No matter how bad it gets, at least you won't start crying with snot running down your face during class cause you feel like you are looking at a foreign language.
I've just been there done that, dropped the last three days of class cause I knew I couldn't pass the final. Never felt so useless in my life. I took it hard. I don't like to feel stupid and I really did. Feel free to read the beginning posts in 2RS coffeeshop and know that you are far more advanced than I was in doing algebra so things aren't as bleak for you as it is for me. I literally start to get anxiety reading the page trying to solve these stupid tricky word math problems and stressed myself out far more than I should have.
I had just really made up my mind I was going to try to start a new career at mid life and saw that at this later age that I have a lot of limitations I didn't once have as a youngster.
Annie dragged me thru those days when I felt so miserable. I will never forget that.
Heart you Annie!
Good luck to you BALLS <<<<<------- this makes me laugh just typing it. I was going to call you BOR but I am sure you are far from boring