Ak47Lowryder CFL Grow Pics

Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
Green dont worry about that man, keep them girls growing. And see...I told you, you're learning lol u said you had already started trimming. Very nice! That should def help some and keep misting em. And 3 weeks, ahh that'll be a piece of cake. Just look at it this way, yea you've had some mishaps but you got ur own free weed. Enuff said....haha. Ur still learning, next time you know what u have to do. And i think i remember u saying ur changing ur nutes, plz do u wont regret it. Hell..when u get done pass me the L, or hell when I get done I'll pass you the :joint:


Well-Known Member
Oh I know I was just got off from work in a really PISSED off mood and that just didn't help at all. Ya changing nutes and lights getting the hps for christmas from the wife so next grow will be great and getting the recipe for success nutes. Bikeskill said that it was lacking in stuff but I'm used to swhag so I think it will do just fine for me I think I am sticking with the autoflowering for a while till I get I feel for this ya know.


Well-Known Member
No I haven't found one that is reasonable to buy. I'm not spending 199.99 on a pen meter and I don't think it will be to easy to convince my wife that I need a two hundred dollar pen meter lol. I want to get one but I would rether spend my money on the hps anyways.


Well-Known Member
very true, mine were free......it takes all the guess work out of feeding and on building up to full strength nutes

Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
They can get a bit pricey, I've never had one though. Thought about it but after I saw that I wasnt burning any plants by using the directions off of most of the packages. In most res changes, i'll add a lil more water than directed per gal to help keep em steady so i've found my happy medium! How are they looking by the way?


Well-Known Member
Since the trimming they are looking better for the eye. I did some research and I thinmk the reason for the burning was from ph lockout or technically chroline lockout (samething though) were the levels are to high for the plant to take so it creates a nutrient lockout and when I was adding the epsom salt I was accuttally hurting it because of the lockout. See when you add more stuff when it is in nute lockout adding more when you are thinking your doing the right thing can create a poison out of the nutes so I am thinking since I was using the tap water without letting it sit out or like the other dude said it doesn't matter how long you let it sit out its still not good for the plants. I will be buying I big water dispenser thing and filling that up once a week when I do my res change on next grow along with the new light and new nutes. I will snap some pics tommorrow when I get up. How are your plants looking?


Well-Known Member
Pics are all of #1 #2 is pitiful lol really she is. She looks like a down syndrom person who hasn't fully developed for their age lol. Today is day number 54 so there is 16 days left till harvest. I will be doing probably a 10 day flush to get all the nutes and everything out of the plants and then harvest. Oh ya before I forget do you know anything about the turning the lights off for 24 or 48 hours before the harvest? I have read about it but I don't know if whether to do the 24 or the 48...... But I'll pass the :joint: when I get it all cured. I was thinking to my self if plant #2 is still this sorry looking when I harvest I might just use the whole plant to make some iso hash. I have got the 91% Alcohol so I might just use her to make some pretty good hash if I don't get atleast a half ounce off of her. I will be making the iso regardless though with all the trim and left over stems so I might just throw a couple buds in there as well and step it up a notch. Hope you like the pics you should post some pics of your laidies so I can see how they are coming along.


Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
Sup green, I see the ladiez are looking kinda dense. Since you're almost done, some of ur leaves are going to look like that anyways since ur in the final stages. The flush you were talkin about is good, they'll continue to fill in and get all clean. dont want that green taste. Counting down the days...:hump:

But here's a couple pics of the ladiez i have in my box, excuse the quality they're taken with my cam phone



Well-Known Member
Ya man I only got 14 days till harvest. One week to dry and then I think one week cure but I'll just keep the nugs in the glass jar the whole time so by the time I get to the bottom they will be nice and cured. I made a trial take at iso hash last night just with some swhag stems I had saved up about 5-6 grams its pretty good nice a black gets you pretty ripped I must say. I am going to make some more after the cure is done out of plant #2 since she is the weaker one. Use all the stems from both plants and a couple buds from #2 should make some nice iso. Your plants look amazing I wish mine looked something like that when they started budding. I don't know if its your phone but the third pic makes the plant look somewhat purple is it that color? Real nice dark green leaves too I like that. I am so excited to harvest and start my second grow this upcoming month I just keep counting the days I almost cant wait.... lol. I;ll probably take some pics on friday on saturday after I do the res change to straight water.


Well-Known Member
Oh also I just got my veg closet all set up and ready to go just waiting on this seed to germinate in the shot glass over night. Its some bagseed but I have high hopes on this one being a female. I said I wasn't even going to waste the time on the bag seed but since I have a veg a flower room now I'll just take a clone from it and see what it is early on in the grow. I'll get some pics up of it as soon as the seed sprouts.


Active Member
wow dude, thats a solid looking crop growing from purely CFL's. The ak47lowryder resembles very closely some MK-Ultra i grew once upon a time.

Seriously, this post is inspiring to those of us on a tight budget who opt to use CFL's... i guess you CAN get some stellar weed from a micro fluoro grow.

Keep up the good work greenfirekilla


Well-Known Member
apzilla- thanks for the comment and the support. Its been a long 57 days I can tell you that much lol. I am hoping to atleast get an oz off of #1 and #2 I might just use her all for some iso hash but I'll have to wait and see what she looks like when all dried out.

Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
Im back! lol but dude, u said ur iso hash turned out good. I want to make some hash and some canna butter once I get done. going back to the hash though, u said u took the stems. Like str8 stems or some with buds left on em, im just wondering? I've done reading on hash before but it's been a while since i've looked into it again. thanx for the compliments though man, im trying to be like you when i grow up lol


Well-Known Member
Ya man straight stems here I'll put the directions its really easy to do. I only had 5 1/2 grams of stems and got a pretty decent size little black ball hope it works for you.

1. gather up your saved stem collection trimmings or even bud if you want to use it put all into glass jar freeze for about 30 minutes to an hour.
2. Pour your 91% alcohol in the glass jar you only need enough to cover what is in the jar. Then shake nonstop for 20-30 minutes I only did mine for 20 so that will work.
3. Get a coffee filter and a pyrex pan.
4. Take the lid off of the glass jar and put coffee filter over the top. Pour the alcohol into the pyrex pan using the coffee filter to hold the stems and shit in.
5. Sit and wait for the alcohol to evaporate.
6. Scrape residue with razor roll up let dry and enjoy.

Oh by the way to speed the evaporating proccess up I put the pyrex pan in our spare bathroom turned the exhaust fan on and also put a raditor like heater in there.

Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
Sweet, thanx for the lil tutorial. I take it this 91% alcohol ur talking about...uhh...is this like any type of rubbing alcohol you can by from the store or some other special type. Just want to be clear, cause i'd like to try that with the hash, never had any before.

Turkey day was cool, hope u had a good one. any progress updates?


Well-Known Member
Almost. I got it from good ole walmart There is 70% and 91% the higher percentage is better because it has less water in it so it will evaporate faster. The laidies are looking good. I did the res switch today to straight water. Only 11 days left till harvest. Oh when I cleaned the res I found all the bloom nutrients like stuck to the sides and top of the tupperware. Like it would get wet and the nutes would just stick to the side. Maybe thats why I was having a little bit of problems, stupid dy nutrients. I'll post some pics tonight when I get off work.


Well-Known Member
The Bagseed I did in the soil didn't take so I germinated another Ak seed last night and put it in the soil just a few minutes ago with the seed already cracked, so we should see something tommorow night. The batterys for the camera are dead so I have to charge them so won't be able to post pics till tommorrow after work.