AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH


Well-Known Member
Good day all...

Here be the flowering pics for ya, things looking good!

........................................ bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
ah-ah---ooooooohhhhhhhh yeeeaahhh some good ol' root porn, gets me off everytime! :lol::lol::lol: looking good as always brotha! kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
ah-ah---ooooooohhhhhhhh yeeeaahhh some good ol' root porn, gets me off everytime! :lol::lol::lol: looking good as always brotha! kiss-ass

Thank ya sir..... i luv the root porn too! :eyesmoke:

Good day all, here be some updates for ya...

The Mom's were all topped again the other day, man do they ever look soo healthy.. bongsmilie

The new clones are coming along great, roots everyware!
They should be put into the 12h flower system this weekend.. :mrgreen:

Well, i finally got the temps staying in the 80's and lower now and my flowering lady's sure like it better!
they are about 1' shorter then the last batch!
I pulled up the bamboo trelis for them yesterday, keep them all tucked together better it will.... :eyesmoke:

Here's the 2 week flower batch, they looking soo good, a bit light coloured, so i added more nutz last night and they are definetly greener this morn, but the pic's are from last night... :joint:

And here's the smaller table with the 400w HPS waiting for the clones to come and inhabit it! :mrgreen:

.............................................. :joint:


Well-Known Member

Mighty nice, epix! Glad to see your temps are finally dropping... so are mine.

You're in the South as well, right. It's been nice to see sub-80F temps here in SoTex these last two weeks.


Well-Known Member

Mighty nice, epix! Glad to see your temps are finally dropping... so are mine.

You're in the South as well, right. It's been nice to see sub-80F temps here in SoTex these last two weeks.
Thank ya sir, and no, lol, i'm a Canuc, Temps usually way lower here, but summers are frigin 90+ here still, i may be way north of ya but summer still smolders in the prairies anyware!......

Any how.....

Here be some updates for ya all.....

Gotta admit that i've been gone for 3 days and my hole setup has Not been tended till 20 min's ago! :blsmoke:

So here be my Sexy lady's!
Starting with the Moms, WoW they look good! :mrgreen:

And here be my Next batch into 12h.....
frigin roots everware....
About a week and the cloner will be filled again.... :eyesmoke:

And here be the Flower room, starting old to young.....
Fuk they look'n good! :joint:

.................................................................. bongsmilie


Active Member
Epic grow man! lol You have everything man Tasty Buds/Beautiful Mothers/Sexy clones. Go hard or go home huh? :-P +rep bro keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Epic grow man! lol You have everything man Tasty Buds/Beautiful Mothers/Sexy clones. Go hard or go home huh? :-P +rep bro keep it up!

Thank ya sir, now that it's all dialed in for me i'm gonna go hard enough to have a garentied stock for if i Ever run out again! bongsmilie

Well all, got the 3rd flower table filled tonight!
So here be some Pics of the flower room listed by week for ya....

week 0

Week 3

Week 5

Fuk they all look Soo goooood!

.................................................. bongsmilie


Active Member
WOW im loving the pics man!! what kinda nutes do u feed tho ladies? im actually working on my first grow rite now myself i jus went into the first week of flowering and i only ended up coming up with 2 females!! outta 6 fukk! but i was thinking if maybe i cud still clone thesse ladies? do u think it wud b a good idea if i cloned them 1 week into the flowering bro? im sorry to bother u wid the questions but ur grow seemed pretty fuken amazing man im impressed i thaught maybe u cud help me out with a suggestion.. its cuz i only got 2 females and i really wanted moore then jus 2 plants... i really wantd to yeild alot so do u think i shud or shud TOP them or CLONE them? check out if my link if u'd like bro its in my sig.. HAPPY GROWING


Well-Known Member
WOW im loving the pics man!! what kinda nutes do u feed tho ladies? im actually working on my first grow rite now myself i jus went into the first week of flowering and i only ended up coming up with 2 females!! outta 6 fukk! but i was thinking if maybe i cud still clone thesse ladies? do u think it wud b a good idea if i cloned them 1 week into the flowering bro? im sorry to bother u wid the questions but ur grow seemed pretty fuken amazing man im impressed i thaught maybe u cud help me out with a suggestion.. its cuz i only got 2 females and i really wanted moore then jus 2 plants... i really wantd to yeild alot so do u think i shud or shud TOP them or CLONE them? check out if my link if u'd like bro its in my sig.. HAPPY GROWING

Good day there, and thankz, i try :eyesmoke: ,
and to answere your questions,
I use KLN rooting consentrate mixed weak for clone pre soak,
1 teaspoon of Growzyme in 30L water in my cloner mix,
i'm using G.E.T. Lets Grow A&B for my Moms,
and Holland's Secret 3 part for the Flower Aero systems.....

As for your cloning questions,
Yes you can clone them,
i've cloned off 2 week flower ladies before with no problems,
but it is eacier to use lower branch's as the donar's cause they have the leaste amount of bud growth started.

Hope that helps man....... bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
wow man, you and Aero were meant to be lol great work brotha!

