I'm not sure what you're getting at. Care to elaborate?Good point, is religion just as destructive when viewed in a one on one relationship type of setup?
It's a matter of perspective I suppose. You feel raped because you disagree with aid to Israel. I do not agree, but I respect your view.Someone famous once said: I believe it was Descartes;
"When it is not in our power to determine what it true, we ought to follow what is most probable"I feel it probable that Israel is raping our tax system. Can anyone prove me wrong???
Come on, people are corrupt with or without institutions. I still say that religion is a convenient scapegoat, whipping boy if you will. We are what we are, and we're still corrupt with or without religion.Religion has become an institution. Institutions always become corrupt. America is the renaissance.
I think i tried to make that sound wiser than it was.I'm not sure what you're getting at. Care to elaborate?
The rebuttal to those is that religion is a concept, a belief. A belief or concept is nothing more than an idea, and ideas can do nothing without action. An idea cannot take action, it takes a being to take action.I think i tried to make that sound wiser than it was.
Its a rebuttle to those who say religion is entirely destructive. I was pointing out those who consider their religion a one on one relationship with their higher power. no destructive result comes from that
You did not prove me wrong. Just added more to the list. The reason I feel That Israel is abusing our tax system is 1. they are a foriegn country, 2. we gave then F-16s/F-15s/ missles/ nukes,, B1B bombers, and billions in military aid while ignoring hundreds of poor countries with many higher needs like food etc. Could it have something to do with the fact that Jews run our country and the world, naw, i didn't think so,~LOL~.Justifying Israeli foriegn aid is tantamount to complete insanity, of course, unless you are a Jew. Are you a Jew?.........................
A little backwards.. guns don't kill, people do.kinda like guns kill, people dont?
If that were true, and I'm not saying either way, it would fit into your perceived world view that the U.S. is a malevolent force in the world.Here we may have the crux of the HIV problem in a nutshell. Some say (I can't substaniate this) that the CIA is responsible for the creation and distribution of aids, Intended to eliminate billions of sub Saharan Natives. Unfortunately, it got away from them and now hides in dark places accross the world. Oh if the disease would only come home to roost,~LOL~. wiping the CIA from the face of the world may be a good thing. Oh Oh, I've stirred the jingoism up now.
ya thats what i meant. thanks for the correctionA little backwards.. guns don't kill, people do.![]()
Our hands are not clean by any means. But I ask you to weigh those acts against the many good things America has done for the World. Then compare that benevolence to a world dominated by an Islamic Caliphate or Communism.Well, you'd be correct in assuming I think that (about our foriegn policy). How could one look at the whole picture and not assume that. We spread money among dictators accross the globe to allow our corporations to go in and exploit their resources and population and when they disagree with our policies, we have a coup and get rid of the wayward dictator and replace him with one of our choosing. Now, if a prize is big enough and the dictator has great power but no Nukes, we invade (Iraq) and kill hundreds of thousands to secure the prize, Mega oil reserves. But here's my question: How can you stick up for and defend this foriegn policy??? You'd have to be completely brainwashed to believe otherwise. Do you actually believe the USA doesn't brainwash it's citizens from Kindergarten on?
Again with the Nazis, always the Nazis....I am not afraid. I am ready to embrace any people or government that wants genuine peace, be they stinkin commies or islamic fascists. Most of the hatred gernerated towards these mostly peaceful people is manufactured by our right wing think tanks and then passed on to the MSM as factual, keep the people afraid and you keep control, a method perfected by Hitlers Nazis, bring on peace, I'm ready. Thank you Jesus!
I was referring to the response to dissent under Communism or a Worldwide Islamic Caliphate, which I assumed you were writing of when you mentioned your embrace of 'genuine peace, be they stinkin commies or islamic fascists.' Both worlds where dissent was/is met with an oppressive response which is widely documented. It is that notion of 'peace' I reject. I did not 'mislable' you. Once again, you labeled yourself, then pointed fingers.reject your notion of 'peace.' It sounds like OPPRESSION to me. Of course there is 'peace' if you silence, or eliminate, dissenters.
When did I ever say to denounce dissentors. I am probably one of the most active dissenters on this forum. Without dissent there can be no change and I'm all about change in our government. You have mislabled me again kind sir. BTW, how can peace be oppression, sounds like gobblygook to me? Got to go, other mind expanding information is out there. have a nice day.