Airduster worth it??

You can't just do any variety of that stuff. We usually did Fellows brand and no one ever got chest pains or got hurt (keep in mind this was 5-7 yrs ago).

Its like a 10 second high for killing a gigantic amount of brain cells. The high even gets boring after a while. It'll make your voice low and essentially give you a dizzy feeling. It won't make people be crazy (they're already crazy if this air makes then lose it). Don't do it while you're driving...its a gas you're huffin and it will make you pass out if you inhale too much over and over.

I also don't think hurting chests are cured by smokin' anything, but then again I knew a kid who'd cough until you gave him a menthol. :?

In short, just smoke cheeba instead of A. wasting money on "duster" or B. taking the chance of getting caught because you stole duster C. being like "zomg will this get me high?" INHAAAALE and then being in a place you don't want to be (for 10 seconds)

True I truly am a dumb ass ... Wtf was I thinking NOT WORTH IT bad taste an everything you can think that is shitty
Well at least now I know for sure that it is bad and Iwill never do it again
think on the bright side of things
True I truly am a dumb ass ... Wtf was I thinking NOT WORTH IT bad taste an everything you can think that is shitty
Well at least now I know for sure that it is bad and Iwill never do it again
think on the bright side of things
You're lucky to be alive. I guess that's a bright side. If you like huffing things so much then go get whipped cream, at least you won't die from that stuff. You lose a TON of brain cells but it's better than seeing you try shit like airdusters.
They actually add a bitterant to it now. If you try to inhale a large amount it'll make you vomit.

On a side note, I have a cousin who did this on a regular basis who is now dead because of it.
"I also don't think hurting chests are cured by smokin' anything, but then again I knew a kid who'd cough until you gave him a menthol."

That's how I am, and it is terrible. I wake up every morning hacking my lungs up until I get that first Newport.
Here, here.
The kid's an idiot for huffing anything, especially after being told definitively not to. Jesus.

Oh, and Kieah... It's rare, but you can die from "Whip-Its". I know someone who had a brain aneurysm the first time he tried it. In rare circumstances, a bubble forms in your brain, and then... tragedy. Died instantly, with a look on his face not unlike your avatar, to the horror of all of the spaced out idiots around him.

I didn't really know him, but he was a close friend of a good friend of mine. A shame, really. I know many people have no problems with some inhalants, but I don't see how the risk is really worth it. I'm all for experimentation, but I draw the line at abject stupidity. Knowledge, and common sense, is power.

Here, here.
The kid's an idiot for huffing anything, especially after being told definitively not to. Jesus.

Oh, and Kieah... It's rare, but you can die from "Whip-Its". I know someone who had a brain aneurysm the first time he tried it. In rare circumstances, a bubble forms in your brain, and then... tragedy. Died instantly, with a look on his face not unlike your avatar, to the horror of all of the spaced out idiots around him.

I didn't really know him, but he was a close friend of a good friend of mine. A shame, really. I know many people have no problems with some inhalants, but I don't see how the risk is really worth it. I'm all for experimentation, but I draw the line at abject stupidity. Knowledge, and common sense, is power.

Well damn, remind me to say NO to the laughing gas from now on at the dentist.
Virtually unheard of in that context, my friend. They're trained professionals dispensing that shit. ;-) It's not like sucking a canister or balloon. Though I'm sure accidents have happened.

Virtually unheard of in that context, my friend. They're trained professionals dispensing that shit. ;-) It's not like sucking a canister or balloon. Though I'm sure accidents have happened.

it's the same chemical though, and I guess the only real difference is the rate at which it's dispensed. still, that freaks me out lol
Dude ur a fucken dumbass

Your just asking for a heart attack, or dying lack of oxygen and everything uve killed a bunch of blood cells and other shit.

Chest pains go to the fucking hospital now and no im not god damn serious, u dumbass thats CO2 and other subtansces taht displace oxygen, hense why we EXHALE Carbon Dioxide are bodies arent made to take it back if we take to much u go crazy cause its not getting oxygen to ur brain and heart its carbon dioxide well guess what CO2 is just that, so when u took a fucken hit u just injected ur body with a super charge of fucken caron dioxide you dumb mother fucker. ur brain and heart would have been better of doing shrooms and sativa mxed with some of FDD Hijack, u may be a little freaky but u havent almost killed urself (u may do soemthing to tkill urself but thats different )

Dude Airduster is the 20th century dumbass drug that replaced huffing glue and paint in socks.

Dude sometimes bud costs less tahn the paint u huff and shit and ur not killing brain cells and making ur self a DE DE DE

God damn i hate a stupid person, they should have to wear signs that just say IM STUPID. That way you wouldnt rely on them and if you saw them walk in you just wouldnt sell them the product. Im sorry i cant sell you this, Why not?? *points down* OH i forgot!! lol

And what pisses me off more is u asked for our advice about taking 2 hits everyone said no , ull hurt ur body and possibly die sometimes.

and what did u fucken do

took just 1 hit like oh there all wrong, were just a nation of bud buddies and u take a hit. ur a dumbass im sorry uve pissed me off. Fuck off airdust boy
go join
Dude ur a fucken dumbass

Your just asking for a heart attack, or dying lack of oxygen and everything uve killed a bunch of blood cells and other shit.

