Alberta Grow

My buddy screwed up his grow this year, so he is already thinking about next year, and is just wondering when other fellow Canadians start germinating there seeds for the outdoor grow? Some opinions from other Albertan's would be great, but other Canadian feedback would be awesome as well.

i live in southern ontario, and where im from you should start indoor guys around the beginning of april and move them out anytime after may 5th or so. i would assume that you're farther north than i am, so start your seeds indoors approx 30 days before they are going to go outside. It's safe to put them out when the nights are around 13-14 Celsius
I did a couple of grows back in the 90's outdoors when I was younger and waaay more full of energy to make it sucessful. I started my seeds in early february. The ones I grew were indica dominant types so they finished early and were cold hardy as far as MJ is concerned but I still had to cover mine every night and uncover in the morning to acheive 12/12 and harvest before killer frosts hit for a good 8 weeks. Alot of work if you ask me.

I have had no experience with autos but they have potential as a possible candidate for sowing direct in the ground and getting a harvest as far north as GP. In central and southern Alberta, you might be able to create a harvestable window for up to 2 months with autos just by staggering the sowing times. Enough potential to definitely play with that type of plant.