Aliens and the Government

I just had a thought what if those crazy alien people were rigt about the government covering aliens up. But what if its bigger than we thought. Wha if the real reason americans consume so much oil and fod is the government is exporting these recources and making it look like the public is gloutonous. It would be the single greatest american scandal of all history. What if in exchange for these materials congress gets some kind of elixer that makes them live longer or maybe they get alien weed or something cool like that so there not sharing.


Well-Known Member
.......................................the truth is out there, dont believe what "THEY" are telling you ;)

Smoke Friend

Active Member
There is no such thing as a extraterrestrial life from, however there is extra dimensional beings. Djinn, fallen angel or demon whatever you call it.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
So those who claim to of witnessed aliens are really witnessing extra dimensional beings? I can see that as a possibility but I still think aliens exist. I heard some pretty crazy stuff about aliens, crazier than the average craziness lol. I'd like to think that most aliens are spiritually in touch and have spirit infused technology that allows them to do amazing things. Im sure most aliens evolved passed the mindset our leaders have, which is evil and greed, but Im guessing theres some sinister aliens too.


Well-Known Member
It would be sad to think the US government is doing this bad a job even with the help of alien intelligence.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
agreed, I dont think they're working together at all... I can see the government acting like an angry child against aliens if they dont give them what they want, so they just hold a grudge against them... I think most aliens are peaceful (not the ones in the 4th Kind obviously) so I dont see the government negotiating with a peaceful race.

jessy koons

New Member
I think the Aliens look like teletubbies but with better uniforms and they are very good with mathematics but really suck at interpersonal relationships. They have been quietly sucking molten nickel from the center of our world and taking it home. Please somebody stop me before it gets too silly................I think they're in my brain.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I think the Aliens look like teletubbies but with better uniforms and they are very good with mathematics but really suck at interpersonal relationships. They have been quietly sucking molten nickel from the center of our world and taking it home. Please somebody stop me before it gets too silly................I think they're in my brain.
So are you gunna cast Russel Brand as your character in your story about me? =p