AK48 and Aurora Indica (Nirvana) 600w 4 weeks into veg


Active Member
I got 5 AK48 and 3 Aurora Indica in 10Liter pot. My plants are 4 week into veg, but my Ak strains are not tall enough (about 20cm each) and Aurora indica are from 30 to 40cm. What if I put all of them into flowering at this time? Should I wait more to veg? I am pressed by time here, cannot let them another 2 weeks into veg , but I also hope to get 400grams of total yeld. In veg I use 600w HM and in flo 600w HPS. It`s not my first grow, but It`s my first 100% indoor one. Do I have a chance to get good yeld from my AK`s if i put them into flo right now? P.S. I also have an Aurora Indica in a small pot (1liter) but it`s nothing serious and it`s barely visible in pics
well first, let me say that your plants look very healthy. good job! second, I think 400g's is a little high for your estimate for a 600w HPS unless you have everything dialed in and have a great yielding strain. You may, like I said, your plants look great! But, I see this is your first indoor grow, so I just want to point out that 400g's may be a little high. I hope that you achieve your goal, but I think you should set yourself up for less so that you are not disappointed.

I think you should wait at least another week to start flowering. Maybe two. If you have plants that are 7 inches and others that are 14-15 inches then you may need to raise up the shorter plants when you flower them. 15 inches is not too small to flower a plant, but with only your limited plant numbers you may want your 8 inch (20cm)plants to get taller. if you have a seperate flowering chamber then I suggest you flower the taller strain now, and give the other a couple more weeks veg.


Active Member
Thanks for your reply antonie. I like your ideea with puting the taller ones into flowering.actualy I already put those taller Aurora Indiica into flo yesterday just did not mentioned in my post.It seems that my concerns are real.got to veg those Ak`s another 2 weeks but due to my conditions I`ll veg them just one more week. I will post a pic made 2 weeks ago just to see the diference and how fast they grow.The only place wher I can put the taller ones is in a closet for now.when those AK`s will be tall enough to flower , I will not use that closet anymore.is there any problem if the Aurora Indica will spend the nights in that closet? it will be only one week until the AK`s are tall enough. P.S. all of them are feminised,already showing preflowering and they have 7 to 8 branches but no intercalated nodes
the growth seems about right for two weeks, it will continue at a higher rate if you let them.

I don't think there would be any problem flowering the aurora in the closet now other than light getting in. As long as you make sure that your closet is light proof you will have no problems. I think your plan is sound, for sure. Let those girls go another week and then throw everything into a room and let them do their thing. In terms of the taller ones, i just meant that you may want to place the shorter ones on something so that the canopy is as even as possible. This will make it easy on you in terms of raising the light and will allow the shorter plants to receive an adequate amount of light.

As to your perceived problem of not being able to grow the AKs for longer-this is not a problem, and with a 600 will probably work better for you as a really big plant would not get the light penetration to the bottom most branches to make quality bud. So, go for it man, you got it. Don't over think the shit, there is a tendency around here to make a big deal about small things. MJ grows in so many fucked up environments that as long as you get within spitting distance of the ideal you will be fine. If I were you I would bank on closer to 300g's for this grow, which is respectable, and should keep you going until you can get another grow going.


Active Member
thx alot man. if I will end up with 300g , it`s good deal. I will put some pics when I`ll begin flo with the AK`s .here I have a pic of last year outdoor grow...it went bad last 3 weeks of flowering...but it was last year.I want to mentione that it was unknown strain...I got seeds from a guy , bad quality, poor nutes, no perlite..just organic earth from shop.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Even with another 2 weeks in veg, you are not going to get 300 grams out of those plants. Sorry man.

I did 6 Lemon G clones a few months back. Got a steller harvest of 19 1/2 oz's (276 grms)
That was with an extra week of veg and LST from day one.
Everything was perfict with no problems at all.
1214101659.jpgThis is what they looked like going into veg.. Mind you they are in pots that mesure 18 inch's across.
They were so big, 6 plants filled up the entire 4x8 tent.

If you can get 2 oz's a plant you're going a good job, anything over that is a bonus/blessing.

This is what they looked like just days before harvestthe beach and needle 8318.jpg and yes, thats only about 3 1/2 oz's cured weight. the beach and needle 8329.jpg


Active Member
ok guys, 19.5 oz equals about 552 grams, I will try to use english measures. but last year I made easy from 2 to 2.8 oz per plant...it was an outdoor indoor mixure, on my balcony as you can see in last pic I posted.but here I have another pics from last year , about the same yeld (2 to 2.8oz/plant) . I have used an 400w HPS from begining, during sunny days plants spent all day on the balcony.basicaly I used the HPS just to fill 18 hours veg a day and when the weather gone bad. and the seeds were from an unknown strain that I growed previously , it went hermy a littlebit, I used the seeds and I got good results.nothing pro at all.no good nutes, no perlite, just earth ...I found good quality earth and some liquid for pot plants...that kind you find in flower markets.I was paying atention to N-P-K ratio, and it worked.plants vegged about 4 weeks.so last year makes me beleave that I can do more than a total of 11 oz... 5 AK48 and 3 Aurora Indica... it is not the same thing I`ve done last year..now I got perlite, better nutes, and quality feminised seeds


Active Member
and here I have another one >She got stunt in veg, but I handeled it and got results.this one was also a seed from a female


Active Member
BioGrow from Biobizz NPK 8-2-6 in veg and BioBloom from Biobizz NPK 2-6-3.5 for flowering phaze. Can`t transplant those plants...already swiched to flowering phase cose I don`t have enough space and time.Mabye my results will be smaller than I wanted