AK-48 and ICE Spots.. Please Help



  • Okay this is my very first grown and after everything I’ve read over the past few weeks I decided to go with a DWC Hydro Grow.I’m growing in a 3x2x2 stealth box with an intake and exhaust fans, and a gallon reservoir.

    I planted the AK on Oct 13 and the 2 Ice on Oct 20[SUP]th[/SUP] ( I was waiting for seeds).

    As you can see I’ve had some early problems with my AK plant and no problems with my 2 Ice Plants.In the beginning I had water temp (78 degress) and humidity problems. Which I know caused some nutrition deficiencies and I also developed some root rot.

    I’m using my local hydro shop of H202 to rid my root rot problems and I’ve add some root stimulator (advice from the guy from the shop).

    I’m using GH Flora series as my nutrients.

    I just recently noticed some new spots on some of my top leaves on the AK plant so I’m wondering what my problems come be.

    PH Levels 6.0
    Water Temp 65 degrees
    Humidity 50​




Well-Known Member
I never got a lot of help at the grow shops until after the fact I got some coco once thought I'd try it with Advance Nutes didn't work took back the coco I had let over then they tell me it didn't go together but they sold it to me together and didn't say shit. Your plants look hungry how many ppms of nutes are you feeding I not the hydro guy and never used your nutes Hydro isn't the easiest grow I would wanna have some one walk me threw the first one:lol:


Active Member
Well I just found out something new, the last couple of days my plants have been doin something too, like yours brown around the edges, tips, curling dying even the colas, I have the advanced perfect ph nutes, grow, micro and bloom I thought ok after triple checking, I do have a bit of algae building up in the tubes of my hydro the water runs thru to get into the buckets, ok someone said that will cause problems...I researched till I was ok wishing I had a blue screen ( till I was blue in the face dont work in this context) rofl..
So I called the advanced nutrient support people omg yes they have a support team, I am in heavin and so nice too...lol...
ok anyway back to what I learned, one I was underfeeding them...yup me...perfect ph aint good enough lol...
I was using a bit I did my measurment for 4 ml as a hair under a teaspoon, I got that wrong its a TABLEspoon yeap I miss heard the guy when I called for ml to be put in lamens terms..
so he said all I had to do was do the proper amount, and put it in the resevoir, no I didnt have to change out the water, just add it, it wouldnt hurt them, then in a couple of hours to days I should see result..oh and I got a new camera hopefully it takes better pics I know they look better on the camer screen than my old camera also I learned that it wouldnt hurt a thing to add some beneficial bacteria which they have a really good selection...
So far the advanced is working great for me, yes its expensive but it doesnt take all that much the bottles should last me for awhile..ok gotta run hope you all have a good day...mine is lookin up (fingers crossed)


Thanks for the response. I got a PPM meter yesterday and realized my nuts were extremely low so I added nuts lastnight around 8pm and no change from lastnight.

Actually my PPM had increased WTF!!! So this morning I topped off my resivisor hoping this will help.
I did have some root rot at one time however it looks like I have that issue under control, however it seems my nuts are still locked out. What do you think my problem is??


Active Member
Maybe its the weather change or something geesh, my plants were doing great, then wham, well this morning I woke up to a flooded grow tent one of the stupid rings broke loose as they do sometimes so I went ahead and changed out the water and buckets, hard work when you have plants in them one at a time without undoing the tubes...ugggg....
Anyway I put the right amount of advanced nutes in this time...4 tablespoons per 5 gallon bucket it takes 3 sometimes 4 buckets from totally empty...If they dont show improvement by tomorrow, then I will go get the revive and see if its does what it says it does...here is what my leaves look like finally got some half way decent pics..
So I take it "Locked out" means "starving" and or "overfeeding"?....


Active Member
Hey Micwalk, its something they have in the hydro store that is another product from advanced nutrienets in a white bottle with a big red cross on it, supposed to help your plants thru shock, and lots of other stuff, was gonna get some and try it, but ended up getting my new ebb and flo system instead, couldnt pass up a very good deal, 400 instead of 6, saved 2 yahooo...
http://www.advancednutrients.com/hydroponics/products/revive/revive_product_information.php so I guess i keep babying them and if they dont come out of it, then hopefully my clones will do ok,everyone keeps telling me its lock out, even the guy in the hydro shop and a plant shop I took a couple of leaves with me, surprised I didnt get booted lol...anyway, no one was in the store when I showed them the leaves so I dont think it hurt anything....fingers crossed...so he told me how to feed them and gave me a measuring cup with mils on it and a feeding chart and marked when and how much for what I am doing ...said in a couple of days they should show signs of better, so now I have the opinion its lock out and /or a deficiency...what have you tried to do different than what you are doing?...you keeping your room under 80, you have fans, your not over watering, I guess eliminate what it isnt then try to figure what it is...
If your ph is ok, your water is kept cool, you have fans, your not over watering, and the light is not too close, what else?? could it be...
you couldnt identify from the urls I sent you? for plant problems?
ok here are some more problem solver pages...check these out and see if they help

This one looks really good lots of pics and info....

and this one the first marijuana growers page


New Member
Thanks for the response. I got a PPM meter yesterday and realized my nuts were extremely low so I added nuts lastnight around 8pm and no change from lastnight.

Actually my PPM had increased WTF!!! So this morning I topped off my resivisor hoping this will help.
I did have some root rot at one time however it looks like I have that issue under control, however it seems my nuts are still locked out. What do you think my problem is??
How low was your PPM?

And I've noticed that when my plants drink water, the PPM will rise. I only top off with water and correct ph as needed. I will run about 850 and add water at about 1000 to drop it back down to 850. PH rises. Usually about 25 drops of ph down per gallon is what I have to use to correct after adding water.