

Well-Known Member
oh my rasta spelling is rusty. I have a good friend that uses the bumbaclat thing all the time and he is 100 percent rasta. i did 10 plants in a 3 foot by 2 foot space and they turned out great. with that math obviously 2 plants are fine in a small space. But now i grow 2 plant in a 2 by 3 space. so i mean its hard to answer that question. If you have a hps and you top your plants a few times you can get a way with growing your 2 plants in a space that is the size of the pots/buckets you use. so using a 2 5 gallon buckets you could top your plants enough to get a really nice harvest in a 1 foot by 2 foot space. Crazy i know but its possible.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah its a bit of an any answer question you could put 2 lowryders in the size of a cardboard box if your doing cfls or you'd need a big space with say a 250 hps. 1 x 2 is adequate for lowryders if you keep them in check!


Well-Known Member
yea its all in the air like obviously a 1000 watt you need a big space but my 2 by 3 grows used a 400 watt hps, so with good ventilation and no hood to the light you could def grow two nice plants in a 1 by 2 area with a 250 watt hps. Then again your right if you go with cfls you will not get the best yeild but you will get a decent amount. Its all trial and error.


this is my ak 48 vegged for 5 weeks and topped, this shit is unreal rock hard buds and yeah it does finish in about 7 weeks

got 4 oz off the biggest and 3.5 off the smallest

happy growing!
thats awesome man! So does that mean you only vegged for 5 weeks and then flowered for 2 weeks? or 5 weeks veg and 7 weeks flower? Btw how was the odor when you were growing it?


Well-Known Member
thats awesome man! So does that mean you only vegged for 5 weeks and then flowered for 2 weeks? or 5 weeks veg and 7 weeks flower? Btw how was the odor when you were growing it?
I'm not him but considering 7 weeks of flower is pretty darn short...

I'm going with 5 weeks veg THEN 7 weeks flower. :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers! I vegged it for 5 weeks and it took 7 weeks further to flower, the 48 name doesn't come from it finishing in 48 days VVV and yeah it stinks to high heaven


This easy to grow plant is of medium height and produces good yields quite quickly. Extremely STRONG odour and smoke. Take extra care for odour control when growing near neighbours. The name was given not out of any idea of violence, but more in association with the one hit wonder that the smoke is. Quality without compromise makes AK suitable for commercial grows or home use.

7 weeks for nearly 4 oz per plant under a 600 is good going by any standards even if i say so meself haha


Well-Known Member
I have a AK48 at 3 weeks flower now. She vegged for 6 weeks and I did Uncle Ben's topping to get 4 colas.

The tallest of the four colas is roughly 2.5' - 3' tall.

BTW at 3 weeks flower she looks like 5 weeks flower of the bagseed grow i just finished.


cheers! I vegged it for 5 weeks and it took 7 weeks further to flower, the 48 name doesn't come from it finishing in 48 days VVV and yeah it stinks to high heaven


This easy to grow plant is of medium height and produces good yields quite quickly. Extremely STRONG odour and smoke. Take extra care for odour control when growing near neighbours. The name was given not out of any idea of violence, but more in association with the one hit wonder that the smoke is. Quality without compromise makes AK suitable for commercial grows or home use.

7 weeks for nearly 4 oz per plant under a 600 is good going by any standards even if i say so meself haha

haha nice. I just started off with two feminized seeds from nirvana growing under a 150W HPS. Its only about 5 or 6 days in but already starting to look good. My only thing now is to to to find a cheap enough inline fan and good diy carbon filter to connect to the exhaust for my dryer which just happens to be right next to my grow space. Hopefully my plan works because the odor really scares me more then anything else. Btw when did your plants start smelling?

Sorry for all the questions but this is my first grow and any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
While we are talking about Nirvana f/m ratios...so far mine has been poor too.

GREAT germ/sprout rates though...100%. But out of 5 planted so far...only got one girl. She is gorgeous and easy to grow...but still only 1 out of 5. :(


Does, ak-48 smell real bad when it's flowering? I was told it does..... how does Bubblegum smell while it's growing??? any1 know?


Well-Known Member
Does, ak-48 smell real bad when it's flowering? I was told it does..... how does Bubblegum smell while it's growing??? any1 know?
AK48 3 weeks in doesn't smell "bad". It's not overly strong yet either. Smells like weed. but 3 weeks is early i suppose...give me a few more weeks and we'll both know.


Well-Known Member
I've grown it all the way out and it's not particularly stinky. AK-47 is what is stinky and this isn't that, it's just named similarly to get people to buy it. Besides that it's a great Indica smoke and a pleasure to grow. It bushes out nicely and responds well to topping.


I've grown it all the way out and it's not particularly stinky. AK-47 is what is stinky and this isn't that, it's just named similarly to get people to buy it. Besides that it's a great Indica smoke and a pleasure to grow. It bushes out nicely and responds well to topping.

KK, thank you, I'm going to top ak-48 for sure then, because it looks like a nice plant, with real fat thick buds.


Active Member
I started a modest closet grow (Ak48 Feminized seeds) and was wondering if any of you pros can help me out and tell me if im doing good so far.
I'll attach some pics and describe them for you.
I'm using Miracle grow moisture control with 3 weeks worth of nutes, one 6 in fan to blow, 1 computer fan to suck air out and I just added one at the bottom today (7.29.09) to pull air in, 1 bowl of water to try and maintain humidity, four 27watt 100watt replacment cfls with a total of 5,600 lumens. The light spectrum is in the 5,500K range. I didn't start out using these, I had the wrong bulbs at first ( Two soft white 2,700k spectrum) when she still only had her first true leaf pairs. As you can see I've changed the size of the container between week 2 and week 3 so the tap root would have a longer stretch. The temp stays around 78- 82 degrees F. I mist her with poland spring water and I water her with the same. I raised the light to induce stretching after noticing during week two she was staying small and started to shoot out lateral stems. She's grown a bit in height since then.
The pics names shows the week (W) the date, and time. The ones named IMG were taken today, tomorrow makes 4 weeks.



Active Member
Hey man, my apologies. I may have been a member for some time but I've never really used the fourm to ask questions so I figured if I tried replying on somebody else post I would get a faster response. Thanks anyway, appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
I just planted 4 AK48 feminized germed seeds into my first bubbleponic/constant drip system. I used 4 gallons of ph'ed distilled water. Planted them at about 4 a.m. sunday moning. They haven't sprouted yet...Hope I didn't fuck it up, I was kinda drunk. Anyway there in there and God willing they'll grow. I used a drop of superthrive in the last gallon I added.

Good luck to you brother.


New Member
While we are talking about Nirvana f/m ratios...so far mine has been poor too.

GREAT germ/sprout rates though...100%. But out of 5 planted so far...only got one girl. She is gorgeous and easy to grow...but still only 1 out of 5. :(
I have there AK48 fem seeds and so far 100% sprout and 100% fem....I love nirvana!!