AK RIU picnic/meetup

Just learned I'll likely not have a vehicle to drive up to Kincaid that weekend damnit. Anyone heading up from anywhere on the Kenai peninsula? I realize its a lot to ask but carpooling may be my only option...:-? I'll gladly help with gas etc!
Just learned I'll likely not have a vehicle to drive up to Kincaid that weekend damnit. Anyone heading up from anywhere on the Kenai peninsula? I realize its a lot to ask but carpooling may be my only option...:-? I'll gladly help with gas etc!
Id drive down on friday to make sure you got a ride boss! Well figure it out!
Aw shucks you guys/gals are awesome! Big props to AlaskaHashMan, Fuckcancer, FrozenChosen and AKRBB907!:clap::clap::clap: I'm a middle-aged dude and it sounds dorky but I'll admit I kinda welled up when I saw all your kind offers. I mean RIU is the only online community I've ever been a part of, and its humbling for all you kind folks to offer assistance to some random dude who needs a ride!:bigjoint: I owe you all a bowl! :bigjoint:

While the offer for gas $ is super generous, I recommend putting the dough into Kalua pork or whatever you're bringing to the bbq because I can cover my gas, I just don't think I'll have a rig. I share a vehicle with my lady, and she needs it that weekend to shuttle visiting family... which means she won't make it to the picnic either dangit!

Anyway, all this encouragement is inspiring, and I'm not giving up yet. I may be able to borrow a friend's rig ("Hey Jim, I was wondering if I could borrow your truck to go to a ganja picnic/meet-n-greet in Anchorage" or soemthing like that? LOL). Or maybe take the train or shuttle- they're unknown to me but I'll look into it.

Also, I'll be coming from Seward, and can get to Tern Lake to carpool, so if anyone's coming from Homer/Soldotna/Kenai/etc. it wouldn't be out of your way...

I'll get something figured out, and thanks again for the support!!! :clap::clap::clap:
Ok, some outdoor show,sale is the reason to come to Anchor town. I'm sure were having one then. Or what kind of work do you do, maybe a client. Need any heavy equipment parts or something like that. You know that on Monday after the picnic you'll remember what you needed. lol

Elkamino, I'll take you home or bring you no problem. I love to drive and the Kenai/Seward drive is nice without RV's doing 5MPH.

OOOh OOOh shit I was just thinking that I finally feel like fishing again after taking the last couple of years off
(two summers fishing commercially on Kalgin Island will do that) . So thats' it, I'll plan on at least hitting nash rd.. RIU fishing trip perhaps... I have a friend whose family owns a kenai charter company, I'll talk to him about it.
Thanks Hashman! I'll still try to get a ride figured out but will keep you in the loop as it comes together. But YES IN ADVANCE to an RIU fishing trip too! This picnic is gonna be off the hook!:bigjoint:

Gotta say that I'm no RIU sourdough but damn I miss the rep button! Seriously, if anything deserves rep it'd be a 5-hrs-out-of-your-way trip to pick a brotha up to go to a picnic! :clap::clap::clap:

Sure can't get that BBQ pork out my mind, either...
it's my personal hell that we live one block from Hula Hands. it's a Hawaiian place that makes my whole neighborhood smell like Pig
.. RIU fishing trip perhaps... I have a friend whose family owns a kenai charter company, I'll talk to him about it.
Also my wife expressed some reservations because she has a decent job in a great financial institution here in town and knows everywhere she goes she see's members. So discretion is a must if she comes and you see here at work afterwards.
Ditto, That is my wife's one main reservation.... she as well does see members EVERYWHERE and her company wouldn't condone this either....
discretion is the key.
Key to life Sir!
it's my personal hell that we live one block from Hula Hands. it's a Hawaiian place that makes my whole neighborhood smell like Pig
Mmmmm pig......
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