Ak47 & strawberry cough


Well-Known Member
that first ak47 looks crazy, like 5 tops lol.

All of those dead leafs on the bottom of the plants, cut them off at the stem. They are no longer producing energy so you want to remove them so the plant doesnt waste its time trying to heal/use them. If a leaf is more then 50% dead remove it.


Well-Known Member
Yea she's my special one. I like to wait til I can just snap the branches off easily but yea i'm gon trim these once i get the time. getting real crowded in ther


Well-Known Member
Thanks caliboy. I dont really kno how long flowering. they been all showing sex since veg, that one AK kicked in to budding as soon as it hit 12/12 which was like 12 days ago. The others are just starting.


Well-Known Member
I think they're looking good but if theres anythign to point out please do. I been giving 1mL/L of grow and bloom today I gave 2mL/L of grow and 1mL/L of bloom and vitamins. Flowering about 2 weeks now. i hope they hang on to their leaves.

AK 1
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AK 2
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AK 1 week veg from seed


Well-Known Member
Lookin great man. I've been wanteing to grow some AK47 for like 2 years, when I went t get my seeds for my last grow, Thats what I went to buy. Unfortunatly they were back ordered by six weeks, and I had to have them that day. Ended up with some K.C.Brains#36.


Well-Known Member
G13 would be badass, but that price is outrageous, and honestly i've never heard of a company that produced a pure g13 seed. Some companies, Soma seeds i thnk, have g13 cross breeds, but I would want the real thing! I was under the impression that pure G13 only came in clone form.


Well-Known Member
very nice. all of ur plants look very healthy. plus rep. i am also doing an ak47 grow. nice to check it out in advanced!

and yeah they grow fast!!


Well-Known Member
looking really nice highside....

if i was u id up the nutes to 2ml/L Grow + 2ml/L Bloom + micro nutes( no point in giving more Grow nutes than bloom when in 12/12)...
and then in a week up to 2ml/L Grow + 3ml/L Bloom, then another week 2ml/L Grow + 4ml/L Bloom...

and im sure your sced is nutes, water, nutes, water.....

Keep up the good work....


Well-Known Member
Yea I had heard somewhere or from someone that there are no pure G13 seeds, it got me wondering. I also don't remember which seed bank from, but they had G13, G13xsomething haze, and so on. Whatever lol.

I also don't like the idea that I gave more grow than bloom, but the lower leaves have been falling off and so. I guess its natural but I remember my last grow, All the fan leaves died off after about 4-5 weeks into flowering. And yea, I don't follow the rule exactly but it's usually nutes water nutes water sometimes nutes nutes water you know how it goes :)

I love ak47 already. I've never smoked it but the smell is fantastic, like pure marijuana. And they show sex during veg. Awesome.


Well-Known Member
Ak47 has sooooo many cannabis cups for a reason!! Its one of the best!! I'm pretty sure the G13 x's are from a couple companies, but I think Soma Seeds has quite a few in their line up!
I believe that the fan leaves die off, one because the plant is focusing its energy on the buds, and two because the plant is looking for more nutes in the leaves, and it extracts it from them, since it doesn't need them much any more! Seems like everybody says to just trim them as they die.


Well-Known Member
Na I already did that to one to see how it differs from no trimming. Plus the humidity here can go pretty high and i'd prefer many nugs than a big rotten bud.


Well-Known Member
So I can afford another bottle of fert/additive for the plants. Since i'm already using biobizz I was thinking bioheaven or topmax, but I doubt their efficiency. I've never tried anything other than biobizz so i cant tell but dr hornby's big bud sounds very appealing. Any thoughts on this would be cool. Or any other booster you'd recomend for the flowering phase


Well-Known Member
I havn't done hydro yet, but in my reading, and planning, I think I'm going to go with the dutchmasters line of nutes. They seem like they should be high quality, and well absorbed I hope.


Well-Known Member
I don't know hydro but I know the Dutch are good. I think i'm going to give Dr Hornby a try.

Some buds and what not. enjoy the macros
