Air cooled hood, Vortex & Carbon Filter set up HELP!! URGENT! Pics included.

William Shatter

Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals, i got this new/used gear today, need help putting it together with my set up..
basically just tell me what to connect where and if i need to drill any new holes in the wall.

my basic idea was put a hole in the wall to a fresh air source, have a fan pumping cool air into the hood, then connect this vortex and carbon filter on the other end.. thing is, I have a vent in the ceiling of my room and theres no opening on the end of the carbon filter so i guess my question is will the air still circulate out the room or will the fresh air coming into the hood cool the room enuff that i dont need to worry about circulating that hot air out of the room?

heres some pics, first of what is going on now (and that is currently being taken down) and then the new stuff to go in... I have to have light back on tomorrow morning so im hoping to get this done tonight.. please help!!! thanks in advance..

old set up - room within a room, ghetto lights, cfl and an old hps street light lol, some shitty fans to circulate, and a bathroom exhaust fan to suck cold air in at the bottom.. thats basically what your seein in the pics here..
IMG_2420.JPG IMG_2421.JPG IMG_2422.JPG IMG_2423.JPG IMG_2433.JPG IMG_2440.JPG IMG_2441.JPG

heres the new gear..
IMG_2418.JPG IMG_2442.JPG IMG_2443.JPG

now picture the old lights and fans gone and how to I go about setting this up!

Thanks and much love!
my thinking is that i need a hole in one of these walls to draw in fresh cool air, a fan from there into the reflector hood to cool the light, and then another fan on the side of the hood vented out into the ceiling... im not sure where i could put this carbon filter in the mix of all that, especially since theres no air flow at the end of the CF. and from what i understand a cf is supposed to nuetralize the smell. so keeping it inside the room seems like a mute point.. would this work - hole in the wall - fan - reflector hood - venting to ceiling - carbon filter in the attic to vent smell? long story short i dont think i need the cf, smell isnt an issue and i already have an air filtraton system.. help me guys!!!
If it was me id run carbon filter>fan>hood>out of room then another fan as intake. Keep filter and fan at top of room to filter and exhaust hot air and fan at bottom for cool air intake. I'm new myself but done alot of research and just put ac hood for my 400w in mine dont have filter but setup is basically the same. Helps alot
Thanks for the input mang I actually have it set up exactly like that. I don't really use the intake fan cuz my room stays cool enuff right now and for the most part it just blows dust all over the place cuz I don't have a filter for it at the moment and never bothered since temps weren't a prob. I just keep my door open for the most part. Draws enuff cool air in