Aight yall read and help me lol


Active Member
ight look, i dont know how 2 grow weed, no i dont have the time 2 learn, i need a large amount of bud ina lil bit of time lol, dont us all

ight tho check me out

im poor yall , i dnt have the money or equipment to grow that good hsit yall got u know, but i do got some babi dro seeds,

ight i set a pot up in my closet,

i gotta regular 80 watt lightbulb about 8 inches away from my plant.

when i started this plant, i started with 50 seeds lol , planted it in one hole, and 3 dayz later all the plants were sprouted , so i took all the plants that i didnt like and threw em away k, now i got 1 plant left in my closet, and its on the second part of the leaves u know, when ur shit grows and u get the second row of leavez??? i hope somebodi knows what im talkin bout lol, but all i want to know is, u think my shit will keep growin

considering the circumstances?

i mean its still growin, all i do is water it daily, and have the light on all day untill i get home , about 2 or 3 in the morn, then cut the ligght off untill i wake up and then turn it back on.

haha i know i got alot of critisim comin up, you guys are like pro'z at growin green , and im just tryin 2 learn lol.



Well-Known Member
you dont have enough light, you are watering too muchm you need to have a set light schedule..... i just don't think you even got the basics going for you. do you have soil? pr did you dig up some dirt from the backyard? your gunna have to put some money into it to get anything worthwhile out of it. I don't want to critisize too much, but i dont know man, this seems like a shot in the dark to me..... do a little research.


Well-Known Member
and you will never get a large amount of weed out of one plant, at least not with what you got.... check out fdd's plants, that guy gets alot out of 1 plant, but i dont know anyone else that gets as much as he does per plant.


Well-Known Member
youre best bet is probably to transplant it to your backyard (depending on your climate) as now is the perfect time now that its spring...otherwise you are going to need a lot more light and need to spend some money on nutrients(depending on what you put it in). I hope by "regular" lightbulb you dont mean an incandescent. Go get a few CFLs, maybe transplant it to some good potting soil, and get some could do all that for less than 100 bucks easy. To be honest though, youd probably fuck it up anyway on way or another as its your first grow and youve obviously done no research whatsoever. Do some research and save up some money.


Active Member
yuh i been 2 school.,

i mean my shit is pretti green and gittin big? i live in chicago, so would right now be the best time 2 transplant into my backyard?? and yeah i got my plant in some good soil from menards lol, i mean i dont no shit bout growin but ima learn and ima get it downpact,

so just bring it outside? or shuld i wait , cz its still kinda cold were i live at,


Well-Known Member
no, it's still a lil cold in chicago.... give it 2 weeks, but that is by far your best option.

edit: i live close enough to know it's too cold right now ) at night at least, especially with how young it is.


Well-Known Member
ight look, i dont know how 2 grow weed, no i dont have the time 2 learn, i need a large amount of bud ina lil bit of time lol, dont us all

ight tho check me out

im poor yall , i dnt have the money or equipment to grow that good hsit yall got u know, but i do got some babi dro seeds,

ight i set a pot up in my closet,

i gotta regular 80 watt lightbulb about 8 inches away from my plant.

when i started this plant, i started with 50 seeds lol , planted it in one hole, and 3 dayz later all the plants were sprouted , so i took all the plants that i didnt like and threw em away k, now i got 1 plant left in my closet, and its on the second part of the leaves u know, when ur shit grows and u get the second row of leavez??? i hope somebodi knows what im talkin bout lol, but all i want to know is, u think my shit will keep growin

considering the circumstances?

i mean its still growin, all i do is water it daily, and have the light on all day untill i get home , about 2 or 3 in the morn, then cut the ligght off untill i wake up and then turn it back on.

haha i know i got alot of critisim comin up, you guys are like pro'z at growin green , and im just tryin 2 learn lol.


Your fdd joking around again. Right?


Well-Known Member
WHAT did you type? part of that didn't make any since try using more real words it might help. thank you.

oh and it sounds like you need more lights.


Well-Known Member
This has gotta be a joke. If it aint den I be's feelin bad fose yuh! Ive said it before and I'll say it again: 5th grade grammar class will help you more than we ever will.


Well-Known Member
wow man You make me want to remove my own eyes with a rusty spoon.

Don't worry, if it all doesn't work out, you can always just marry your cousin like your parents did