AK47 x BlueBerry f1


Active Member
I ordered some seed's last month from an excellent seed bank last month and I decided to start a grow now that the weather is spring-like outside now. Anyways, I have sprouted 2 of my 10 seeds as sort of like a "trial" grow. Anyways, one sprouted very quickly and its now in a glass with some electrical tape around it because I know roots hate light of any kind and I have it on my window ledge to get some sunlight and get through the first week of growing indoors. My plan is to transplant it outside in a location I have scoped out and let both of these plants grow outdoors. My second seed is just starting to sprout the root so its going to be planted tomorrow or the next day. Anyways, this is how far I have come so far. I have a few questions before I transplant, because I have been reading alot of grow journals and the ones that failed were the ones that got transplanted by noob's such as myself. I realize that the roots should NEVER see the light of day so this begs the question for me.

1. Should I transplant at night with no light?

I only ask this because there would be no way for me to transplant without the roots seeing some light even if it is for a second to two. I dont wanna pack the dirt real tight, because I might crush the little baby.

Now for my second question, the temp here ranges from the 60's and 70's and we have low temps in the middle of the night in the high 40's to low 50's some nights, so I want to know the optimum temperature for this particular strain.

2. What's the optimum temprature for my particular strain? Low's and Highs.

Now for my final question. I have ran into the issue of drying the plant if I am lucky enough to make it all the way to harvest. I thought about it lastnight and I figure a good way to dry the plant for two weeks would be to buy some fishing string (the thinner the better) and string the plant up a tree to where the leaves and branches from the tree will hide the plant. I thought of fishing string because if you get the really thin kind it will be hard to see unless you walk right up on it and are looking for it. I cannot do any of the drying in my house or indoors for that matter, because I live with anti-pot people. I even smoke my pot outside or in my car. I can cure the pot in my house if its just using mason jars and airing them out every few days cuz I can just take the jar's outside and air them out for a few hours. Anyways, on to the question...

3. Is my idea to dry my plants the best way of doing this stealth?

4. Is curing bud, basically just keeping the bud in mason jar's for a few weeks? Keep in mind that I dont excatly know what "curing means"

Also, I want to try the bud out for a test sample, so can I just smoke it right off the plant before I dry and cure the bud?

If anyone knows of a grow journal/smoke report of this particular strain, please post a link in this thread. Any answers, suggestions, and comments are greatly appricated.

Thanks in advance guys...


Active Member
1. The roots aren't THAT sensitive they just dont like to live in the light. You can transplant in the light with no problems.
2. Does it really matter? your growing outdoors. and all marijuana plants are fairly consistent on temperatures. IF its comfortable for us its comfortable for them. Veg. Is nice to have mid to high 80's. And flowering mid 70's to mid 80's.
3. No not at all. Once you've cut your plants down take them home and cure them where they are safe and out of the way! I know some will say "its risky" but so is climbing up a tree.
4. Curing is the process of removing the moisture from the bud and allowing it to reach its peak point. If you just let your harvested bud sit in jars it will mold. You need to hang it in a dry cool place, with a fan blowing air around it to keep mold spores at bay. After you place them in mason jars and open the jars a few times a day to allow fresh air. The bud will continue to get better and better in this period and you can decide when your happy with how dry it is.

5. You can sample bud from a plant previous to it being ripe, whats going to stop you? It won't taste as good, or be as potent, or smoke as well, but you can do it. Allow it to cure for a few days, or just allow it to sit after removing the leaves should be good in a few days. I've heard of people microwaving marijuana to help it dry, but this seems like a terrible idea...

6. USE THE SEARCH BUTTON most these questions have already been answered on this site. And grow more than 2 plants... start at least another 3. Remember they won't be all females even if you did get feminized seeds.