aketas's outdoor 2009 single mistake plant grow


Active Member
So this was a seed that just got thrown out after a blunt. I couldn't honestly tell you the strain as its bagseed, but i'm fairly sure it was some good.
Watered every couple days depending on rain and fed miracle grow veg nutes until it started flowering.
Dont have the money to spend on flowering nutes so its going natural until i start throwing molasses into the mix.

Plant is showing a few pistils and just starting to flower.
Let me know what you guys think



Active Member
Thats what im hoping for...it just keeps getting bushier and bushier.
fixed the other two pictures


Well-Known Member
That's pretty awesome! It looks so natural, like it fits right in with the plants around it. I'm starting to think cannabis, if pruned correctly, would make a lovely border shrub. At least for the first few months...


Well-Known Member
Nice n healthy... Good job so far. I would try your best to find some affordable fertilizer for flowering. You should be able to find something for around 10 bucks. HAppy Harvest!


Active Member
Yeah its actually grown in our garden.
plants around it are jalapenos...and weeds XD
garden wasn't maintained too well this year so the weeds have started to take over


Well-Known Member
I like weeds. I'm probably the only person on my block that treats the weeds that pop up in my garden the same as I do my plants, lol. Well, except for the crabgrass >< I hate that stuff and take great pleasure in eliminating it from my yard. Everything else is ok by me, though. Pokeweed (these are actually really lovely if you let them grow), some kind of wild lactuca that blooms with these fluffly dandelion looking things but much, much taller... some kind of "wild" malcolmia (though I suspect this was actually planted by someone in the neighborhood and the birds have just been pooping it out in my yard). we also get these things that, from a distance, look very much like a cannabis plant only with single-bladed leaves all the way up and around. Oh, and the potentilla, which looks even more like cannabis! i've got these all over the back yard by the trash. I love watching the trash men do a double-take when they see these!

I like the yard to look natural and not too manicured, plus I'm hoping for some jimsonweed to magically appear one of these days =)


Active Member
theres a weed that grows around my area that from a distance is EASILY mistaken for cannabis
don't know the name of it but it bushes out like cannabis and grows the same except it only has 3 fingered leaves and they aren't serrated.
pretty plant though

i'll get some more pictures up tommorow when i get a chance to see it in the light