Air Pump Question

Elmur Fudd OG

New Member
Whats up RIU,
can someone please clear up a question that i've been researching for but have been getting mixed answers?

Im doing a DWC with eight 3.5 gallon buckets

The pump I want to purchase is this commercial pump 60Watt, 70 lpm

My question is will this pump be efficient enough for the set up that I want? It is a heavy duty commercial pump so I don't see how it couldn't

Ive seen people say you want the wattage to match your gallon volume at the minimum, for example if I have a 28 gallon setup I would need at least a 28 watt pump.

Other people say that you want the liter volume of your setup to match the lpm's that the pump puts out, for example if my setup is 106 liters I would need a pump that puts out at least 106 lpm.

Which one of these is correct?
Someone HELP PLEASE!!!

thanks for the replies


Well-Known Member
All of that is retarded bro. Its simple science depending on if u r doing a pure recirc system or your going to have airpumps in each bucket or one reservoir and recirc. h20. All your trying to do basically in a recirc system is keep the h2o moving through each bucket this pulls oxygen into the water via vacuum and also helps to keep the nutrient ppm and ph levels stable. If you are running 8-3.5 gal buckets that's 28 gallons of solution inside the system add a 5 gallon buffer to that which equals 33. I'd size my pump to recycle the system 2x's per hour so a 60g/hour pump should be sufficient. you can use a cheap pond pump from lowe's or home depot for that and be no worse for wear dude. Now to oxygenate the water I would go with a 60-90 gal air pump with stones in the main res. Their are ways you can get even more complex and efficient with oxygenating the actual buckets timed to come on when the lights come on and other things. Depends on how funky you wanna get with it. Good luck. BTW I've tried them all and normal DWC without all the bells and whistles will get you a good crop without the excess bullshit.

Elmur Fudd OG

New Member
Thanks for the reply man!

I was looking at some pretty cool recirc systems last night that people built themselves. Im not sure if I want to go all that heavy for this first grow as I am new to indoor growing. Can't I just create a simple DWC system with the the air pump on 24/7 pumping oxygen to each separate bucket (via airstone) and change out the solution every 4-7 days?

I just wanted to keep it more simple with the air pump only and was wondering if that commercial pump from my initial post would be good enough?

thanks again for comments:blsmoke: