Alcohol Tincture

Thanks for the prompt reply Hobbes.

I have not done any water curing before, I wanted to try it is for time reasons. The only drawback that I have heard is that it leaves your herb looking brown. What problems have you heard/come across with water curing? Can you put it in the toaster oven the day it comes out of the ground? As for the flavor I have plants set aside for hash ,buds and all, but I thought that making a few flavored tinctures would be something new and fun.

Hey ShowStopper!

The only change I would make would be the water curing, if you don't already water cure - I've found it to be an inconsistent, slow 'quick cure' that produces poor potency. For a quick cure I bake at 106 C in a toaster oven, 2 racks of bud for an hour. 106 C won't hurt the buds. The cure is amazingly potent and smooth for such a short time. You can take a toaster oven into your grow room and your air filter will lessen the smell in your house.

For other quick drying methods you can use a dehumidifier or just leave the buds near moving air. Heating the honey oil in the oven, in the pyrex tray used for the butane extraction, will decarboxylize the THCA into THC. Let us know how it goes.


And a question about flavour:

"- add flavor extract to glycerine while heating"

Do you want the flavour or do you want to hide the marijuana taste? With a butane extraction there is no marijuana taste to the oil, no flavour is needed unless you want one. I would recommend not using flavour the first time that you make tincture, so: you can get familiar with the taste; fewer variables to consider when judging the potency of your tincture.


I'm going to make a non-alcoholic sublingual spray this week, I just finished building a magnetic induction vaporizer that took me longer than I had thought. I need a sublingual spray to titrate doses better than edibles through the gastrointestinal tract, and to give my lungs a break from the vaporizer. I find the vaporizer very hard on the throat, THC is an irritant.

Drop into the Grow Lab thread linked below if you get a chance ShowStopper.




The Piker Magnetic Induction Vaporizer





The Piker has a stainless steel turkey baster housing and stainless steel kitchen strainer mesh in the baster for a heating chamber. The magnetic induction coil heats only the steel, faster than conduction and half the electrical use. 71 seconds for the Piker to go from cold to Vaporizing temperature, long smooth hits. The best direct draw I've ever used - my personal vaporizer list is on page one of the Grow Lab thread, The Piker is on page 16, post #156. The Piker can be made from items around your house or for less than $20 in new parts, plus a $79 induction hotplate.


forgive my insolence but where does the weed go?

i must say hobbes you are truley and evil genious

u must use your powers to become rich if your not already

Hey Big P!

"where does the weed go?"


The white tube in the middle of the picture, with the small silver tube on its end, is a straw bowl from my Purple Days vaporizer. Use it just like a straw, grind up your weed and inhale through the white end and the stainless steel bowl with a permanent screen fills to the perfect amount. Absolute genius, $15 at VapeNow.


The SS end of the straw bowl goes in the small end of the stainless steel heating chamber. The only function of the tube and mesh is to heat the air going through the straw bowl, and it blows away the Purple Days and every other direct draw I've used. Some of my vaporizers are in post 10, page 1 of the Grow Lab thread linked below. I'll be putting an index in later, I've got the Tommy Gun, Armadillo and Clam Shell vaporizers in the middle of the thread as well.

The Piker is the easiest to make and easiest to use of all the vaporizer's I've made, and it produces the best quality vapour of any direct draw vaporizer I've used. The huge heating chamber, with a large thermal mass and incredible SS surface area to air ratio allows for fast, deep draws of choking hits - again and again and again before reheating. It's like drawing air through a stainless steel sponge, there's almost no air restriction and the air stays at vaporizing temperature.

To make $125 in parts, including the induction plate, and 5 minutes plug n play. Quickly reaches vaporizing temperature, only high purity stainless steel, easy to make, simple to use. Hits however you want to draw, as hard or soft.




"use your powers to become rich if your not already"

I've been playing with extracting oil from beach sand ... I've designed a water column compressor to make free solvent for my subcritical fluid extractor. I'm going to build a prototype then decide what to do. A friend wants to run with it and I feel that he's capable, he's already successful in business. If I think that we're on the same page when I get the compressor done I'll build a working scale model on site in Alberta to extract oil from tar sands.

If there's anything patentable (I don't think there will be) I'll license the technology once I have the prototype tested.

That's in the Grow Lab thread too, or links to other threads are.


"I have not done any water curing before, I wanted to try it is for time reasons."

I highly recommend it, lots of fun. For someone extracting with alcohol or butter water curing removes the chlorophyll and terpins, improving taste. It has it's place, it's just a lot of work and unnecessary with a non polar butane extraction because SCFE will not extract water soluble terpins or chlorophyll.


"The only drawback that I have heard is that it leaves your herb looking brown. What problems have you heard/come across with water curing?"

Taste and trouble.

Water curing washes out all of the taste. I would clip and microwave bud to have some flavour even if it was bad. Changing water a couple times a day is a pain when you have a dozen strains growing, all needing separate containers.


"Can you put it in the toaster oven the day it comes out of the ground?"

Right off the plant. Trim the buds and clip small fro fast drying in the middle. One layer, space between buds. I use a screen over my grill for air flow.

I actually like baked bud a lot. I've got some knockout Jack The Ripper that I baked, it's the only bud I have that puts me away.


"As for the flavor I have plants set aside for hash ,buds and all, but I thought that making a few flavored tinctures would be something new and fun."

It's a lot of fun, a lot of fun testing. I'm gong to research sublingual tincture later today, I want a non-alcoholic tincture to give my lungs a break from vapourizing.


Index: Tincture

Tags: alcohol, distill, grape seed oil, spray, sublingual


I'm compiling my Tincture thread into a chapter for Weed Science, I'm only going to post my recipe for sublingual tincture as the original thread is as long as this one and Weed Science is currently over 500 pages. The entire tincture thread will be organized with a linked index in the ebook but it will be a week before it is completely uploaded.



Tincture is an almost mystical creature, time consuming to make, the potency hit and miss, and the taste vile. This procedure will give you the most potent tincture that can be made with the bud that you have. The best tasting tincture, the most highs from the tincture. The fastest.

A tincture expert might still produce more potent tincture with their own bud or through more skilled curing with your bud - but - this method will give you the most potent that you can make because we are going to separate the tincture process into two simple parts: Extraction & Solution . By extracting the maximum resin possible then separating the resin/trichs from the solvent we know exactly how much resin we have and there are no water soluble solutes. We add only the amount of solvent (oil, glycerine, alcohol, etc) that we want to get the number of doses that we know the resin can provide (only experience can tell you this, start with as little solvent as will hold the resin in solution).

Extracting the trichomes can be done through: hash making (I have a portable washing machine and bubble bags; subcritical fluid extraction (butane honey oil and CO2 extraction); Iso; alcohol . Each of these extraction methods will be covered in the ebook, if there is one that anyone would like to go over in this thread please post. They are all very simple but most require safety procedures because of explosive gas and toxic fumes. Making good ice water hash is an excellent high purity and safe method of separating the trichomes from most of the plant matter and washing out the water soluble and foul tasting chlorophyl and terpins.

My favourite solvent is grape seed oil - fast, easy, great results. Grape seed oil has a very light taste, when mixed with high proof alcohol and sprayed under the tongue some of it will be absorbed by the blood vessels.


"When a chemical comes in contact with the mucous membrane beneath the tongue, or buccal mucosa, it diffuses through it. Because the connective tissue beneath the epithelium contains a profusion of capillaries, the substance then diffuses into them and enters the venous circulation. In contrast, substances absorbed in the intestines are subject to "first pass metabolism" in the liver before entering the general circulation.

Sublingual administration has certain advantages over oral administration. Being more direct, it is often faster, and it ensures that the substance will risk degradation only by salivary enzymes before entering the bloodstream, whereas orally administered drugs must survive passage through the hostile environment of the gastrointestinal tract, which risks degrading them, either by stomach acid or bile, or by the many enzymes therein, such as monoamine oxidase (MAO). Furthermore, after absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, such drugs must pass to the liver, where they may be extensively altered; this is known as the first pass effect of drug metabolism."

Wikipedia - Sublingual



"what's the most efficient {extraction} method with grape seed oil {tincture}?"

Kief from your grinder or from hash making, an alcohol extraction, Isopropyl alcohol rinse, a subcritical fluid extraction with butane or with CO2. Any safe method that you are comfortable doing - that gives you a high purity resin - is great. Then mix hot grape seed oil into the resin.



Butane boiling off in a water bath.



Heat the extract in it's pyrex extraction tray in the oven - AFTER THE BUTANE IS BOILED OFF OUTDOORS - 250F in the oven is good. Warm water to boil off the butane works well outdoors even on the coldest winter day.

Add grape seed oil - I used 2 teaspoons (10 ml), I'll try 5 ml next time. Glycerine can be used instead of oil to make an excellent one part tincture.

Honey oil from 28 grams of baked trim.




I tip the pan back and forth to spread the oil, then let it sit in the oven at 250 F for 5 minutes.

Take the pyrex tray out of the oven and use a fork to mix grape seed oil and honey oil. A couple of minutes will completely dissolve the resin.

Tip the Pyrex tray on a side and squeegee the base to get all of the oil and resin. I use a plastic card.

Use a spoon to scoop the oil, pour the oil into your spay bottle.

I bent a spoon with plyers - to have a spout on both sides - to use as a ladle.



Use the highest proof alcohol available. If you cannot get Everclear or an equivalent you can distil your own alcohol in your kitchen with a simple crock pot or french press distiller. You can also use the same apparatus as an alcohol reflux extractor for resin.



I use a Chloraseptic soar throat spray bottle, I like the extended nozzle to get each spray exactly where I want it.



The alcohol floats on top of the oil.



After mixing the alcohol quickly comes out of solution.





Before shaking again I like to unscrew the top and spray out anything that is in the tube, the alcohol and oil will column in the tube as well.



The effects of this tincture are rapid, a couple of minutes. The influence of a set of sprays doesn't last long, 10 - 15 minutes for me, but the cumulative effect of repeated spray sets produces experiences of both longer duration and more complex sensations. It's a nice way to titrate the cannaboids to control effects while being fast acting and giving my throat a break from the irritating vaporizer mist. Very heady, much more powerful than a couple of Volcano bowls, very rapid onset. The effects are much more in the head than that from cannaboids ingested through the gastrointestinal tract.

For surfers or people who spend time on the ocean - taking a sublingual hit is like standing between swells: at first it's calm and nothing is happening, then the force of the next wave comes in and the water starts to rise, lifting you, and finally crashing over you. You take the spray under the tongue, a slight stinging to which you build immunity. Then nothing. A warm fuzzy feeling in the head and ... whoosh ... the wave hits you intensely, you tumble, its fun and peaceful. One of the nicest highs I've had, very powerful and clean.



With a little practice this recipe is easily made, I can go from plant to tincture in half an hour. The canna-grape seed oil can be used to make brownies from trim in an hour. You can make this to knock yourself out the first time, there is no more potent way to make tincture. No tastier way, no quicker way, no more economical way, no method as sure of producing success first time every time.


Plant to Tincture in 30 Minutes

Without harvesting the plant.


- Preheat convection oven to 300 F
- Trim leaves
- clip leaves into tiny pieces


- Bake leaves in a thin layer in a convection oven, on screens for air flow


- Pour the leaves into a mesh kitchen strainer with a bowl below the strainer
- crumble the leaves through the strainer into the bowl, hand or piece of wood
- pour the ground baked leaves onto a pre-cooled cookie sheet, thin layer
- put in freezer


- cool, improves yield


- Load pre-cooled extraction tube
- extract
- boil off butane (skip for CO2) in hot hot water


- Put the extraction tray and honey oil in an oven pre-heated to 300 F
- Use a laser thermometer and remove when it is 200 F
- Pour in Grape Seed Oil preheated to 300 F
- Stir with fork until the resin is completely dissolved.


- spray with CO2 to cool to 98.6 F


Grape Seed Oil Tincture


As long as possible gwhunran, at least 10 or 15 seconds. The longer under the tongue the more absorbed. Use as high alcohol content as possible, water in the alcohol will take the resin out of solution and change absorption from sublingual to gastrointestinal.


Big P I take bud for fun first and medicinally second, though I started growing for medicinal purposes so I could have as much bud as I want, when I want it. And that's fun!

I had both elbows operated on a few years ago, 6 weeks apart. The surgeon prescribed 100 tabs of Percocet (opiate derivative) with each operation but I couldn't take them at the time because of acid reflux. I had 190 tabs left over after I got better and took one when I had some chronic pain. Soon I was shoveling handfuls of Pills into my mouth looking to get the same effect as the first few times. When I was out of percocet I laid in bed for two days, curled up and in misery.

Opiates terrify me, I'll never take another willingly - there must be different {personality types / brain chemical build ups} and I'm on the addictive end for opiates. It's scary shit for me, I've battled my whole life to stay in control of my mind and opiates take that control away in seconds. Marijuana has the exact opposite effect, I've always got a Volcano bag near hand when I'm awake at home (often in bed falling asleep too) and often I forget that I have it.

Are opiates fun when they can be tolerated? Does the high always come up short of the previous time?


WARNING: Someone like Big P may be able to experiment and enjoy a wide variety of drugs without getting addicted, others like me are gone on the first pill. Addiction is like pregnancy, the only sure prevention is abstinence.

Be careful out there


well yes ive felt the horrible effects of widthdrawl but i dont have an addictive personality like others ive seen around me, i finally figured out that i can get blasted off of opium tea and if I let 2 full days pass of no tea use before the next dose I can avoid the widthdrawls

so thats what ive been doing. no doubt its a very dangerous thing to play with and makes you feel terrible when in withdrawl.

the trick is to let it all fade away before you dose again with an increased dose. u must always take same amount dose or its a downward spiral.

"the trick is to let it all fade away before you dose again with an increased dose. u must always take same amount dose or its a downward spiral."


Sage words, something that I don't have in me so I must be obstinate!

Hobbs thanks for the answer. I used the heat method mentioned at the beginning of this thread. I have made nearly a pint. Using an equal amount by volume of medicine and 138 proof alcohol mixed with about 1 ounce of 186 proof lemon extract.
As I am currently unemployed and job hunting, I will have a test subject test it and give me feedback. It is really hard to not self test but as sure as I do I will have to take a drug test. I will post again when I know the results of my efforts.
Thanks again.
How long do you keep the solution in the mouth for sublingual method of taking tincture?


As long as possible gwhunran, at least 10 or 15 seconds. The longer under the tongue the more absorbed. Use as high alcohol content as possible, water in the alcohol will take the resin out of solution and change absorption from sublingual to gastrointestinal.

just made this, this past weekend except changed the pre baking to 300 instead of 325. I used lemon extract as well. Question though Hobbes.......I have it still sitting in the weed from this past weekend and thought about letting it soak for 2 weeks. Will this make it more potent or is the alcohol already completely saturated?
just made this, this past weekend except changed the pre baking to 300 instead of 325. I used lemon extract as well. Question though Hobbes.......I have it still sitting in the weed from this past weekend and thought about letting it soak for 2 weeks. Will this make it more potent or is the alcohol already completely saturated?

it will make it (sorry to jump on your thread hobbes) but it will make it stronger, leaving it to soak longer *will* make it stronger, but while it will strip more thc out of the weed, it will also add more of the terpenes and also chorophyll to the solution...

at a certain point it is like music sex or art: you like what you like and other people's opinions are valid, just not necessarily to your own point of view...

i've soaked it out up to two months (and i am particularly fond of hobbes' methods), i've added trichomes that were not going to make top shelf bubble (this is a particularly good use of the 23 micron product), used this tink to make candies and brownies and cookies...

like sex, music or art: there are no rules beyond which one can not go...

everyone has an opinion, everyone's opinion is valid and worthwhile, but experience will let you know what *you* are looking for...

either way or not on this particular subject, however beyond a certain point (which it sounds like you may be at) it comes down to what effects you are looking for, what flavors you are looking for, medicinal relief provided by your own particular needs and strain...

the fun part of experimentation is that you can yield whatever you are looking for just by recording the method and techniques used and then replicating them so you have a safe and consistent product for your own consumption...

just my two bits...

good luck, and tell us how it ends up!
awesome man thanks for the answer.....btw i tried 2 milliters of it today under the toungue. It took about 55 min and hit me like a brick. I was walking to class and BAM i was like im stoned. IT was my first time ingesting oral cannabis and it was awesome. I thank you Hobbes for the recipe i did exaclty what it said except i used 300 degrees instead and let it soak for a little under a week, and im going to let it soak another week maybe...idk it was pretty strong and i used under a 1/8th. I dont smoke often though so..that could be why. It hit me at 12 today and im still high but coming down. My legs were warm and tingly and i had a full body high and in your face. The weed i used was pretty dank i dont know what kind though.. I also used 1 oz of lemon extract instead and about .5 ounces of some 40% vodka...THANKS again
lol, hobbes, i love demotivational posters sooo much... i kinda want to print them on great paper, get them framed and put them in my workshop... nice postings...