Al Sharpton Defends Bernie Sanders From ‘Socialist’ Attack:

Buss Relville

Well-Known Member

: Sharpton paused his introduction to note that “The civil rights movement always was targeted by those that would use the red scare,” and noted that civil rights activist Bayard Rustin was not allowed a public role in the March on Washington “because they said he was a communist.”

“They accused Dr. King of being a communist,” Sharpton continued, adding “Every major leader in the 60s they tried to call socialist or communist.”

“Whatever you decide to do on Saturday, do not go by those that use the socialist tag to try to separate us from what we need to do for this country,” Rev. Sharpton said. :Because we’ve been down that road before, and we are not that stupid to allow you to tell us who is what. Socialism, capitalism, all of it has not worked fairly for black folks.”


: Sharpton paused his introduction to note that “The civil rights movement always was targeted by those that would use the red scare,” and noted that civil rights activist Bayard Rustin was not allowed a public role in the March on Washington “because they said he was a communist.”

“They accused Dr. King of being a communist,” Sharpton continued, adding “Every major leader in the 60s they tried to call socialist or communist.”

“Whatever you decide to do on Saturday, do not go by those that use the socialist tag to try to separate us from what we need to do for this country,” Rev. Sharpton said. :Because we’ve been down that road before, and we are not that stupid to allow you to tell us who is what. Socialism, capitalism, all of it has not worked fairly for black folks.”

I think any of the 1000s of people that marched that day definitely arent racist and deserve to be a president half a century later.

: Sharpton paused his introduction to note that “The civil rights movement always was targeted by those that would use the red scare,” and noted that civil rights activist Bayard Rustin was not allowed a public role in the March on Washington “because they said he was a communist.”

“They accused Dr. King of being a communist,” Sharpton continued, adding “Every major leader in the 60s they tried to call socialist or communist.”

“Whatever you decide to do on Saturday, do not go by those that use the socialist tag to try to separate us from what we need to do for this country,” Rev. Sharpton said. :Because we’ve been down that road before, and we are not that stupid to allow you to tell us who is what. Socialism, capitalism, all of it has not worked fairly for black folks.”

buss is very common american name!

: Sharpton paused his introduction to note that “The civil rights movement always was targeted by those that would use the red scare,” and noted that civil rights activist Bayard Rustin was not allowed a public role in the March on Washington “because they said he was a communist.”

“They accused Dr. King of being a communist,” Sharpton continued, adding “Every major leader in the 60s they tried to call socialist or communist.”

“Whatever you decide to do on Saturday, do not go by those that use the socialist tag to try to separate us from what we need to do for this country,” Rev. Sharpton said. :Because we’ve been down that road before, and we are not that stupid to allow you to tell us who is what. Socialism, capitalism, all of it has not worked fairly for black folks.”

Who fucking cares?
Sharpton's been a pretty influential figure within the black community for a while. Weird he gets pushback now from establishment figures because he shows support for the candidate most likely to defeat Trump in 2020..
Yah, Bernie's believers continue to push a false narrative. They can't win so they make up excuses. Sanders isn't a communist and no Democrat says he is. He's no Democrat either, that's one of our issues with him.
Maybe you can ask him?

Ah, here we go:

"The problem is, there is no evidence that Biden had any involvement in the civil rights movement in the 1960s, beyond being a spectator as he went to college, became a lawyer, and ran for office, being elected to New Castle County Council in Delaware, the beginning of 46 uninterrupted years in public office. "

Civil rights activists in Wilmington and the University of Delaware while Biden was a student said they don’t recall him participating in any demonstrations. A historian who wrote a book about the Route 40 Project and the Freedom Riders movement said he was unaware of Biden’s involvement.

“I’ve never heard that,” said Raymond Arsenault, a southern history professor at the University of South Florida and author of Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice. Arsenault said Biden’s participation would have been notable at the time because as a teenager he would have been younger than most of the other activists involved. “Very few of the Route 40 people were that young.”"

So, not only does Biden have an abysmal record of fighting for civil rights, he has repeatedly lied about his supposed involvement.

Yah, Bernie's believers continue to push a false narrative. They can't win so they make up excuses. Sanders isn't a communist and no Democrat says he is. He's no Democrat either, that's one of our issues with him.

So the guy getting arrested fighting for civil rights isn't a "Democrat ", but the right of center guy who never stood up for civil rights IS a "Democrat"?

Sweet logic dude.
This idiot seems to be saying that she thinks that the 3 trillion per year for Bernie's braindead bill will be funded by taxes that will only affect people of a particular political leaning.

What did you do to reprimand the politicians (Obama & Biden) who helped bail out the bankers behind the 2008 crash?

Why is it that you feel such a strong hatred for "Socialism", when it applies to human rights progress; but seemingly don't mind when Socialism is literally used to rob the American people?
So the guy getting arrested fighting for civil rights isn't a "Democrat ", but the right of center guy who never stood up for civil rights IS a "Democrat"?

Sweet logic dude.
Bernie's not a Democrat. Neither is Bloomberg. Both are opportunists who will come away disappointed if they actually want to lead us. They are succeeding in furthering Republican goals of keeping Trump on his throne. Is that what you are trying to say?