AK-47 progress!

Greetings fellow Earthlings!

This is my first time growing, ever, and I decided to do it indoors! I Just thought I owe it to my plant to get her as much criticism as possible for her health. Please Earthlings be brutally honest but not condescending. The more honest you are, the better off he plant will be in my opinion! I am growing in a room with tin foil. I know it is a horrible idea as I have read but I am still saving up for some Visqueen Plastic Sheets. Using 400W MH light on 18/6. Growing medium is potting soil from my local nursery in a 3 gallon container. I have it in 3 gallons because after 3 months I intend to start budding her fine ass XD. I have 2 fans in there so far, 2 more coming in a couple of days. And a plate of water in front of a fan for humidity.

Temp: 90^F
RH: 43% and growing

Started feeding at 12 days. Only a little fraction of the dosage just to kick start her with Ferti-lome 20-20-20 water soluble solution. Her second feeding is Monday the 29th. I will be feeding every Monday and watering every Thursday.

Here is the plant as of day 12:


Thanks a lot JD! I have read a lot of your posts and I am happy that you responded :) I will keep the thread posted with constant updates!
Ok here are today's pics! She is 18 days old and is about 5" tall!

I tried to get as man shots as I could. Few questions!

- The close up pic with the stem: There seems to be some kind of tear in the stem! Looks like some kind of skin membrane peeling off. Is this normal?
- I am seeing a bunch of little white hairs on the leaves. Is this okay for a little "veggling"?
- Is 5" tall for this strain at this age normal? If not should I feed more?
- Does the overall plant look healthy and well colored?

Any other things you might see would be awesome! I want to learn as much as I can before I feed her tomorrow.

- Thanks Earthlings!


banks dank

Active Member
IMO the plant looks pretty large for its age and the only thing odd to me is the yellowish color on the leaves...
Maybe thats not unusual for the strain your growing i dont know...
Good luck man its gonna be a fine smoke when its all over


Well-Known Member
The hairs are generally a good thing. :0)

If I had any concern on your behalf that would be against over-activity.

So often the best thing to do is nothing.

I have some yellowing on some spouts too...and none on others. The difference
in my case was that I used too nutritious of a soil (ran out of light warrior).

I am running a small experiment of sorts, and actually took the risk of transplanting
one into a lighter soil and of giving another a serious flush. Neither seems to have suffered.

I am sure that you are fine. Good luck!

Thanks for the stress-relieving words JD lol! I am just obsessed with this lil green wonder ^_^ That is cool that you transplanted to a foreign medium without stressing her out. As a vegetable and fruit farmer I try to stay away from that, but it would seem Cannabis is most resilient! Because she is so adaptable and resilient, I should decrease my activity lol


Well-Known Member
LOL, it is cool that you grow things for a living.

I am the newbie on that front, but *seriously* landed on the gardening
thing this year (too much "gardening energy" with no outlet ;0) and I now
have everything going at once. Too late of a start, but I am in So Cal
so I have a huge year.

The craziest hopes are the berries. I got Blackberries to germinate. They
are doing well, but I have strawberries, raspberries, and soon alpine strawberries
in soil. The strawberries are also popping, but they are soooo tiny.

I managed to get tiny things to mature when I started herbs earlier. Fark, but
someone should market a chia pet that used Oregano instead.

Take care,


P.S. I posted stuff in the garden a while back...here
Awesome man! Your garden is very inspiring!!!! I just moved to FL so my garden is still a virgin but once I am done it will be a wonder! You garden looks well kept and loved and I will use it to motivate my own, brother! I also have strawberries and blueberries growing. I have a fully grown grapefruit tree and a tangerine/lime hybrid tree. I ripped off the grass in a section of my backyard to that I can lay a ground cover of purple Mother of Thyme. SO HARD TO GET RID OF GRASS ORGANICALLY! I have some broccoli and carrots and celery growing. Also a few pineapple bushes and a little banana tree......and some dying corn :( Anyways will link some pics soon!

Also have a bunch of flower varieties including the famous orchids.

Peruvian Torch Cactus and 6 of them. In about 3 years I will be harvesting their trippy wonders @_@

P.S. I know EXACTLY what you mean about the need to channel the "gardening energy" It gets so overwhelming! lol


Well-Known Member
You have some really neat selections.

Please do post some photos when you can.

We are both able to do some warm lovers.

We do get the rare frost on occasion, but only for
a day or two every 3-5 years. I grow in containers
so the kiwis and other sensitive plants will have to go
in the garage. (and I must watch for upcoming cold)

Take care,

Was just wondering about LST. I know I should be cautious about doing things for the first time but if I made no mistake I would be ignorant. I would try it if I know that the strain can take it. I have read a lot of people say AK is not to be trained, but have no pictures. Very few say it is trainable and do have pictures. I can not tell if what I saw is AK by comparison, I am no where near that experienced. So if anyone knows about this strain's topping/fimming/LST experience, I would be very receptive! :D My plan is to top the plant at four nodes high, then tie down the two new main colas and the two secondary branches. I only wish to top once! Then tie down the new growth from the LST. Let them grow about a foot and a half, then flower. Obviously none of this will be done without more thorough research, but the fourth node is coming by and I want to train as young as possible. Or I may just fashion a huge main cola and LST the main and the branches. What you you guys think?


Well-Known Member
That sounds fine. Have you read the main-lining thread?
That is probably the extreme of training.

Good luck,

Alright! Here is day 22! She is looking beautiful! It really amazes me how fast she grows, everyday I see a difference. I am also happy that she is staying so short but I don't think this will last very long and soon she is going to spike upwards. But for now she looks amazing I think. At the nodes there are tiny little leaves that are sprouting out. Also there are a few pics of my grow area in case you guys see something I am doing wrong. Also I found a very nice bag seed from some chronic! Germinated it and planted it and now it is already on it's second pair of true leaves! AND THE THE UPDATE PICS!!!!!


On thing I have been stuck on is, when performing my first topping for the eventual mainlining, can I use that topped piece of the main stem to clone it? I would not ask if the internet had direct answers lol, but some say it does work and others say it doesn't because it is too old to root. If it does work than I can use that new top clone to create another symmetrical mainlined plant! Any input on this matter will be highly regarded! Thanks Earthlings!
Again I have a small question about misting. Most people say do not mist EVER during flowering which makes obvious sense but alot also say not to mist during veg either! They say that the water droplets magnify the light, thus rendering the leaves, burned. I have been misting frequently every single day though and I just don't know if I should stop or not. It helps with my RH problem and keeps dust from settling in my crappy grow room lol Plus I think with the 90 degree temperature I feel that it helps to mist her so she can cool off the leaf surface. Please help a fellow Earthling out ^_^

NEW UPDATED PICS COMING TOMORROW, FEEDING DAY! Seriously she looks like a miracle! :)