Alcohol vs Marijuana ((which one is safer))

The health impact of any drug depends on how it's used, who's using it, how much is used, and under what circumstances. Marijuana and alcohol are no exception, so comparing them directly is difficult – each possesses the potential for unique risks or benefits.

For instance, alcohol is known to contribute to liver disease, but studies also suggest that a nightly glass of red wine can help keep your heart healthy. Similarly, marijuana is known to cause short-term cognitive impairment (trouble thinking clearly), but for certain medical conditions, such as glaucoma, marijuana possesses therapeutic properties.

On the other hand, people using marijuana or alcohol to get high or drunk are more likely to experience the better-known negative consequences of these drugs. Alcohol use may contribute to liver disease, heart disease, peptic ulcers, and physical dependency. Marijuana use may contribute to problems thinking clearly, memory loss, dependency, and (if smoked) smoking-related health problems, such as throat and lung cancer and respiratory problems. Furthermore, both alcohol and marijuana are thought to contribute to mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety.

One major difference worth noting is that it isn't possible to overdose on marijuana, while lots of alcohol in a brief period of time can lead to alcohol poisoning, an emergency medical condition that can be fatal.

Aside from direct health effects, getting behind the wheel while drunk or high poses significant risks to you and others. Marijuana and alcohol have both been shown to significantly reduce reaction time and motor coordination, two skills that are essential to safely operate a motor vehicle. In fact, many activities, such as sports or riding the subway, become dangerous when drunk or high. In general, being drunk or high compromises sound judgment and may lead to unhealthy or risky decisions that you wouldn't make when sober.
Marijuana is a lot safer than alcohol, but I am a homebrewer ( I make beer and wine as a hobby) so I use both.
Speaking from the perspective of having decades of experience abusing both of these intoxicants, I have to say that alcohol possesses much less margin for is much more dangerous and toxic.

I write this as I finish the last of my second gin gimlet, with my trusty corn-cob pipe in hand, firing up my second bowl!
I believe marijuana is alot more safer than alchahol in every different aspect. Sometimes having a few cones can increase my concentration and even make me alot more creative. Health wise ive never had a problem, i use to be unemployed selling it and smoking it every day. No matter how much buds i take down i can always drive carefully their might be some dodgey points but nothign compared to alchahol. When drinking i have black outs the next day and cant remember what i did the night before thats shit. Ive had so much bad experiences with alchahol i pretty much just stick to smoking buds in all the different forms. Ive driven drunk and crashed into a ditch in my old school bmw LOL so yeah! Buds should be legalized in every country! especially mine because even though theirs so much different opinions i only belive the ones in which they say their is nothing wrong with marijuana because i feel their isnt.
Aside from direct health effects, getting behind the wheel while drunk or high poses significant risks to you and others. Marijuana and alcohol have both been shown to significantly reduce reaction time and motor coordination, two skills that are essential to safely operate a motor vehicle. In fact, many activities, such as sports or riding the subway, become dangerous when drunk or high. In general, being drunk or high compromises sound judgment and may lead to unhealthy or risky decisions that you wouldn't make when sober.

When I smoke my riskyst dicision is to eat a shitload of junk food.

As for driving Alcohol is 1000 times worse. When Im drunk I wanna go fast and dick arround while doing it (cut parking lots/lawns, go mashin through an "open" feild, ect). When I drive stoned all I want to do is hit the neiborhood streets so I can drive a a comfotable speed (15MPH), or just get where I'm going.

Sports Stoned YA RIGHT.

Anyways its a good little essey thks for the read.
I can't smoke marijuana at parties anymore. The last time I did, I pissed on the bedroom wall, wore a lamp shade on my head while hanging my dick out of my pants, threw up on the hostess' brand new couch, kicked her husbands ass, then passed out with my head in their toilet. Oh, wait a minute, that wasn't pot, it was Scotch. Damn, I'm high on pot, and just couldn't remember the facts straight.

I think this is a pretty easy question to many people do you know die from weed? How many people die everyday due to alcohol?
All this talk about the negatives of booze. I thought stoners were a positive-thinking group of ne'er-do-wells.

