was told by Zecharia Sitchin, the best-known translator of the Sumerian tablets, that there was no evidence of a serpent race in the ancient world. Of course there is. He also strongly advised me in relation to the serpent race&#8230;"Don't go there". Why, when the evidence, ancient and modern, is so enormous?

From these bloodlines has come the origin of the "divine right of kings", the belief that only certain bloodlines have the god-given right to rule. In truth this is not the "divine" or "God" at all. It is the right to rule from the reptilian "gods" by way of your hybrid genetics.

These bloodlines later became the royal and aristocratic families of Europe and, thanks to the "Great" British Empire and the other European empires, they were exported to the Americas, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and right across into the Far East, where they connected with other reptilian hybrid bloodlines, like those, most obviously, in China, where the symbolism of the dragon is the very basis of their culture.

These reptilian-human hybrid lines became the political and economic rulers of these lands occupied by the European empires and they continue to rule these countries to this day. The United States of America has been home to hundreds of millions of people since 1776. What's more, these people came from an amazingly diverse genetic pool. And yet, wait for this, the 42 who have become Presidents of the United States are all related!!! Thirty-Three of them alone go back to Charlemagne, one of the most famous monarchs of what we call France. He just happens to be a major figure in the story of these bloodlines and their expansion out of Britain, France, Germany, and elsewhere.

I'm starting to think that Mr. David Icke is onto something.:peace:
Personally i've had some weird experiences with the grays in lucid dreams, doesn't seem to me that they are very helpful to the humans... Some may be biogical, some machine, some are half and half

for Reptilians, read from Don Juan's teachings -> Carlos Castaneda's The Active Side of Infinity, if you want to know more about the reptilian influence on humans.
-Heres a website with the main points of it.
The Active Side of Infinity

Read Stewart Swerdlow's Blue Blood: True Blood if you want to know more about the real origin of humankind and where each race is actually from. Also for information on aliens and their current agendas on this planet.
-Go here for a overview of it
Selected excerpts from: Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict and Creation - 1
Personally i've had some weird experiences with the grays in lucid dreams, doesn't seem to me that they are very helpful to the humans... Some may be biogical, some machine, some are half and half

for Reptilians, read from Don Juan's teachings -> Carlos Castaneda's The Active Side of Infinity, if you want to know more about the reptilian influence on humans.
-Heres a website with the main points of it.
The Active Side of Infinity

Read Stewart Swerdlow's Blue Blood: True Blood if you want to know more about the real origin of humankind and where each race is actually from. Also for information on aliens and their current agendas on this planet.
-Go here for a overview of it
Selected excerpts from: Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict and Creation - 1
Hey thanks for the links man. I will definately be checking them out and giving some feedback.:peace: