ak-47 400w lamp grow


i am starting ak-47 grow op with the seeds from http://www.seriousseeds.com/ , we are starting off with 5 plants right now with a 400w lamp in a grow tent with 3 fans and a carbon filter and using canna coca soil. i would just like to ask for peoples opinions on how much of a harvest you think we would get.


400w hps at the moment, umm were unsure of how long we are flowering and vegging as of yet but we are open to some advice.


one of my friends suggest to veg for like 6 weeks then 4 weeks flowering and we are thinking about getting a 1000w hps light before flowering starts then swapping the lights so we can get a fatter harvest


Well-Known Member
dude u need to expect to flower longer than that. the average indica is 8-10 and the sativas usually need 9-12 weeks. but honestly they dont need as much veg time as Indicas. So the overall time required for Sativas is about the same as for Indicas if u cut the veg. ak-47 is mostly sativa so u should expect a 9-12w timeline for flowering. as for the veg time that really depends on plant developement as oppose to the amount of time passed. the more experience u have the faster the plants will grow. and dude not to be rude but it doesnt sound like much.if im wrong correct me but if im right thats ok. the better the conditions the faster the girls will develope. in the right conditions a sativa can grow a foot in the half- two feet in 2- 2 1/2 weeks. if u get it wrong they could go a month and only grow 7-8 inches. u should veg until they get around a foot in the half. if u have the space. but keep in mind that they normally stretch 2-3x's there veggative hieght so make sure u have enough space first. if u want u can veg longer to yield more. u can veg it to 3ft or more but a longer veg could add a week or two or even 3 to your flower time. also sativas take up alot of damn space horizontally as well. if veritical space is an issue u should try scrogging to utilize horizontal space but if u do top or fim and do it early. next 1 400w hps is not going to be enough light for 5 sativas. ur going to either need a lot of side lighting or at the very least one more 400w. get another hps if possible. the money u spent on the tent u shouldve spent on another light but hit craigslist.org. i found a 1000w hps and a 400wmh for $200. next as for yeild it depends on how much and how long u fuck up the plant before its ready to harvest. try to hope for 1-2ozs a plant buts people have been known to grow lbs off of sativas. it boils down to experience. but if u dont fuck up the plant too much, get 1 maybe 2 more lights and scrog (if u have the space)


Well-Known Member
1g per watt is possible. it just boils down to experience. great growers get 1g per watt. good growers get .5-.75g per watt and new growers average .25g per watt (if the plants survive) and genetics


alright then ill take your advice for vegging and flowering, and we are going to buy a 1000w hps, but on the second harvest we want to try get a 1000w swappable ballast for hps and mh then swap from hps for vegging then mh for flowering.


Well-Known Member
honestly, this is just a personal prefrence, if i were u i would get 2 600ws instead of 1 1000w. one central source of lighting has to be held higher to cover the same area as two medium lights would. if u got 2 600w hps u could drop the lights closer to the plants, that would make them grow faster and u would need less side lighting than u would with just 1 1000w. 600 watt lights closer to plants will provide more lumens than 1000 watt lights further away from plants.... and dont buy the 1000w switchable ballast either. if i were u i would buy either 2 400wmh, 2 600wmh, or 1 400wmh & 1 600wmh, (what ever your budget allows but it shouldnt be more than what u were planning to spend any way). mh hid lighting makes the plants grow sturdier so a lot of growers use them for VEGGING not flowering. hps makes the plants grow taller and allows better bud developement. they also produce more lumens per watts than mh, thats y if u had to choose between the two u should go with the hps, but the stalks are thinner so the idea is to use the mh for vegging to get a sturdy/ thicker bottom and a hps for good bud developement. but u can actually use both at the same time and get better results than using either independently. just make sure the foot print of the mh over laps a little with the foot print s of the hps. every where the mh and hps the plants will be bigger and better than the one's receiving only one spectrum of lighting. just use more hps than mh . and like i said before u should try to find those lights used and dont buy digital ballast. the mass majority of the bulbs on the market are designed for magnetic ballast. if u use a normal bulb in a digital ballast it would work, but there have been A LOT of reports that digital ballast burn out bulbs 3x's quicker than magnetic ones. currently there is only one bulb maker on the market ( whom's name i cant recall) that has solved the problem but i think they are expensive if i remember correct and its not really worth it.... one more thing u need to think about is electric usage. using alot of electricty for your set up can over load you circuits i think u r only suppose to use 1400w continuously ( for more than 3 hours at a time) some houses are wired to handle more but i would go with the lesser if i were u. if u need more juice use a different circuit. find your breaker switches they should have labels telling u were each circuit leads to and just plug up the extra where ever the cicuit leads to