Air filters/puifiers?


Well-Known Member
Make your own air purifier

When I wrote about how to get rid of dust mites, many of you commented, adding important tips. One of the most popular suggestions was from people who were using - and having great success with - air purifiers. A poor quality air purifier will leave you in no better shape than when you started and will only take up space (if it doesn't get thrown out the window out of frustration). A good quality purifier is going to cost you a hefty bill. Luckily, your choices aren't limited to choking down a few hundred dollars, or choking on dust mites. You can build your own air purifier and breathe easy.
After the break I'll share the materials and assembly for this DIY air purifier.

What you'll need
  1. PVC water pipe
  2. Replacement window screen
  3. Cardboard box
  4. HEPA filter
  5. small fan
What to do
  1. Drill a small hole in the wall of the box
  2. Put the water pipe in the hole. Run it all the way through the wall
  3. Place your filter material on the outside of the pipe. This will keep out insects, pollen, and other particulates.
  4. Place your HEPA filter inside the cardboard box and mount the box on the pipe
  5. Mount the fan inside the box. You'll need to cut a hole in the box to do this.
This isn't going to compare to the medical grade air purifiers, but it will do the trick if you're looking to save some money and try out a new project. For an aromatherapy affect, try using a cloth with essential oil drops or even a dryer sheet in place of the screen