Chest pains go to the fucking hospital now and no im not god damn serious, u dumbass thats CO2 and other subtansces taht displace oxygen, hense why we EXHALE Carbon Dioxide are bodies arent made to take it back if we take to much u go crazy cause its not getting oxygen to ur brain and heart its carbon dioxide well guess what CO2 is just that, so when u took a fucken hit u just injected ur body with a super charge of fucken caron dioxide you dumb mother fucker. ur brain and heart would have been better of doing shrooms and sativa mxed with some of FDD Hijack, u may be a little freaky but u havent almost killed urself (u may do soemthing to tkill urself but thats different )

Dude Airduster is the 20th century dumbass drug that replaced huffing glue and paint in socks.

Dude sometimes bud costs less tahn the paint u huff and shit and ur not killing brain cells and making ur self a DE DE DE

God damn i hate a stupid person, they should have to wear signs that just say IM STUPID. That way you wouldnt rely on them and if you saw them walk in you just wouldnt sell them the product. Im sorry i cant sell you this, Why not?? *points down* OH i forgot!! lol

And what pisses me off more is u asked for our advice about taking 2 hits everyone said no , ull hurt ur body and possibly die sometimes.

and what did u fucken do

took just 1 hit like oh there all wrong, were just a nation of bud buddies and u take a hit. ur a dumbass im sorry uve pissed me off. Fuck off airdust boy
go join
...not Co2 Breathing in CO2 hurts like hell but isn't anywhere near as deadly as what he hit. Chill and smoke a bowl dude.I think this thread has gotten you a little overstimulated.
Dude, I've done the airduster thing before. It kills brain cells but so do a lot of other things. What I'm saying is that I've done it a couple times and I'm still alive, I'm not retarded, and I'm not having a heart attack and my blood isn't clotting up. If you want to try it fuckin try it then. It is pretty dumb buzz though and it is pretty low thing to do. But it just makes your ears ring and puts you in a wierd state of mind for like 10 seconds. It's worth it to try it once.
Dude, I've done the airduster thing before. It kills brain cells but so do a lot of other things. What I'm saying is that I've done it a couple times and I'm still alive, I'm not retarded, and I'm not having a heart attack and my blood isn't clotting up. If you want to try it fuckin try it then. It is pretty dumb buzz though and it is pretty low thing to do. But it just makes your ears ring and puts you in a wierd state of mind for like 10 seconds. It's worth it to try it once.
As I've said before.. you'd be sucking in a chemical similar to halon gas, the stuff that they stopped using because it KILLS.
Cigarettes kill too. Actually about a half million each year. Mass other things can cause death aslo. If you try the airduster thing once is not going to kill you. I don't go huffing gas and paint cause I did the airduster bullshit thing. I don't really care, do what you want, I'm just sharing my expirences.
Alright cool. Unfortunately, airdusters have a high rate of death on first time huffers. It is the highest risk huffing agent out there because a couple years ago these companies put a non fatal chemical in their dusters, which kids could huff. Once they were onto this fact they discretely put a highly fatal chemical in there and slapped a "can be fatal if inhaled" sticker on the side.
ive done airduster bout 5 times and honestly its the one of the funnest things ive ever done its like the ultimate dream state and sometimes my vision goes black and i have faint visuals but i always hear video game noises in my head in my opinion you shouldnt do it cause it is very harmful and i wish i would have never have found out what it was like but my friend tricked my into doing it cause i had never heard of it and he said it was just air in a can so just try to stay away from it
Im new around here but let me have a moment of your time...

About six years ago me and a couple friends were driving around, Hungover as hell from the night before. We were just about broke and smoked all our bud the night before so we went up to wal-mart to get some CCCs (DXM, Ill reply to that thread with another story as well, But do note: Its not a good idea).

Anyways, They were all out. (I dont know how it is for the stores around your area, But this was about the time the stores around here required ID to purchase air duster and cough medicines, But before they started putting them behind the counter) Anyways, The driver suggested getting some air duster. Up until this time Id never even heard of huffing air duster, So I figured one time wouldnt hurt. Well, We got a couple cans of it and went on our way to a swimming hole, We got a couple miles from wal mart when we realized we had nothing to swim in, So we went to go back into town. About a quarter mile from the intersection at wal-mart the driver passes out, Hunches forward with all of his weight on his leg (Which is still on the gas) and we are off. We were already going about 95 at this time, and with all his weight on the gas we just accelerated even more. We are in a pretty vegetative state so for the first couple seconds we thought we was just messing around. Once we realized he wasnt we freaked out, Screaming. For some reason none of us pulled the e-break yet. So here we are, Flying towards a red light going about 140. None of us can remember who pulled it but about 20 feet from the intersection someone pulled the e-break, Not really slowing us down. We just slid, and slid, With the tires locked up. Bam, Right into a band new avalanche! A little nissan sentra into a truck that had put its emergency break on when it saw us coming. We pushed it back about 30 feet hitting another car, which in return pushed hit another car.

Everyone survived the accident, But let me tell you that one time Can be deadly. I shattered both of my legs and the right side of my face (I actually shattered the window out with my face, Not sure what else it hit).

The person beside me broke portions of both eye sockets, shattered his nose, and broke his wrist. The person in the passengers seat (He was in front of me) broke his back (A clear break tho, It did heal and he isnt paralyzed). The driver bruised his heart, Cracked a vertebrae in his neck, And parts of the dash/engine did a good deal of damage to his knee.

All of us were in the hospital for several months, But we are all fine now (except some pains here and there). Still good friends, actually.

Let this be a lesson to some of you thinking of trying some things like this, Just simply stay away from it.