Al Sharpton Defends Bernie Sanders From ‘Socialist’ Attack:

i'll get in on that one. can i let my McGregor bet ride on this one? lol. Trump destroys Bern . easy peasy

I'll take that bet.

No way there is enough red scare folks still around to stop the POS that is Trump.

The fight of the century. Light vs Dark. Progress vs regression.
Bernie's proposals are too far left for the majority of in office politicians?

Vote them all out, and replace them with individuals that will work for the American public.

Nobody ever stopped working toward progress because " it's too hard".

How ridiculous.

Outlawing health insurance that half of America works hard for and likes isn't "progress" though. Bernie can take his shit M4A and cram it up his ass.

And while we're at it, you can cram walnuts up your ass too
What did you do to reprimand the politicians (Obama & Biden) who helped bail out the bankers behind the 2008 crash?

Why is it that you feel such a strong hatred for "Socialism", when it applies to human rights progress; but seemingly don't mind when Socialism is literally used to rob the American people?
That was pretty lame. You're boring.
You guys are too much.

It's not Sanders being lazy, incompetent , or wrong.

It's the fact the Sanders is, and always has been, decades more progressive than his peers:


"Big legislation largely eludes Mr. Sanders because his ideas are usually far to the left of the majority of the Senate — from his notions about bank regulations, to the increase he seeks to the minimum wage, to his repeated attempts to get the federal government in the business of providing rebates for the purchase and installation of solar heating systems.

But from his days in the House, where he served from 1991 to 2007, and into his Senate career, Mr. Sanders has largely found ways to press his agenda through appending small provisions to the larger bills of others."
Nothing says 'more progressive' than not making any progress.

I guess that is not fair, maybe like 1/7th the progress as the next Democrat.