@klyphman! How our your trees growing? If I remember correctly you have some monsters in the backyard. I would love to see some pics of that Ike's Afghani!!! I have a pack and want to run it next year. Also some follow up pics of your NL and Cluster Fuck would be cool!
Yeah, got a few going of various size.
The big one, Nl5/1 x 89 NL.
Moving along, not much resin or smell yet.
Have branch pollinated with Clusterfuck, Ike’s, and for f2s. And with some D9 thai x DLA 5 (Bodhi)

Clusterfuck is much smaller.
Started later, bent and trained on snow fencing for SOG style.
Falls in the shadow of the big NL toward the end of the day.
Will be done before the end of the month, yes!
Resin developed early on this one and looks to be caked by the end.
I‘m not the best with smells, but sickly sweet rotten fruit seems dominant at this point.
I only got male Ike’s, but saved pollen.
Here he is during collection.