Positives of Booze: No chick is too hot to talk to. No human is too big to fight. You don't need to worry about who stole your lighter. When you take your kids to Disney World, you can proudly hold your beer publically instead of sneaking into a bathroom stall with your dugout. And finally, you don't have search the internet on Beer Growing Tips including PH balance and using your microscope to determine THC vs. CBD.
Boose is a negative subject... not only that, but in my opinion it is also a negative drug. Alcohol makes you fight, the British Armies defeated Napoleon on gin... and no doubt numerous other alcoholic beverages. Gin though, was actually part of the wages... soldiers were given a quart' pint every day.
Yes we should be positive but alcohol is a poison. and if it takes alcohol going down for marijuana to go up so be it. thats why there is so much negativity about it. because it's legal and so much fucking worse (ITS A POISON......).

In my own opinion the reason the controversy is the way it is is because there are certain people that will smoke and act like a fucking dumbass. either by faking it to try and look cool or the drug actually effects them differently than most. i've seen some people act drunk when high. IT DEPENDS ON THE PERSON. say what you will, im sure you've all seen something like this. substances effect other people in different ways, sometimes similar and sometimes totally what you wouldnt think. It's very unfortunate for the rest of us and i hope this can be look passed because the simple fact is there are probobly some mellow drunks but there's more agressive/stupid/irrational drunks by VERY VERY VERY far. also depends on how much you decide to drink. there's buzzed and drunk for me, buzzed i am not that bad at all, i get alot of the positives. and when im drunk, it's as stated, if i drove i'd probobly die. and if someone pissed me off i would be in a fight. There are some things about negative effects of smking pot i have read in this thread... i have not encountered a single one. Except for the smoking part. but i'm talking about the drug effect. not the smoke. keep in mind you can vaporize/eat it. alcohol will always destroy your liver. I could go on forever, but ill stop now.
I like alcohol ... I really do. Single Malt Scotch, fine Tequilla, great brandies ... their all good. I don't drink anymore though. Not because I have a problem with alcohol, but because every drink is like drinking sugar. When I did drink, I never drank to get drunk ... just sipped it straight. Loved to get high on pot, then sip the good stuff while listening to jazz. Properly applied, alcohol is a pretty good drug ... but when abused it can take down a person's whole life.

I was an alcoholic. I drank for one reason only, the buzz. There was no social drinking allowed. One drink was too many and a hundred wasn't enough. I would go into a bar and order A double shot of cuervo gold to start and keep them coming untill the buzz appeared, then mellow out on them and maybe start sipping beer, but by that time I was totally wrecked, then I was the life of the party. I walked away from alcohol the same way I walked from coke, speed, and cigarettes. I said to my Maker, here you handle this, as I can't anymore, and never looked back. No AA or Shrinkers, just the faith to let it Go, something I learned from the Peyote experience! BTW, I also quit pot but now will use it for medicinal purposes if my crop ever comes in! Actually, being sober for the last ten years has been a good experience, I don't really want to start up again with the pot, but I think it might eliminate some of the pain and discomfort that go's with arthritus. I did plenty of hard manual labor in my youth, so every joint has been stressed, and now has arthritus, the worst is in my back, and a couple a tokes relieves it! I never liked Pain!
Med', i hope your plants provide you with the pain relief you desire. It must be bad if you are turning back to pot for alleviation... this goes against my belief that cannabis is only good for getting you stoned and maybe psychological issues, but I really hope it works for you. I imagine arthritus to be a bit like tooth ache, an annoying pain that won't go away.
Med', i hope your plants provide you with the pain relief you desire. It must be bad if you are turning back to pot for alleviation... this goes against my belief that cannabis is only good for getting you stoned and maybe psychological issues, but I really hope it works for you. I imagine arthritus to be a bit like tooth ache, an annoying pain that won't go away.

Interesting comment there skunk. Take it from another old guy ... pot is great for relieving certain types of pain, especially neuropathic pain experienced by those suffering from symptoms like those experienced by MS patients.
