Ak47 super frosty ready to harvest?

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Thats some crazy leaf curl. Most likely genetics with that...I heard yeilds hurt with those genetic problems...any insite into that? How do the trics look?


Active Member
I got some AK47. myself 53 to 63 days is what they say.looks like you might be burning em a little look real good let me know how the finished is.i hope its as good as they say. Post how much bud you get off those babys please.go green!



Well-Known Member
i don't think thats genetic, that looks just like nute burn, I've done it myself...................I bet if you give them straight water for a week or 2 you wont have that leaf curl or leaf discoloration


Well-Known Member
I'm not looking for an arguement, but I might suggest the same to you...read the grow guides regarding harvest time. If you want to be technical, you need to indeed look at the trichomes. Then you can guage what you are looking to get out of the buds. BUT, as a rule of thumb, you can guage your harvest time with the hair color. I will attach a quote of Expert guide to growing marijuana. "The optimal time to harvest marijuana plants is when THC production has reached its maximum. A rough guide as to when to harvest is to wait until 50%-80% of the white pistils (hairs) have turned dark (usually brown or red). But a better method of determining when to harvest is to wait until certain trichomes on the plant have matured."

Have u had any experience growing? the trichomes tell you when to harvest... not the hairs. pistils can dry out way before the plant has had time to decarboxilate... thats when the thc acids transform into cannabinoids... and thats what you get high on!!!


Active Member
iam on my fith grow with ak47 and i harvest at 56 to 60 days but i think they could go a little longer


Active Member
A to the K homeboy. Looks like you got some phat buds but the leaves are a little curly. I would have to say it's a little heat stress or over fertilizer...but otherwise...reap in the harvest!


Well-Known Member
They dont look ready.. What I usually do is wait until majority of the hairs have turned...then i'll check trich. I dont flush unitl its done, then let it go for a few days to a week max.


Well-Known Member
also if u do a 2 week flush, dont just stop nutes....gradually ween off nutes to prevent shock,,, i've tried numerous methods and this one works for me.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for your opinions thats what i was looking for, I know i should use a microscope and look at the trichomes just havent got one yet. this is my first harvest so i have \tossed alot of money to get all this started up. but it should get easier from here on out. I just started Aeroponics for reasons of more yeild and faster cycle. NUTE BURN? maybe a little but they seem healthy. I have been following the instructions. Anyhow thanks for the input. Its 420 i gotta go smoke now
hey trichoman great lookin grow. radio shack has an illuminated microscope for just over 12 dollars. youve tossed alot of money in this to not have a scope.


Active Member
day 6 of FLushing XD
Hei! Never listen what they say about hairs. After u'll cut her, after 3 days of drying, all hairs will be brown. If the resin quantity is big, it means they reached full THC levels and is time to cut her in the morning.