Alien Bubbaberry x Hells Fire Test Run/Pheno Hunt


Well-Known Member
Hello party peepz ;) It's been awhile since I've started a new thread on here so here goes. I recently acquired some beans. After some initial thought I was debating on running 2 in DWC and 2 in soil, but since my soil wont be here for another 1-2 wks I decided it would be best to just do this first run in hydro only. These are regular seeds and I do intend on keeping the better males I run into along the way as I would really like to get into doing some minor breeding of my own. Never did a seed run before, but the thought of free beans seems a very pleasant thought to me. The infoz-->

STRAIN--> Alien Bubbaberry x Hells Fire
SETUP---> 27 gallon Tuff Box reservoir in a 3x3x6 grow tent. 6" Valuline 435cfm vortex exhaust fan. 6" AC hood with
coolglass. Lumatek 600w dimmable mh/hps (300, 400, 600, Super Lumens). Standard ACT PH
pen and TDS meter
LIGHTING--> 23w CFLs for early seedling stage/clone rooting then to a 400w MH to finish VEG.
600w HPS for the duration of flower
NUTRIENTS--> Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow + Sensi CalMg for veg
Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom + Sensi CalMg for flower

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Well-Known Member
So it's been 48 hrs in the paper towel. No signs of taproot yet. I did examine the seeds themselves and the usual "whitish ends" of the seeds so I should know something in the next 48 hrs or less. Plenty of humidity in my container and they're in a dark/warm place. Only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
After 67 hrs of soaking in the paper towel all 4 beans have taproots. Preprimed my rapid rooters with ph'd water and a splash of Superthrive and they will be soaking for the next few hours. Transplant is happening this evening and ill get pics of the setup/etc posted as well.


Well-Known Member
So its been roughly 72 hrs since soak. I transferred all 4 beans to fresh rapid rooters in my humidity dome. Misted the dome and put 1/8" of what ph'd water w Superthrive that I had left just to keep humidity up. I can't seem to find my lamp cord for my CFLs so I just dimmed my MH to 300w and raised it to about 3-3.5' above the dome. I've done seedlings this way before so meh. Its only been 15F here so night temps can be a bit chilly, but never lower than 58ish. I have the light running at night so that creates a nice room temperature overall. I'm really trying to get these babies rooted asap so I can get them into the big system and start getting some hardcore roots established.


I also have a couple of different Skywalker OG clones going for an acquaintance of mine. They rooted fully 2 days ago and I threw them in some organic soil for him. They wont be around much longer. Also for whomever is reading this....FEEL FREE TO COMMENT OR MAKE PLEASANT CONVO =) I'm really wanting this to be my last DWC run for awhile. I really wanna get into organics and soil and/or coco or hempy buckets. I ordered some Roots Organics soil and a friend of mine gave me 2 cubic ft of some organic soil so i also thought about building my own "supersoil". I'm making it a point to get the best possible quality I can achieve even at the cost of yield. I have a pretty sick diy flood table already, but haven't set it up yet. I plan on getting another tent here in the next couple of months so I can expand a bit. Keep it simple and keep em coming is what I say. all means. If theres any of you reading this who are or have done a lot w organics and soil and the new next-gen LEDs/COBs that everyone is building plz share ;) I've always enjoyed the company of most Ive met on RIU. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out


Well-Known Member
So I just did a quick check on the babies. At least 3/4 are starting to pop now after only 24 hrs. The 4th looks like it'll make it also. Good humidity in the dome. Rooters nice and moist but not soaked. For the most part they're in the process of popping and shedding the shells =) Will update again soon


Well-Known Member
I give it another 24 hrs and all 4 will be sprouted and on their way. The top 2 are cracked and sprouting, but they're still working on shedding their shells. Hopefully no worries. Remisted the dome. Let them breathe for 5-10 mins. Still have a bit of water in the bottom of the tray and the rooters are still plenty moistGEDC1304.JPG


Well-Known Member
24 hrs later....I removed what was left of the seed casings. The last 2 seedlings needed some help as some of the inner membrane from the seed casing was clung to its leaves so I did some sterile precision surgery with a pair of tweezers just to be safe. All good. They'll both be open tomorrow morning when I check on them.
Sorry about the flash on the 2nd pic. Lights just went off and it was darker than expected. I'll get some better pics of them here in a couple days w progress. Now we're getting somewhere =)

Another little side thing I thought I'd try out. My mini-greenhouse with carnivorous tube plants ;) It's taken me at least 9 months to get this far with them(3 months of the paper towel method BUT in the refrigerator and then another 3 months for them to germinate) They're very slow growers, but they're moving along. May throw them in my veg box at some point just for the hell of it so I can get me a bed of them going. Figured i'd share a quick pic ( the blue rocks aid in watering and did reassemble a river at one point, but my puppy bumped into it as it sits upstairs in my living room)


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I'll be glad when they get cooking along. On a side note. My Roots Organics showed up the other day ;) Gonna start buying a few amendments to add to it and let it cook for awhile before I start my first organic soil run. Exciting times
You Goin with the sub cool super soil recipe or you got your own. I was thinking about growing organic


Well-Known Member
You Goin with the sub cool super soil recipe or you got your own. I was thinking about growing organic
I've gotten good quality from doing DWC, but its just one of those things where I KNOW I can achieve better and organics seems to be the best way to get there. I could save some money on my electric bill. Pack more plants into the same size space and have more freedom to mix/match stuff. Growing in totes/buckets full of water gets hard to work around once they start blowing up on you. I've got a 1.5 cubic ft bag of Roots Organics and a friend of mine gave me 2 cubic ft of some organic soil from GardenLine. I just wanna make simple amendments to start with. I know people grow with straight Roots most of the way through and be fine. If I make my own i'll definitely go with Roots as a base soil and then amend from there. Either way I'd have to mix up like 40 gallons or so. I wanna do 6 plants veg in 2.5g and then flower in 5g and lst/supercrop the shit outta them. I've got a couple months to think on it. Either way its happening. I've made up my mind. Maybe i'll get lucky and get some input from some of the more experienced soil growers on here.

This is Sub's recipe from High Times for his supersoil
8 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
  • 25 to 50 lbs of organic worm castings
  • 5 lbs steamed bone meal
  • 5 lbs Bloom bat guano
  • 5 lbs blood meal
  • 3 lbs rock phosphate
  • ¾ cup Epson salts
  • ½ cup sweet lime (dolomite)
  • ½ cup azomite (trace elements)
  • 2 tbsp powdered humic acid