Alien Genetics = HERMIES

There are so many things he has bred that have never been released to the public. All the strains he released to the public were bred and released as soon as they were dry and packaged to go. You think he waited months to test shit and release it? Nope.

so he only tested the stuff he never released to the public?
you were right there beside him!
lmao, right beside him for over a year huh, and then slinging his personal gifts out for trade on the private sites, and we are stupid? are either a bad friend or a bad businessman.either way, you are the one looking stupid right now not us.maybe those special sites should be alerted you are intentionally trading genetics you claim as "shit" and "hermies".either way, you have proven to be the d bag I corresponded with there.i would like to see who gives you free seeds and cuts now.ungrateful....lets see pics of this "state of the art" room that couldnt have attributed to it there freeloadr!
lmao, right beside him for over a year huh, and then slinging his personal gifts out for trade on the private sites, and we are stupid? are either a bad friend or a bad businessman.either way, you are the one looking stupid right now not us.maybe those special sites should be alerted you are intentionally trading genetics you claim as "shit" and "hermies".either way, you have proven to be the d bag I corresponded with there.i would like to see who gives you free seeds and cuts now.ungrateful....lets see pics of this "state of the art" room that couldnt have attributed to it there freeloadr!

Scared to voice your opinion under your real screen name?
Scared to voice your opinion under your real screen name?
not really important to the story, I just buy lots of beans, alien included, and this is the last kind of stuff I like to hear as someone that takes a lot of stock in what these guys say and find out this guy is making serious accusations and thinks its ok to throw all the shit back on alien, he still has stink on his fingers like it or not.peace
lmao, right beside him for over a year huh, and then slinging his personal gifts out for trade on the private sites, and we are stupid? are either a bad friend or a bad businessman.either way, you are the one looking stupid right now not us.maybe those special sites should be alerted you are intentionally trading genetics you claim as "shit" and "hermies".either way, you have proven to be the d bag I corresponded with there.i would like to see who gives you free seeds and cuts now.ungrateful....lets see pics of this "state of the art" room that couldnt have attributed to it there freeloadr!

Not sure who this is and don't really give a fuck. But just so you know I remember the night very vividly, Alien handing me those 200 or so beans and saying do whatever the fuck you want with these. Don't really care what he tells anyone. I have heard from MULTIPLE sources recently how Alien has lied and fucked them all over. He's a fuckin liar. Straight up.
I'm over this shit anyways.. Just wanted to give a little warning to everyone about hermies. Peace out.

Oh and ungrateful? Not in the slightest, I was as grateful as could be till A showed his true colors.
This is pretty weird you need to put up more then one pic of the same plant to justify all you have said it seems like you were being given something and now your not so your mad but if this is not the case then you need to prove it more so because ill be the first to say he charges alot and if there not as good as they say then wtf but yea just like everyone you are talking shit on right now for sticking up for him i saw you do the same thing i believe your statement was "Where are all the haters now that aliens stuff has been proven" something along those lines and it was under a different name kinda sketch but yea you were willing to take a bullet for the man now he has the worst gear ever come on man whats really going on here
Like I said I am over this shit. There is a lot more to this than anyone will ever know... I blew my lid and created this thread out of character when I should have just kept my mouth shut. I will never support Alien ever again. That I can say.
well being pissed off and saying that a company alot of people are putting money into is thieving are two different things seems like you answered my question though your just pissed off bout something that happen behind closed doors you are now gonna have to deal with this and the people that you your self use to be if you would have saw this thread a month ago you would have come running here to call everyone a shity grower and there is no way it could be the genetics lol funny stuff man
I can try to find the thread if you want cause its like are you telling the truth now or were you telling the truth then lololololololololol the truth doesnt change and if you were apart of something that you knew was faulty then why would you be taking bullets for him and why were you pushing his stuff so hard if you knew it was faulty that dont make you no better then him if its true your word seems finicky my friend
look im not trying to cause a rift with you surfr your an awesome grower ill stay out of this this really isnt my place to be poking in but yea like i said im not here to make enemies im sure you have your reasons are we cool surfr
His product still herms. I did not lie about that. And I'm not sure what your talking about with two names?
you were under a different name someone asked who are you and you said im surfr unless that was someone else i think the thread is would you spend 250 on elite genetics and you are there telling everyone to buys his gear that is what im refering to like i said ill pull it up im not the liar here just tryin to make sense of this lol if there is any
man sucks you had herms dude, neither of my 2 7 ghost phenoes hermed on me. i've got about 15 plants form seed of 4 of his strains 4 weeks in looking tits i'll know within the next couple weeks.
you were under a different name someone asked who are you and you said im surfr unless that was someone else i think the thread is would you spend 250 on elite genetics and you are there telling everyone to buys his gear that is what im refering to like i said ill pull it up im not the liar here just tryin to make sense of this lol if there is any
I know what thread u are talking about on icmag. It was some back n forth between trefarmer,mtnlivn and delae. Seems like tre farmer was right everyone was paying top dollar for beta testers but those people are not Complaining they are happy with what they found.