AK RIU picnic/meetup

Dont forget this is informal guys we dont have to go over the top on feeding each other! Keep it simple and cheap! Im more interested in meeting the gang than I am on testing your cooking skills!
I wish you guys well - seriously wanted to make it but alas Moose hunt in Sept trumps meet & greet w/ cool folks in July.
Gotta fill the freezer, ya know. :cool:

I'm hoping this won't be the only one ?
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My friends! My family's in town and I can't make it today as yesterday was a big one on the water. Today we're processing 20-some silvers and 'buts so no chance I can make it to ANC. Dang!

I also hope that this picnic thing will happen again, I'd sure love to meet you all BEFORE legalization passes- it'll dawn a whole new and different day in this state very, very soon and we'll be able to meet, smoke and shoot the shit without fear of the man!:clap: I look forward to the picnic report next week.

All I can offer picnic-wise is a pic our catch from yesterday... my lady's family is AWESOME! (ANd yes that's Elkamino on the right...:lol:
Fishin Fools.jpg