air conditioner inside grow room?


Well-Known Member
My grow room is pretty humid now and i havent started my grow yet. I want to stick a air conditioner in there to keep my air cool but do i still need an intake bringing cool air and an exhaust to remove the air inside the grow room?

I want to use a co2 system so would it be better to just leave the co2 system with the A/C unit and forget about the In/Out air?


Well-Known Member
My grow room is pretty humid now and i havent started my grow yet. I want to stick a air conditioner in there to keep my air cool but do i still need an intake bringing cool air and an exhaust to remove the air inside the grow room?

I want to use a co2 system so would it be better to just leave the co2 system with the A/C unit and forget about the In/Out air?

I've kind of had a similar question for quite some time now. I want to know if I need some major ventilation if CO2 is being released into the grow area.


stays relevant.
You WANT air movement and fresh air. You do not have to run a cooling reflector if you don't want to. You should always have air being able to flow freely around your plants though.


Well-Known Member
so wouldnt that take out all my co2? what if i set a timer for the intake/exhaust fans to go off every 15 minutes and the co2 to go off during the time that they are off. would this be wasting co2?


Well-Known Member
if u exhaust ull lose the co2. thats why window units are good cause it brings in fresh air and doesnt exhaust air


Well-Known Member
if you install a window unit in your grow room you want to make sure there is plenty of space around the intakes to allow for, well, plenty of intake... you will also need to somehow build an exhaust box or something around the back of the ac, so the exhaust is enclosed, and exhaust it outside or into another room... if you have a grow tent in a bedroom do not exhaust the ac into that bedroom because the heat will just get brought in passively.. you want to exhaust it outside of the grow area completely...


Well-Known Member
You want to intake from outside, and exhaust to outside if you're going to run CO2.
That would defeat the purpose of running co2. Also co2 is used in sealed rooms. But if u have intake and exhaust, it wouldn't be a sealed room anymore would it. Don't listen to the quoted post. Sounds like a clueless person giving advice


Well-Known Member
You cannot bring in fresh air without exhausting the air in there already. Common sense seems most don't have