Air flow.


Well-Known Member
I have a grow room thats 4squred feet.

1 deep, 2 tall and 2 wide.

question is, beyond my light trap exhaust and intake, should i have a fan in the room as well blowing across the ladies to give them sexier legs? or will the thicker stems detract from leaf or bud development?


New Member
I would say it is a good idea to have a fan in there just for air circulation, stale air is no good for your ladies. Although you'll need a small fan for a space that small, because you don't want it to be like a hurricane in there. Maybe a small 12v computer fan wired to a 5v adapter would create a gentle enough breeze for your small space.


Well-Known Member
I would say it is a good idea to have a fan in there just for air circulation, stale air is no good for your ladies. Although you'll need a small fan for a space that small, because you don't want it to be like a hurricane in there. Maybe a small 12v computer fan wired to a 5v adapter would create a gentle enough breeze for your small space.
yeah, ok, thanks.
you think i should blow it across the tops or around the middle of the growspace in general?

I have a fan here that is actually just a 5v fan which would work fine


Well-Known Member
If this is where you plan on finishing the plant, I don't think you'll have to worry about it falling over due to weak stems. Your exhaust, whatever it may be, should be adequate.


New Member
I would defer to what TheConstantGardener suggests, actually. If it is free, you can try it to see if it helps, but overall simpler is better.


Well-Known Member
Nice thanks.
I wired up the fan and all, but i think ill keep it off.
Theres a "vortex" affect in there with the intake and exhaust already so not too worried about
stale air, Fate as it seems though, created like an "eye" where air doesnt move right in the middle of the cab
where the plants are... lol


Well-Known Member
My flowering cabinet has the same floor space but it's 3 feet tall. I run two 12v PC fans (powered on full 12v) 24/7 over my air intake, blowing across the stems and up into the canopy. Without the fans the girls don't grow quite so quick and they stretch a lot more.

After this harvest I plan to wire up a couple more, so I'll have a pair below the canopy to take care of the stems/leaves and a pair above to keep the buds cool and dry.


Active Member
Do the leaves wigggle just a lil bit? Thats really all you need when haveing a room that small and it being under a neg. pressure. You should be fine. Good Luck, SS


Well-Known Member
AHHH ok, so as long as the ruffage is moving, its all good.
Sounds good. Thanks for all the help guys