airport MJ scanners


Well-Known Member
Yeah im with guy on this one. Besides why would they employ mj detectors when there are much more serious things to "look" for. Such as the recent story of a tsa worker letting slip by a fully loaded gun?


Active Member
I doubt they would seriously spend all that money on mj detectors.. they should prolly spend it on training there raggedy ass staff for checkin peoples shit instead of usin it for hunks of metal


New Member
RT is covering all the global riots around the world from Spain to Ireland to South Africa

Which other news sources are covering this?

How is RT or AJ uncredible?


Well-Known Member
It's more propaganda and opinion than fact. Kinda like Fox News but worse.

the pictures of those things look like computers from twenty years ago


Well-Known Member
Americans can be so fucking paranoid...but I guess it's understandable when the government blatantly lies on a continual basis.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
LOL@ the ads, I'm surprised they didn't have tin foil hats for sale. Oh, and make sure you get the 37 things you need to survive the coming US crisis...... But ZOMG! leik hurries cause they is gonna vanish from the storeseses!

I kept expecting to see "Bat boy found in cave" as a top story.