Alert!!! Dangers Drug Discovered, Indiana

lol morning glory seeds are no new news my friend. i've had my share of them and i didnt enjoy the effects. you have to eat like 3-6 packs to get the beginning effects. that kid must have eaten 10
LSA (Lysergic Acid, not Lysergic Acid Diethylmede) is a naturally occuring substance in Morning Glory seeds, Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose, and others. LSA itself is safe. Ingesting the seeds can sometimes cause nausea and vomiting, but if an extract is prepared, the journey is smooth(er). And yeah, it takes a shit load of MG seeds, but NOT as many HBWR seeds. HBWR is k3y.
HMMM!!!! Now wait till some kid decides to start growing these things and figures out how to make 1 seed a single hit to do the job. Will they outlaw a common front yard/mailbox flower that I see just about every day? Actually, I kinda hope so, think of the arguements that we could publicly put right in the govts face about marijuana, this might be interesting if it becomes a problem. Its just funny how 'BIG' things like this popups from time to time and it just goes away. The govt at work there. But anytime a MJ bust is made its headline news. Hell, in my area air conditioners should be illegal. There are kids that run around skipping school and through peoples back yard, huffing on freon from peoples AC unit. I was around a very big freon accident when I was in the Navy, I was not directly involved but friggen close enough and every one was telling me that if that shit gets in your eyes that by the time you open your eyes from blinking, your already blind. Now, common sence tells me freon is not something to screw with if you dont know what your doing to begin with, for one, it is always under pressure. I took their word for it at the time, it sounded reasonable at the moment. I just never researched to find out for sure if it would blind you that quick. Never the less, freon can kill you.

I actually hear of morning glory stories from time to time in my area.
RKM, finally, someone who hears what I am saying....they aren't illegal. So what the fuck, tomorrow, I am going to go to a few colleges and start selling them. Then, when people start getting real messed up and the cops come hunt me down, I am cool eh?
jesus. kids are fucking up and you want to involve the government? drugs should not be illegal. parents need to educate their kids, is all.
Exactly my can marijuana be illegal and these seeds not?

Can't say one is bad and the other isnt....when one actually has medical fuckin benefits...

Its not like you are going to ingest THC and have sideffects like our friends at Bristol Meyers Squibb, Pfizer, etc and their creations..... nosebleeds, stroke, woman over 35 shouldnt smoke for increased risk of heart attack, liver problems, kidney problems, dont take if you are alive and eat food as a chemical in the food could cause a serious reaction, don't operate machinery while on this until you are familiar with its effects, do not drive a car until you are familiar with its effects....

There, that should be the commercial for MJ no?

Or THC, the wonder drug...

I rest my case...oh and thanks to this kid in Indiana, if you have a good lawyer and have law issues around MJ. This article could help in defense PEOPLE....How could you get a sentence for marijuana and not for these in court why dont you tell them you sell MG seeds to students....see what they say....if this gets enough public attention things will change have laws in the past gotton overturned?

Rosa parks on the bus, civil rights , etc, enough people bitch and moan cause the flat out truth is in people's faces, the gov't can't deny it, if enough stink is made....

Damn, I think I am on the wrong this all 16 year old bud smokers or are some of you actually activists?

Interesting that this morning glory seed thing happened somewhat close to me..That just goes to show that there are plants worse then marijuana that are legal, what the hell is wrong with this government?>.<

On the other hand I am baked out of my mind, and yes it took 10 minutes to type this:(
lmao im pretty sure everybody on here is an activist. This is just like people drinking lots of cough syrup. What did the gov do? Took it off the shelfs thats all, and thats what they'll probably do for MG seeds if it gets bad enough. The gov hates marijuana, why? i dunno. The facts are right in their faces, marijuana is better than cigarettes, alcohol, and lots of prescribed drugs that marijuana can be used in place of these pain killers. God put it on the earth so I cant see why its bad :bigjoint:.
Most definantly, I hope that we might get some pro marijuana activist into the government system sometime soon, I mean honestly there are worse drugs that are legal..alcochol, cigarettes, these morning glories are now coming back in style, those triple c's that people were taking (corsidan cough and cold) or something like that..I mean honestly we as america were founded on freedom, and now...It seems there arent half as many things we can do as "free" people...I personally dont feel all that free...
Effects range from diarrhea to hallucinations.

i'll just stick with weed and get high. not have diarrhea and possibly hallucinate.
The thing about marijuana prohibition that kills me, is that so many people are still looking at it under the guise of the government looking out for our well being. If the government gave a shit about our well being cigarettes and liquor would be illegal, and telephone poles wouldn't give you splinters. I feel like there is some huge piece to the marijuana prohibition puzzle i'm just not getting. One question pops out about all the rest, "WHY????".
You can get high off of morning glory seeds, thats not really news. What nobody mentioned on this thread is that all the MG seeds packaged by the large seed companies are treated with a chemical that makes you sick. The kid probably ate 10 packages that were treated and then got really sick. You can find untreated seeds on the web, if you google it.
You can get high off of morning glory seeds, thats not really news. What nobody mentioned on this thread is that all the MG seeds packaged by the large seed companies are treated with a chemical that makes you sick. The kid probably ate 10 packages that were treated and then got really sick. You can find untreated seeds on the web, if you google it.

They are treated with mercury. Ingesting any type of heavy metal is not good, why do you think they quit making lead based paint, or lead in solder used in soldering your water pipes together.