Air cooler, Temps to High


So yea ive been having temp issuess since plugging in my 400 watt. The thermometer says that's its 90 in the canopy zone but i don't feel that at all. I built the air cooler out of a P.O.S mini fridge, it was $20 on CL. Its not doing the job. The water doesn't get below 80 without ice cubes, but when i chill the water it chills my grow room. I ran 1/2 inch copper but gonna change that to 3/8ths and add ten feet. If I run a mix of antifreeze and water and get that down to about 10 or so degrees, I think that i will get about a 15-20 degree drop that I need when the lights on. Ill put the pump on a timer and have it just run when my light is on. I know that this will work when i get it tweaked the way i need. If I dont get at least a little rep for this I dont know what will lol Burn it down :blsmoke:



Sorry I cant put pics of fridge and pump set up, people see it all the time and have no idea what its doing. I just feel better safe then sry.


Well-Known Member
That is fucking innovative! I've never thought of doing something like that before. I think a lot of people on here could benefit from cooling their rooms this way instead of ducting air in or setting up a portable AC unit. I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes once you get it all tweaked, sub'd.


Thanks bud, Also the check out how much I paid
Copper-$30 prob take the 1/2" back and switch with 3/8" $10 more max
Fridge-$20 but shitty, need a better one prob another $40. Should have gotten good one from jump

= Less the $100


It works, Im very happy with it so far. I FILLED the water bucket with ice and within 30 mins I had a 10-15 degree drop. like i said earlier a few more tweaks and ill be there. Right now I do hae a bit of condensation dripping but i directed it to my pan under my plants and done. Im at 30% rh norm so i can use the extra humidity in the room.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Why not a simple Inline fan..
Doesn't make 1 bit of sense.

Simple... not all that messy ducting... no damn fridge(wth?)..
I don't know man... I can get a kick ass inline for less than $100 as well and it sure would cool a 400 Watt..
Nigger Rig to the max!


Why not a simple Inline fan..
Doesn't make 1 bit of sense.

Simple... not all that messy ducting... no damn fridge(wth?)..
I don't know man... I can get a kick ass inline for less than $100 as well and it sure would cool a 400 Watt..
Nigger Rig to the max!
P4140094.jpgP4140095.jpg like that one?