Air conditioning and the tropics


hey peps i live in the caribbean and would like to grow indoors.will i still need to have an intake fan as well as an a/c?and the other question is down here we have a dry season and a wet season.will it be possible to grow marijuana out doors in 3 months or even indoor in 3 months???////...any advise will be welcomred.


Well-Known Member
umm.. your air conditioner is pushing air into your room? or is it in your room just cooling the air that's there?

If you are already pushing cooler air in, that's your intake.. if it's just in your room.. do you have an exhaust fan? If you do,you are likely fine as the negative air pressure will pull air in as well.
You can grow pot from seed in 3 months no problem. If you veg for 4 weeks and flower for 8-9(depending on strain.. I know some that go longer, but generally speaking flowering is only 2 months).. you can also go 12/12 from seed and have your weed done sooner, but if you're going to the effort, may as well veg for the month at least.

I don't know what your wet/dry season question is... if you can growing indoors, does that matter?


hey bro hav 1 plant in a 4x3.8x8 a bathroom to be exact.hav 1 400w hps,1 6inch 240cfm duct fan,1 small toilet exhaust fan and a normal oscilating standing it is my temp is around 86 deg. and 68%.i know now that this is not good and need a a/c.was going to put the a/c in the bathroom wall and wanted to know if i still had to use the exhaust fan?

and the nex q is that i liv near to JAMACIA and our wet season begins NOV-APRIL and the early part of the year the sun comes up earlier and goes down later. and seeing we control the 12/12 indoors,was just wondering if there r any strains that would be able to do dat outdoors.and where i live not everyone can afford to grow d ERBS indoors.thank COWELL,anymore advise is most welcomed.


Active Member
hey bro hav 1 plant in a 4x3.8x8 a bathroom to be exact.hav 1 400w hps,1 6inch 240cfm duct fan,1 small toilet exhaust fan and a normal oscilating standing it is my temp is around 86 deg. and 68%.i know now that this is not good and need a a/c.was going to put the a/c in the bathroom wall and wanted to know if i still had to use the exhaust fan?

and the nex q is that i liv near to JAMACIA and our wet season begins NOV-APRIL and the early part of the year the sun comes up earlier and goes down later. and seeing we control the 12/12 indoors,was just wondering if there r any strains that would be able to do dat outdoors.and where i live not everyone can afford to grow d ERBS indoors.thank COWELL,anymore advise is most welcomed.
You might be able to do auto-flowers outside - they don't depend on the light cycles to move into the flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
if you are pushing new air into your bathroom with the air conditioner, you could likely just run your bathroom vent fan and the positive pressure would push the old air out through all the cracks in your room and the fan would help air exchange too. I always suggest running an exhaust fan to build up negative pressure... but you can do it the way your talking about too. Is it against the law to grow in Jamaica? Or is it pretty relaxed about that there? (just curious)

Check out auto-flowering strains. They will bud according to time, not lighting schedules.

I grow indoors, I don't know much about outdoor growing.. but I'll help if I can.


thanks bro.yes it is illegal to grow in JAMACIA,ST VINCENT,ST LUCIA,TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO AND THE REST OF THE CARIBBEAN.LOL but we want the herbs man.hahaah.these strains will produce high potency and yeild?and any seed bank will hav them.and by the way ,i'm taking notes. keep it coming....


Well-Known Member
LOL..ok.. I just wondered how relaxed the cops were about it... rasta guys and all ;)

check out attitude seed bank

and for auto flowering I just did a search for it on their site and came up with a bunch...

They have a great selection and they ship really well (I advise go for stealth option when ordering)... I'm sure you'll read others that like attitude seeds too.

and yes the auto flowering plants are still great quality from all I've heard.. you just can't clone them.