alien like noises


Master of Mayhem
Sorry NO GROW...took me a while to get back to navigating the section to see whats new. IDK about that recording. IF it was indeed recorded in the vicinity of where they say, it could be anything. My first impression of was a comet or meteor passing by; it's just to fuzzy and incoherent to tell exactly what it is. To be quite honest it sounds like a 1950s science fiction movie soundtrack:lol:. I tend NOT to believe too much of what NASA releases as they are notorious for doctoring photographs of the moon, Mars, and other assorted things. I believe that if there was anything to that they would never have released it for the masses to hear. IMO it's just something to keep us busy while they keep covering up the truth:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
What I'm thinking is that it was a bolt of lightning that they picked up with their magnetometer, or else a stray radio transmission from earth bouncing off Enceladus' magnetic belt.
The cool thing is that this proves that there is an atmosphere there and there might exist some kind of microscopic life, or even more. Science shows how life can form at the bottom of the ocean or deep under ice or miles underground. If we find Life, in any form on another planet, it answers so many philosophical questions about what life is and how possible it could be somewhere else. I mean, this is SETI's biggest wet dream...a nearby planetoid that may have little amino acids and proteins scattered about? Wicked cool.

I really think that Jupiter, one day long after we are all dead, should be studied for raw materials. Robot probes zipping around, collecting space gold...that'd be killer if you could be a space Pirate ;)


Master of Mayhem
If we find Life, in any form on another planet, it answers so many philosophical questions about what life is and how possible it could be somewhere else.
Oh there is definately other life out there, from the smallest strain of bacteria to beings more intelligent than us. We are so far behind in terms of a universal evolutionary scale that we are still infants. If it weren't for the corrupt governments and their manipulation of society, we might have a better understanding of how things really are, or "the meaning of life" if you will.

On another note I have been watching a series on the Science channel called "Mars Rising". It is a very interesting program studying all the aspects of a manned mission to Mars that is supposedly already in the works. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in this subject.

oh yeah....being a space pirate would kick ass:twisted:


Well-Known Member
I dont have to wait for NASA to release those sounds. My tin-foil hat picks them up all the time.