Alex Grey Apreciation Thead


Well-Known Member
On Ayahuasca:


On Albert Hoffman:


Well-Known Member
Meh i love psychadelics and art and all of that kinda shit but alex greys stuff sometimes i think is a bit too psychadelic, some of it is cool though.
Urghh he did tools artwork...meh tool...


Well-Known Member
urghh i hate it when bands or artists hier other famous artists or whatever to produce and work on a product its such a fucking money making thing to do, synergy or whatever its called. Love alex grey though, like this thread, shame about tool though.


Well-Known Member
Why shouldn't someone who likes an artists work be able to pay them to work on projects with them?
Is the artist suppose to live on praise alone?
Unless you're sending him food and shelter in the mail it's kind of silly to look down on it.

And his art is pretty damn cool :)


Well-Known Member
Tool Did a great thing by using their popularity to promote an artist they liked.
I and many others may never have heard of him if not for Tool.
At least not as soon.
It was Tool that also turned me onto Bill Hicks way back in the day.
And I am grateful to them for it.

and Tool is a very good band that writes music that is very intelligent as far as the hard rock genre or even popular music is concerned.
and Rosetta Stoned about DMT trip is best song ever.


Well-Known Member
in my eyes, Tool and Alex Grey's work fit together like puzzle pieces..each great on their own but together they make a more stunning picture.

I have a friend who went to a festival last summer that had Alex Grey talk about psychedelics while he painted on stage every night.
I was pretty jealous after he told me this because he didn't even know who he was at the time.


Well-Known Member
I also think it's great when musicians and artists collaborate on an album. W Eugene Smith is an artist that collaborated with Joe Henry (a musician) He dabbles in pretty much every kind of music. He had a few hits like "Trampoline" and "god only knows".

But I only bring it up because it's another great example of how illustrations can enhance music and how music can help enhance the effects of illustrations. They often work together perfectly.

plus rep for this thread.


Well-Known Member
i was given alex greys adam and eve blotter sheet (clean) for christmas a couple of years ago i'd love to have it up on my wall but i got a kid about :(



Well-Known Member
HOw did tool get u into bill hicks, bill hicks is a fucking legend, was a legend...Alex grey and bill hicks woo! Tool, meh....


Well-Known Member
They had a painting of him in their album cover for Aenima, and the last track on the album, 3rd eye features an audio sample of his Drugs have done good things for us skit.
Hicks would also open some of their sets on The Lollapalooza tour back in the early 90's


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with this image that a kid couldn't be exposed to it?

They would have all kinds of questions, and you could answer them. "This is what we look like on the inside. This is where poop is made." "Yes, they are naked" "They are eating apples" "The picture is about a story that some people tell about how the first people were created." "That's a snake at the top, but he's not the kind that bites you. He talks in the story."
"They don't quite look like us because people have evolved over time. They look more like cavemen. Yes, like Fred and Wilma!"

You answer the questions, and surprisingly the kids are satisfied, no harm done, and your art goes up on your wall.

i was given alex greys adam and eve blotter sheet (clean) for christmas a couple of years ago i'd love to have it up on my wall but i got a kid about :(



Well-Known Member
What's wrong with this image that a kid couldn't be exposed to it?

They would have all kinds of questions, and you could answer them. "This is what we look like on the inside. This is where poop is made." "Yes, they are naked" "They are eating apples" "The picture is about a story that some people tell about how the first people were created." "That's a snake at the top, but he's not the kind that bites you. He talks in the story."
"They don't quite look like us because people have evolved over time. They look more like cavemen. Yes, like Fred and Wilma!"

You answer the questions, and surprisingly the kids are satisfied, no harm done, and your art goes up on your wall.
lol theres no problem with the imagery its a blotter art its basically a undipped sheet of acid perforations and all ;)