Well-Known Member
"you must spread rep around before giving it to this user again"
lol. thanks man.
lol. thanks man.
I'll be hovering from time to time, but I simply no longer have the number of hours in a day to continue doing wot I bin
Thanks for all of the help from this web site. Al You have saved me many hour and alot of mistakes which equals dollars. I have gone through all of your posts and cut and pasted your advice into MS Word, so I can reference it anytime. I am going to try some of that Sweet Tooth. Thanks again.
is it ok to use a SB during flower?
Not when you use the sulfur 'burner' as I suggest, which is about 8-10 mins 2x/day during lights off. I've never detected any sulfur scent or flavour in my buds, nor has anyone else who smokes them.will it make the buds taste or smell odd?
Nope, it's it an organic method of control?
Damm you you fargin bastig
Good to see your still kickin.
Hi Al,
Your name was bandied around as a contact in Melbourne/Vic.
Sweet Tooth - Is that an additive? One with sugar in it? Seems to go against the Al B. Fact way.