Well thank ya sir, i really hope i am ment for it!
Got nuff money invested now it better! :twisted:

And good day there to any who looks upon this humble grow of mine....
It's generally eventfull in this thread with my usual screw ups,
Things seem to be going my way!
So here be some very healthy and Sexy lookin ladies for ya to focas those eye's on! :blsmoke:

So here ya be, these pics are from 2 days ago, i'll get fresh ones up tonight after lights on.... :mrgreen:

Here be my Mom's.... frigin sexy moma's!

Now to the flower room,
can you ever see a difference between the oldest plants that were subject to heat probs,
they stretched and are tall,
now with the heat under control the new batch's are staying short!

Week 1

Week 4

Week 7

And i gotta show this bud, it's got some red coloured hairs on the 4 week old batch,
only a few buds with it too,
they are totally healthy, there res mix is perfect, and the hairs even change white again,
just thought it looks cool....
oh ya, it's the Hiawiana Sweet Skunk.......

........................................ bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
How do again all..... :eyesmoke:

Here be some pics of my sexy ladie's this fine evnin! :eyesmoke:

Them there moms look soo good, gonna be taking a new clone batch off 2 tomorow, Chemo this round...... :mrgreen:

And here be the sexy flower ladies, they look sooooo sexy in there different maturities! bongsmilie

Week 1

Week 4

Week 7

................................................. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Good day all, howz it going.....

Well, i'm at it again!
Nuther batch of clones in the cloner! :eyesmoke:

The oldest flower batch almost ready so i gotta get the next batch going!
Here's the bud's.... i'll get more pics tonight.... :eyesmoke:

And here's the next batch, Chemo this round...... :mrgreen:

And here be the sexy Mothers, 2 plants get cloned each batch and barly dent them! bongsmilie

....................................... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
How ya doing now all, here be some flower room update pics for ya....

Gremlin Week 2 :mrgreen:

Hiawian Sweet Skunk Week 4 :eyesmoke:

Romulan/ssh Week 7 bongsmilie

........................................... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Good day all, howz it going...

Here be some updates for ya, allz good in epixbud land! :bigjoint:

so here be my sexy mom's, they looking good... :-P

And here be the new clones, no roots yet, but looking healthy! :leaf:

And now the flower room, sexy sexy sexy!

Gremlin Week 2 :leaf:

HSS Week 4 :leaf:

Romulan/SSH Week 7 :-P

........................................................... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Good day there all, here be some grow updates for ya!

Here be them Sexy Mom's, man they look good!

The clones still havent rooted,
but i exspected that! I stressed them!
i frigin forgot to turn the pump back on one night a few days ago,
they were waterless for 6 hours!
After turning the pump back on they came back! only a few leaves dead!
Fuk i love How Reselient MJ is!

And here be my Sexy Flowerin Lady's!

Gremlin Week 2 :mrgreen:

HSS Week 4 :mrgreen:

Romulan/SSH Week 7, starting to get red hairs.... :eyesmoke:

.............................................. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Good day all, here be some updates for ya.....

Went in and topped some of the older Mom's today, they lookin soo healthy! :eyesmoke:

Well, the new clone batch got Roots! all except 4 so far, 8 days not bad even with my pump off for 6 hours fuk up! :mrgreen:

And on into the flower room, oh how wonderfulyy they look!

Gremlin Week 3 :joint:

HSS Week 5 :mrgreen:

I changed out the Romulan/SSH Week 8 flower batch Rez with straight water today, time to start washing!
And fuk do they ever look good! :eyesmoke:

....................................... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Good day there all, how the hellz it going?

Here be some updates of my grow,
I cropped the tops off the Romulans/HSS last night,
nice and big and frigin sticky!
I'll crop the rest in a few days, then it's Chemo in that table....

So, here be the Mom's room, lmao, getting big on me again!
Gonna figure out what strain i'm gonna clone next and Top the other moms.. :weed:

And here be the clones, 2 weeks old, they are totally ready to go into 12h! :-P

Now into the flower room....

Gremlin Week 3 :leaf:

HSS Week 6 :-P

Romulan/SSH end of Week 8, Tops cropped already :weed:

I love bending the tops, look how it makes buds grow everyware!

..................................... :weed:


Well-Known Member
Good day all, how be this fine day...

So here be some updated pics from last night....
Gonna be cleanin out the finished flower table today and restocking it, then i'm gonna restock the cloner too.... so there will be more pics later..

So here be my Sexy mom's, they luv those T5's...... ;-)

And here be the Chemo clone batch,
man they just wanna be put into 12h, very happy roots.. :lol:

And here be there home, when i get it cleaned that is....

And now onto the flowering batch's....

Gremlin Week 4 :lol:

HSS week 6 bongsmilie

.................................................. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Good day all, how ya be?......

So, outa my last finished batch,
wich wuz the last one to come thro my heat problems,
dryed and cured i got 15oz's outa 24 plants....
I gonna make those numbers get higher for sure,
now that temps are under control...

So here be the Grow updates for ya...
Just took a fresh batch of clones yesterday, AK47xSSH this time,
i had the most luck with it in soil so looking forward to what it does in Aero!

So, here they be......

here's the sexy Mothers,
34 clones off that 1 plant and it still could give more! :leaf:

Here's the fresh clones! :-P

Into the flower room we go!

Day 2..... Chemo.......... :-P

End of Week 4 Gremlin......... :-P

Week 7 HSS........ :weed:
