After talkin w a couple other folks on here from AK, we thought we should try and have a picnic or a get together sometime to meet each other and maybe grow as an actual community. Thoughts? Ideas? Lets here it guys!
I was thinking Kincaid park or something with lots of space for us to be on our own lolDid you have a location in mind ?
I was thinking Kincaid park or something with lots of space for us to be on our own lol
GWN idk where you are but id make a trip just to sit and tall w you as well sir!I was thinking Anchor town as well.
If it comes to fruition and the stars align that I will be in the city then I'd like to meet you guys.
Damn right! This will definitely be a respectful and clean meetup. We need to prove to alaska we can be model citizens while still being the underground kings we are!!Down like a mofo. My lil one and wife love kinkaid! Lets make a statement of how intelligent and cordial we can are!!!!
And yes everyone bring your family's! Ive got 3 bbqs I can bring out well make a day of it!!Down like a mofo. My lil one and wife love kinkaid! Lets make a statement of how intelligent and cordial we can are!!!!
I already signed up as a volunteer so hopefully they contact me as well. Id love for this to be a community wide thing!Theres a guy that's trying to put on the first alaska thunder cup and ill try and contact him to get him to come too. GWN hope to see you as well.
Id love to be a judge but im pretty sure since we dont know the guy that probly wont happen. This town is huge one the ol' "its who ya know" thing! Fuck it lets have our own get together and make shit HAPPEN!!Oh good god yes. I was gonna be a judge and a participant but the wife shot me down. Ill mos def be there tho thats for sure! Last I talked to him he said he was having trouble with some officials. They wanna keep it small and low key and the dude is trying to make a statement. I hope it gets worked out and still happens!
Damn thats pretty sweet deal man. I may have to check it out. Then ill just have to sneak some samples so you can "judge" them too since the wifeys puttin the foot down! hahahaThere was judge and contestant tickets. 180 for a judge and 95 plus a ounce to enter as an contestant.May have changed as I have not visited the site in about two weeks.
Meeting fellow RIU folks or taking samples for some of them hahaha (sorry Fuckcancer87 I wouldn't actually do that lol)Would that even be legal in Alaska under current laws?
Been waitin for you to show up brotha!! I guess we need to figure out a When and then ill plan a where!I'm in! just lay down the when and where!