Ak48 from nirvana

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
week 4......
well its week 4 plants doing excellent. al post sum piks the neet. ther growing really fast and the ak48 plant is a real nice lukn plant and as this is my first shorter straind grow i can total see the diffrence in the looks compared to the taller strains. the leafs r lukn short and chunky wher the l.s.d.(tall strain) leafs where long and skinny......
hopefully i will be able to start my flowering a week the day...... UPDATE ON PIKS L8TA.................

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
week 4 day 22....from seed.
well update on day 22 and all going wel everything luken healthy. the tallest has got sum nice big pistols growing and the smell is lovley already..... cant wait.


l.s.d smoker

Active Member
day 23..........ok then today i repot my ak 48s ready for the flowering stage. another ov me girls got the little white pistols, ad lyk ta see the nxt 3 wiv pistols by day28 so a can kick these into flower..cant wait ta see bud growth.

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
week 5.day 28 from seed....
well today`s the day i start my 12 and 12 period, hopefully i should b lukn at sum lovley smoke in bowt 4 ta 5 wks....
all 5 plants nw have shown the sex and all have lovely long white pistols.(in the pik shows the pistols on my smallest plant..... sorry bowt pik quality.) the smell in the tent is startn to get unreal i will start using bloombastic 2 help increase weight and aroma in a weeks time cant wait ta start feedn tha shit a love it.. cumn on strong.

any comments r welcome......


l.s.d smoker

Active Member
help please......

hi there growers, havnt had many replys on ya so a havent realy got a clue weva thel b any point askn this question but here we go..

as my last 2 grows where in an n.f.t system, will a 5 litre pot do me till the finish ov my crop........:confused:

any replys r welcome.

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
still no replys. am sure sum 1 owt ther can tell me weva a 5 litre pot will last till the end ov my crop..????????????????

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
week 5 day 31 from seed...

just a little update. plants r stinken at min had to attach me carbon filter up to me fan, a wud say its sorted the problem up ta nw.

duz any 1 know weva the ak 48 is a strong smell when in full bloom.?.

pistols r now growing frm every branch and r long, much longer than the pistols om my utha crops.

plants r also feeding very well they r getn a batch on atami coco a and b with atazyme on a munday and on a thursday they r getn just plain p.h. water till they get fed again on a munday. got me 400w real close tem at top ov plants is 27 degrees spot on no burn marks or yellow tip so up ta nw me feeding routine seems to be doing the job.

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
week5 day33 from seed day 6 ov 12/12..
just a update on day 33. fed me plants tday a wasnt gan start using bloombastic til a week the day but a decided to giv haff strength to my feed today so when i start nxt week a can go straight in ther wiv ful strength bloombastic nxt week.



Well-Known Member
frpm what ive seen on my plants a 5 gal pot will help or maybe a 3 would work best remember your going to double or triple i size when flowering and root space wont hurt when that happens


Active Member
Hey mate nice grow. I can't believe i haven't seen this thread sooner. I am growing AK48 regular( I meant to order fem!:wall:) My girls are about 31 days from seed now still in veg. I have 12 clones waiting to root and I'll flower those and keep the mums... I'll certainly be watching your grow. Good luck........................................................................... Oh yea what phenos if any do you think you have?


Well-Known Member
My Ak48 smell very very little,. my nirvana NL stank twice as much an its suposed to be low odor.
It kinda smells like fuity pebbles, i got 5 flowring (2weeks left) outdoors an they are some tough assbithces.

Ak48 is the lowest odor stain ive ever seen.

As far as the pots, 5 liters its pleanty big enough ,big roots = big plants= big buds.

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
Hey mate nice grow. I can't believe i haven't seen this thread sooner. I am growing AK48 regular( I meant to order fem!:wall:) My girls are about 31 days from seed now still in veg. I have 12 clones waiting to root and I'll flower those and keep the mums... I'll certainly be watching your grow. Good luck........................................................................... Oh yea what phenos if any do you think you have?
hi there thanks for the comment. the smell is getting strong defnitly got a fruityish smell fucken beutifull. u got a thread lyk m8.....gud luk wiv them regz.....:peace:

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
My Ak48 smell very very little,. my nirvana NL stank twice as much an its suposed to be low odor.
It kinda smells like fuity pebbles, i got 5 flowring (2weeks left) outdoors an they are some tough assbithces.

Ak48 is the lowest odor stain ive ever seen.

As far as the pots, 5 liters its pleanty big enough ,big roots = big plants= big buds.
nice 1 m8 a wasnt sure bowt pots with me using a n.f.t last time.... my plant defnitly got fruity tint to the smell.....gud luk

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
week5 day 38 from seed....
update on piks.
had bit accident yesterday drop me extracta hose and took a nice branch with a lovely head on it down. av tried taking cuttin from the fuka and am just gan put it twelve and twelve straight away.......gutd:cry:

duz any one have a idea what yield i shud get dry off these 5 ak 48s.


l.s.d smoker

Active Member
ok then had no replys but plenty views on my question so i will try and get this info off owa american cuzzingz.

duz any 1 either english, american or dutch have any idea what a ak 48 plant will give me in dry weight per plant.....
any comments r welcome...:peace:

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
wel a got up the day thought ad have a clean owt ov the bottom ov me tent and relised a had a few little black flys lyk a midgee or sumit a got bowt 5, a sat for an hour in tent and cudnt see anymore. a shuck the plant and checkt the soil b4 a put them bk. wat will a d if a get infested. av just been and geting a big long fly sticka shud tha d the job.

any comments r welcome as i havent had this problem b4. thanks