AK48 day 37 flower pics.


Well-Known Member

I do use a timer. Standard deal: 18/6 veg, 12/12 flower.

Everyone that hung around...THANKS!


Well-Known Member
Cannot wait for the bachelor party tommorrow night. I made two trays of brownies with the cannabutter in the bud pic.

I was super careful to get as much of the brownie mix into the pan as possible...but i got RIPPED off of licking the fork and the traces of brownie batter from the bowl.
I mean like semi-zombie 4 hour ripped. I think I'll tell everyone that they might be a bit strong and to just take one. :) They are soooo gooey and delicious looking. CANNOT WAIT!


Hey much of the miracle grow bloom 15-30- 15 did u use cause im using that and im hoping to get result like yours.


Active Member
Nice man, just read through the whole post. I'm on week two with 2 ak48's, super stoked to see your nugs they look great. Good job bro, good luck on the rest of your plants and future grows:bigjoint:


Active Member
long time. I was 98% red hair at harvest. You start seeing the first hairs go red on day 30ish of flower with this strain.
your plants look fat man , i have just put 2 ak48 femms in a troth 10litre added them to my forest today , so say there the quickest flowering plant around so i wanted to have a gander , did u veg to 15 inches or more ??? 1+rep for ur efforts ur plants look delic :)


Well-Known Member
Great job dude. How far along were they before you topped them? The cola branches seem really long, like they have been developing the whole time. Is that a strain specific characteristic? I topped an outdoor plant this last season and got the 4 colas I wanted but the new growth started much higher on the plant off of the stem, not down as far as yours. Just curious if it is a strain thing or a technique thing. +rep for the grow.